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Python in Cyber Security

  • Words: 3762

Published: May 31, 2024


There is a dire need for creating complex solutions to the problem of cybercrime. Developers have effortlessly placed themselves on the fore front of for creating solutions backed with programming to help the monitor large businesses networks. This paper is a documentation of the use of python in cyber security. The many solutions that can be used in python have left developers spoilt for choice. There are various programming languages within python that can be used for digital forensics some of which can be created to be used in LANS. Through the use of open-source software, the program is built to run on hardware of lower cost. The program is also meant to run on demand and scan across networks


Cyber experts have experienced the growth of the popularity for python since it was first introduced. Python has become popular and as such making it a programming language which is quite high-level. Python has gained all the popularity owing to its effectiveness and much more number of libraries. The adherence to readability code and simple syntax has also made python to be used globally by users from all walks of life. Python is so effective such that whatever command it receives, it does the task swiftly and with precision. A user may use python to send TCP- packets to machinery, create intrusion prevention measures, and perform an analysis on malware without any assistance from the third party tools. Any cyber expert would be keen and excited to learn more about python and the use of programming skills. Python in essence offers the ability to identify any possible challenges and fix them in time.

The use of python in cyber security is one of the many ways that digital programing has come to gain traction. Many people have come to embrace the role that programming languages have over cyber security. It experts are expected to write scripts and applications. The python language beats all the rest and no other language can match with it in terms of cyber security solutions. Python has earned the admiration of many because it is easy to use and quite flexible and the development needs are quite little compared to other programming languages. This task evaluates the use of python in cyber security and digital forensics.

Background information

Cyber security experts require programming skills to effectively expedite cyber security. The knowledge on programming is essential for analyzing any likelihood of vulnerability. Malicious software can be identified through programing languages along other risks and as such security analysts should be well versed with that kind of knowledge.

An ideal cyber security professional can have knowledge on administration of systems, virtualization software, operating systems and several others. This research is crucial in an attempt to identify how python is used to fight cybercrime as well as the merits it tags along. The research paper contains a brief history on the subject, literature review of the previous research done on the use of python in cyber security, a discussion on the findings and the conclusion.

Literature review

Technology tools and threats are increasingly evolving and if the experts in the cyber security crime sector do not go with the pace then there are chances that they will be deemed ineffective and lacking relevance. There is chance that if experts do not embrace the ever growing technology then with time they will be unable to provide the increasing demand of the organization defense. In a scenario where one would be using an operating system with new features creating interesting artifacts for forensics but sadly they don’t halve the tools for accessing it. Guido Van Rossum between the years 1985 and 1990 invented the python. The design for python has a focus on the ability of allowing programmers to code and write instructions with fewer codes. Python compared to java has a lower case lower than the likes of Java. The automatic memory management system that gives it the permission to support various programing efforts in python is very unique. There are many possible options which can be used for cyber security but nonetheless python is the most preferred.

There are many factors that leave programing being the best for the cyber security task which include easy to learn, wide usage , easy to debug , and is object oriented. Python provides a language library that enables hacker’s testers experts with all the features in a spectrum to create novel programs that are strong and powerful as well as fit for the task. The modules that pythons come with supports web activities like building clients, XML and parsing HTTP. A rapid methodology of application development can be used by web developers needing open source frameworks.

Third party tools comes with some advantages such as extra features like optimized handling of calculations making python a more reliable language for programming and application of data. Cyber experts benefit from the use of python and having deep knowledge about the language can be very instrumental. Coding programs is done with ease by the web experts as the language provides with a rapid and compatible platform for the same. Serious security professions need to be up-to speed with the use of python and the kind of combination used to make the very basis of this python.

With python, one can be either completely lacking in the knowledge about python or very experienced in the field. Whether or not one has knowledge about python, they can easily make programs in the language that make their work is made easier. There is a dire need for creating complex solutions to the problem of cybercrime. The python language beats all the rest and no other language can match with it in terms of cyber security solutions Developers have effortlessly placed themselves on the fore front of for creating solutions backed with programming to help the monitor large businesses networks. Many people have come to embrace the role that programming languages have over cyber security. It experts are expected to write scripts and applications. Python has earned the admiration of many because it is easy to use and quite flexible and the development needs are quite little compared to other programming languages. The use of python in cyber security is one of the many ways that digital programing has come to gain traction.

Organizations in the future need to embrace the use of python in their networks to ensure protection against cybercrime. There is a need for all experts to emphasize on the use of python for cyber security. The programming language has been for so long and its effectiveness has seen python become popular in cybercrime. Experts have experienced the growth of the tool that works without the need for any external interference.


The versatile python language of programming has very many uses and one of them is in cyber security. Python programming language has been used widely on cyber security, digital forensics and penetration testing. There are various aspects and dimension within which python operates such as port scanning, socket programming and geo-location. Domains like mobile app development, cloud computing, web development big data analytics, and network forensics largely depend on the powerful programming language python. For two decades now, users have relied on python and it has been very effective. Python programming also supports other various programming aspects such as functional, object, procedural and imperative oriented.

There are various high performance uses of python in computing applications. Companies like Google, IBM, Microsoft, Red hat and amazon among many others rely on python programming for most of their computing solutions. Python delivers as an open source on implementations and other interfaces for dynamic languages and programs. It is this high reliability of python that has made it such a huge and effective tool for cyber security.

There extensive use of python for cyber security and digital forensics is nothing to be ignored. The base programming in python, basic activities can be performed without intervention from other tools. Simulation of attacks, wireless scanning of networks, access to mail servers, port scanning, website cloning and creating systems for detection and prevention of intrusion are just but the few tasks that python can successfully expedite. Other implementations that relate to security applications and digital fingerprints can also be carried out by use of python.

Network port scanning

Implementation of network port scanning is done using nmap tool alongside python socket programming. The implementation of network port scanning can be done without any interference from a third party. Python incorporates just the use of a few instructions lines to expedite and implement network related forensics. Although there are many other available solutions to solve network related and digital forensics, python is the most effective and fastest.

Geo-location extraction

Python and Google APIS enable real-time locations for any IP address that can be extracted using the pygeoip module. Python in collaboration with Google APIS offers IP addresses that have been scanned thoroughly and with global location and visibility.

Real time social media extraction.

Python scripts enable the extraction of data in real-time from social media. The many modules in python can help interface connections with twitter, whatsaap, LinkedIn and Facebook.

The python programming language is preferred by many users and experts for the following reasons:

Easy to learn- python compared to any other programing language is quite easy to learn about it. The programming language is user friendly and works on minimal or no codes. Code readability for python is improves fat.

Wide usage

The work and roles of python are so diverse and it can be used for very many activities. Python programming language has essentially has a very extensive use and is not limited to little software. Python can also be used to enquire and support web products like Reddit, quora and YouTube.

Object oriented language

The knowledge about python is very beneficial to users who might be well informed of the programing language. Individuals can easily have more understanding about object –oriented languages for instance java. The only thing required for the user to learn and understand is to learn the syntax for the new language.

Open source language

Python is availed to developers at zero or minimal for these reasons, many consumers are very excited about this task making python the most preferred language was developers and company.


The extensive library with rapid application packages and rapid development in python makes it the better alternative for cyber security. Python also benefits from the following few features, modular design with clean syntax code. Better response time, structure, data security which absolutely the best idea. Digital forensic applications and cyber networks have the ability to activate python as one of the best cyber security solution. The programing C language (c++) is the best programming in python.

Experts in the field of cyber security, forensic analysts, penetration testers and incident responders have all experienced one common aspect over the years in the industry; change.

There have been numerous changes in the field such as a change in technologies tools and threats. The theme of change is completely constant in this field and the networks have been experiencing revolutionary change. Python has essentially provided a long lasting solution to the experts who no longer have to stress about how to use it. Python programing language is completely user friendly. The penetration testers and pother experts are able to keep up with the pace of technology change in the field. Experts are enabling through python, to write tools that are custom and automate activities for easy management and response to unique threats.


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