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Cybersecurity Career

  • Words: 1436

Published: May 29, 2024

The field of cybersecurity has many different subfields, and each one is related to the others in some way. Computer science is the study of computers and their functions, as well as the design and development of computer software. It also includes the study of algorithms and data structures used by computers. The field of computer science is closely related to information systems, which is focused on the management, use, and protection of data. Both fields are related to engineering because they require a lot of math and physics knowledge. There are many tools and technologies that are applicable to computer science. A few of the most common ones are: web development, software development, computer programming and software engineering. Information technology is focused on how information is stored and processed by computers. It includes hardware such as servers and storage devices; software solutions for managing data; as well as user interface design for end users.

Information technology also involves systems management such as network security or database management systems. In the field of information technology, the most applicable tools and technologies are those that allow for more efficient and effective use of data. These include databases, analytics, and data visualization tools. Engineering focuses on designing usable products from scratch, from parts that are designed using CAD software or other modeling tools based on industrial design standards like ISO 9000 or ASME standards (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) (Soomro, Shah & Ahmed, 2016). The product might be something physical like a car or an electrical device like an elevator but could also be something abstract like a building design model or a software program. Engineering is based on the scientific method, which emphasizes research and experimentation.

Programming and scripting are both used in the IT field. However, they are not the same thing. A script is a short program that executes and interprets commands from another program. A program is a piece of software and generally contains multiple scripts. An IT professional can use a scripting language for many different purposes. For example, an IT professional may write a script that enables them to automate tasks on their computer such as creating new folders or renaming files (Kruse et al., 2017). They may also use scripting languages to create webpages or other content on websites, which would be decoupled from their actual programming languages. This allows them to create new information without having to learn another programming language or toolkit.

A potential case where an IT professional could use a scripting language would be when they want to create reports on data using spreadsheets instead of using Microsoft Excel as their primary reporting toolset. In this case, they would need to use some sort of scripting language like Python or RMarkdown (or possibly JavaScript), which allows them to write reports in one file then run it through the script interpreter instead of having two separate files for each step in the process (one for the data itself and one for running the report). If you are an IT professional who is interested in learning a new programming language, then Python or RMarkdown would be a good place to start. Both languages have several advantages over other scripting languages like JavaScript (which is more commonly used for web development) and Ruby (which is more commonly used for creating web applications).

A cybersecurity career is a fascinating field that combines the best of both computer science and information systems. It’s a position that requires an in-depth knowledge of how technology works, as well as strong interpersonal skills that allow you to work with others. With the rise of companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon, which have made big strides in cybersecurity as they have become more important to the global economy, there's never been a better time to get involved with this field. The first career option is a cybersecurity analyst. This person would analyze an organization's cybersecurity policy and recommend how best to protect its network (Kruse et al., 2017). This role involves planning and conducting security assessments, researching new technologies to help prevent attacks on networks, performing penetration testing to find vulnerabilities, and implementing new security measures when necessary. Cybersecurity analysts use a variety of tools and technologies to improve their understanding of the cybersecurity landscape, including hardware and software.

Another career option is a security engineer. These people are responsible for creating new software to protect networks against attacks by hackers. They might work in teams with developers who specialize in web applications or mobile apps; as such, they'll need strong programming skills and knowledge of network protocols used by various devices connected to the Internet, such as routers (Kruse et al., 2017). A security engineer would use a wide range of tools and technologies to carry out their job. They would have access to a variety of hardware and software; some examples include routers, switches, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

A third option is a penetration tester, who uses tools such as password crackers and social engineering techniques to break into systems and steal information from them on both sides: attackers and defenders. Penetration testers work closely with security engineers and developers to provide feedback on the effectiveness of their systems, which are then modified accordingly. These people often work for security consulting firms, which help companies improve their defenses against cyber-attacks. They also might work for law enforcement agencies, where they can help track down cybercriminals and identify the source of malware outbreaks. And defenders). A fourth option is a security architect, who designs an organization's network infrastructure architecture. This person might have to ensure that a company's IT systems comply with certain industry standards for security (such as PCI DSS). They'll need deep technical knowledge about how data travels around a network and how it should be secured. And defenders). A person in this role might also be called a security consultant, penetration tester or ethical hacker. The penetration tester is a professional in the field of computer security. They use various tools, including hardware and software, to test the security of a computer system or network.



    • Kruse, C. S., Frederick, B., Jacobson, T., & Monticone, D. K. (2017). Cybersecurity in healthcare: A systematic review of modern threats and trends. Technology and Health Care, 25(1), 1-10.
    • Soomro, Z. A., Shah, M. H., & Ahmed, J. (2016). Information security management needs a more holistic approach: A literature review. International Journal of Information Management, 36(2), 215-225.

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