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Programming Languages and their Usage

  • Words: 1219

Published: May 31, 2024


Every organization loves a programmer who is quick enough to write a script at the same time he can also adapt to write complex programs. This paper gives three examples of the programming languages describing how these languages are useful for programmers. This paper also describes some of the key features of each of the languages.

Programming Languages and their Usage

My reasons behind choosing these 3 programming languages are simple and practical. One must use a programming language that is easy to use and quick to learn and I have picked Java, Python and SQL programming languages dependent on their usage and adaptability.


Java is a simple class based object-oriented programming language, it is platform independent. It is used to develop all kinds of applications Android apps, desktop apps and commonly used for server-side programming.

(JVM) is a component software implementation of a physical machine which provide an environment for running java programs. Java was developed with the concept of WORA (write once run anywhere) which runs on a virtual machine.

Java has a Rich API, powerful Development tools such as Eclipse intellij and has a great collection of open source libraries.


Python is top level scripting language as well as object-oriented language. It is simple and easy to learn to a beginner and also to an experienced programmer thus reducing cost of program maintenance. For example, a two-line code is enough to open a file in python where as it requires more code in other languages. Python holds high-level built in data structures which is a combination of dynamic typing and dynamic binding making it extremely attractive for Rapid Development of Application

Python is more reliable since it doesn’t use any pointer unlike other object-oriented programming languages. Also, since there is no complier in Python, debugging is incredibly fast and easy. Thus, when a program is crashed, you can easily find out where to correct the error.

Python can interact with all the databases including SQL databases such as Oracle, MySQL and non-SQL databases like MongoDB and CouchDB which makes it suitable to process unstructured data, BIGDATA and business analytics.

Python is vastly used in technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science as it has got libraries like TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn and others.

Because of its reliable features and since it is open source which can be used for free, many companies like Google, Facebook, DropBox, Quora, Yahoo Maps etc. are opting for Python to run their business.

SQL (Structured Query Language)

SQL is domain-specific language which deals with relational database and performs various operations with data such as delete, update, insert, query etc. SQL can access many records with single command without even specifying how to reach a record. It is the standard language for Relational Database system.

SQL is a declarative programming language which is divided into clauses, queries, expressions, statements etc. It allows the users to define and describe data, create, delete, modify and drop tables.

SQL allows users to access information within the computer database management system. Since it is query language you don’t need to write substantial amount of coding as in programming languages. With the help of SQL, the database can be easily moved from one device to another as it supports PCs, laptops, mainframes, tablets, servers with intranet and internet.

SQL can be used to view the data without storing the data into the object. The SQL DDL includes commands to define views. It allows to line permissions or restrictions views, tables and procedures. SQL provides integrity checking with commands for beginning and ending transactions.

SQL is the standard database language for Relational Database Management Systems such as Oracle, MySql.



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