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Advantages and Principles of OOPS (Object-oriented Programming) in C++

  • Words: 1488

Published: May 29, 2024


Object Oriented Programming or OOP is a software programming concept that is entirely built on ‘objects’. OOP presents the application developer and the customer with different advantages. Object orientation tends to overcome other development-related challenges and superiority of software items. The innovative programming technology delivers maximum flexibility for engineers, higher software efficiency and reduced operating costs [CITATION Jas08 \l 1033]. Through descent, obsolete coding can be removed and current groups can be expanded. We may build programs from regular functional modules that interact with each other instead of beginning to compose the application. This saves production time and improved profitability [CITATION Per13 \l 1033]. This essay explains the key principles of OOP and its benefits for programming.

Key Principles of Object-oriented Programming

There are fundamentally four key principles that mark C++ language an object oriented paradigm in world of programming. These are Data Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Encapsulation. These are likewise known as four tenets of object oriented programming.

Encapsulation: This infers to the mechanism of hiding of information execution via limiting right to use public methods. In this accessory method is made public and instance variable is kept private to accomplish it [CITATION PBK14 \l 1033].

Abstraction: Abstract term infers to an idea or concept that is not related to any specific instance. Utilizing abstract Interface/Class one can express the purpose of the class instead of the real execution. In a manner, a class must not identify the inner specifics of another in mandate to utilize it, simply acknowledging the interfaces must be decent enough.

Inheritance: This articulates “has-A” or/and “is-A” relation among two entities or objects. With inheritance, in derived class, one can reutilize the source code of current super classes. For example, in Java program, notion of “Is-A” relation is built on inheritance in class (via extends) or implementation of interface (using implements). Let’s say, File Output Stream “Is-An” Output Stream that simply reads from the file [CITATION Per13 \l 1033].

Polymorphism: This principle infers single name multiple forms. It is moreover of two kinds – dynamic and static. In static polymorphism it is accomplished by means of method overloading concept whereas dynamic polymorphism is accomplished with method overriding. It is closely associated with inheritance. One can compose a program code that functions on the Superclass and it will function with some subclass kind too. For instance, collections framework in Java has an interface known as java.util.Collection, TreeSet and ArrayList are 2 distinct execution of such interface [CITATION Per13 \l 1033].

Benefits of OOP in C++

OOP has turned out to be an essential portion of software creation. It’s simply due to wide popularity and omnipresent nature of object-oriented languages like C++ and Java; one can’t build application for mobile devices unless one comprehends the OOP methodology. The similar things apply for the severe web development, owning the popularity of languages like PHP, Ruby, and Python. These are the major benefits of OOP for programmers [CITATION Per13 \l 1033].

Modularity for Simple and Easy Troubleshooting: While functioning with OOP language, one knows precisely where to see. In this objects or instances are self-comprised, and all bits of functionality do its individual stuff whereas departing off the additional bits unaided. Likewise such modality permits an IT squad to function on many entities concurrently whereas reducing the odds that an individual may duplicate somebody else’ function[ CITATION Jas08 \l 1033 ].

Reutilization of source code with inheritance: Assume that with the Car entity, a colleague requires a RaceCar entity, and an additional requires a Limousine entity. Everybody creates their entities distinctly however find commonalities amid them. Actually every object is actually simply a distinct type of Car. It is whereas the inheritance approach preserves time: make a standard class e.g. Car, and formerly describe the subclasses (Limousine and RaceCar) that are to take over the standard class’s characteristics [CITATION Jas08 \l 1033].

Efficient Problem-solving: OOP is frequently the utmost pragmatic and natural method, as soon as one gets the sling of it. OOP language permits one to fragment the software into small sized problems/modules that one   formerly   can   resolve   –   single   object   instance   at   a moment [CITATION PBK14 \l 1033].


In brief, OOP paradigm offers a clear and concise modular programming structure. The OOP concepts are standard and decent for describing abstract kind of data types. In this execution specifics are concealed from additional program elements. It is simple and easy to change and maintain current source code. OOP supports to execute real-time case scenario. With the utilization of data abstraction and hiding method, one can filter out restricted information to revelation that infers one is keeping protection and offering mandatory information to see. It is a common idea to break down a complicated issue into tiny pieces or distinct parts. This is the action OOP is interested in, because it splits the software code down into bite-sized objects. The information hiding concept lets programmers create protected applications in certain areas of the system that cannot be entrusted with code. The sophistication of coding can be handled easily. Larger and smaller structures can quickly be converted and object-oriented applications.



  • Kotur, P. B. (2014). Object Oriented Programming with C++ . Sapna Book House (P) Ltd.
  • Mohan, P. (2013). Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming in Java. Create Space  Independent Publishing Platform.
  • Singh, J., & Kaur, P. P. (2008). Object Oriented Programming Using C++. Technical Publications.

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