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Object-Oriented Scripting Language

  • Words: 1293

Published: May 31, 2024


I was overwhelmed in the last five weeks that I have been taken Object-Oriented Scripting Language in Python 3. Maybe because I have never taken any programming before, and Python 3 made me realize that I need to learn and practice some more to be better. Because I know that most companies and larger corporations are hiring Python programmers, according to Mark Summerfield, "Python 3 is a powerful language for web programmers. Version 3 is the best yet." This shows that Python is widely used throughout the industry. It is easier to get support because it is open-source; therefore, it allows us to remain fresh and current with the newest trends. The only question I have for myself is, how long would it take for me to get good at, and what is the best way to approach it? Because there are plenty of resources out there online to claim to be the best or easy learning. But which one?

Why is object-oriented programming a valuable skill?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) helps the programmer sort out the complex code's issues and model and then put them together in an organizational structure way. Furthermore, it allows us to put in composing a flexible, sustainable code.

By using Object-oriented programming (OOP), we would be able to group related variables and functions. That way, we can reduce complexity and eliminate redundant code. We can also hide the details and show only the essentials one. Moreover, we can isolate the impact of changes in the code and reuse that object and do it from parts of a program or in different programs.

What are the benefits and limitations of Python 3?

Python language has been widely used and cross-platform. It has a large community to help each other when one needs an assistant. It is easy to understand programming languages using punctuation for coding and very low syntax construction. The other benefits of Python Languages are it consists of user-friendly, solves complex problems in less time, and fewer lines of code. Because of open-source, it would keep getting better and keep up with new technology like machine learning, data analysis, browser automation, even Artificial Intelligent Robotics.

Furthermore, Python has the support of many libraries, and it helps programmers to do complex projects more easily.

However, some of the limitations are the performance-wise is not smooth because it is interpreted language and is not mobile user friendly. Furthermore, Python 3 will not implement back-end with other Python versions because of the syntax methods compatibility.

Besides programming, what are some other tasks you can perform with Python 3?

As the beginner and I am not good with Python 3 as yet. However, there is code in the Python community library that I can use to do some tasks, such as setup, automatic schedule, or planning. There is a good chance someone out there has already written code and available for me to use it.

How might you use the concepts you learned in this course in your career or personal life?

Once I have gotten comfortable with Python's basics --with the syntax, how to install packages, how to run, and bug check the program. I can share my skill with others. I can help solve real problems that people have, which can make it a very rewarding thing to do and can be a great thing for me to help build up my skills and market myself. Most of all, doing programming work that affects the real world, and working collaboratively with other people, especially helping the community solve real problems, is very rewarding. In what ways would you like to extend or strengthen your knowledge of object- oriented programming or Python 3 in particular?

To be better and strengthen my understanding of object-oriented programming. I need to practice as much as I can with the ideas and objects that will be motivated and inspired me to be willing to write more code. Be able to map the concepts to real-life, day-to-day things that would be improved my practice using to solve real-life problems, and, most importantly, have fun with it.


In the last five weeks, I have learned many things that I can do with Object-Oriented Scripting Language or Python 3. Even though I have never taken any programming class before, I enjoyed writing code. Python is open-source, which means I can learn more and get help from the other users. However, there are some limitations that I can do with Python 3. Some say it has performance issues and run-time errors, and some say it is difficult to write for mobile applications, but that is not my concern. I just need more practice, either at the basic level or to advance one, to help my community solve real work problems --and that's rewarding for me.

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