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Introduction to Python Programming

  • Words: 1602

Published: May 29, 2024

Introduction to Programming

The introduction of this course briefly provided an overview of what the programming course entails and the specific topics to be covered under the various subtopics. At the introduction the concept of programming has been defined to mean the basic concept of designing or creating an executable computer program that is meant to accomplish some specific tasks that involve the use of computerized devices and software. This first module of the course was therefore giving the general overview of what the course deals with and give some rough ideas about the concepts of python and its various components. The various variables and data types and the modular that is used in python. Module one of the course was therefore made up of introductory concepts (Lynch, 2018).

Understanding Variables and Data Types

This second module defined the variables and data types in the computer programming course and application. The variables in programming are simply any form of value that have the ability to change based on the general condition or the general information that have been passed within the program. The changes in these variables have been described to have significant implication to the general information that is contained in the system and the working of the program. The module also provided significant information about the data types and how they work and their importance for any programming process. Data types are simply the general elements that determine the information that can be used to define how a program works in a computer system. They are generally the declaration of the various variables within the computer program. So basically this second module of the course was covering the two dimensions of the working of the program that is the variable and the data types.

Understanding Python Decision Control Structure

Python is a very crucial part of the general computer system and the whole programming concept and this third module of the course defined it and the manner it affects the decision control structure. This part of the course was mainly elaborating the overall programming language and how it functions and the role it plays in the programming. Python in this module is generally outlined to work just like any other programming language. It is known to make use of Boolean logic in the decision control operations. Decision control structures are simply the manner of the order by which the various processes are executed within a program. This module also defined the step by step approach and defined how the programming decisions. The module also explained the various conditional statements in the python like the “while” loop and the “if” loop and how they actually work. The decision making process in a python is basically an anticipation of the various conditions that come up in the execution process (Zuo & Xie, 2015).

Python Repetition

The python repetition concept was the main area of focus in this particular programming course under the fourth module. This section mainly outlined the looping concept and how it actually allows one to run the various operations in the computer program accordingly. The python repetition therefore means the ability of the program to repeat specific instructions within the system for quite a number of times. There are some results that in order to be achieved in a program there has to be repetition in a particular procedure or instruction within a system. Under this module the various types of loop were also defined like the next loop, the do loop and finally the while loop. It has been clearly outlined how they work in the computer program.

Python Functions and Strings

This part of the programing course described the various aspects of the functions that are normally executed by a python in any form of computer programming. The module also described the various sets of the built-in methods that are normally used on the various strings. The module also described the manner one can actually display a string which includes literarily as a print in any programming set or in the other available approaches that have been described in the course. So the module mainly outlined the various built in functions that are normally associated with the pythons (MacLean, Leong & Enos, 2017).

Python Lists, Dictionaries and Classes

The sixth module of the course introduced the concepts of lists, dictionaries and classes which are highly significant to the study and the execution of the various processes within a program. The three concepts that have been introduced in this particular module are closely related and they operate in concurrently. We also learnt that the selection of the one to use in a program depends on the specific process in the program. The module also described the relation that exists between these three concepts in programing.

Python Exception Handling

The seventh module mainly described the various approaches that one can use in handling exceptions in any a python and it focused on the various key words which include the “try” and “except” which are normally used to catch exceptions in programming. Under this module it was also outlined that the clause under the try clause is quite useful in executing statements by statements (Payne, 2019).

Modular Programming in Python

This final part of the course mainly described the concepts of programming in python that involves the use of modules and packages in the discipline. Under this there were lessons on how to build relatively sophisticated programs using the python in the computer program. The topic also introduced the various mechanisms that facilitate modular programming.



  • ​​​​​​​Lynch, S. (2018). Dynamical Systems with Applications Using Python. Birkhäuser.
  • ​​​​​​​Zuo, Z. H., & Xie, Y. M. (2015). A simple and compact python code for complex 3D topology optimization. Advances in Engineering Software, 85, 1-11.
  • ​​​​​​​MacLean, C. A., Leong, H. W., & Enos, J. J. (2017, November). Improving the start-up time of python applications on large scale HPC systems. In HPC Systems Professionals Workshop, HPCSYSPROS 2017 (p. a2). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
  • ​​​​​​​Payne, J. R. (2019). Python Career In Python for teenagers (pp. 297-316). Apress Berkeley, CA.

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