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A Brief Introduction to ACLs and VPNs and Their Functions in Computer Networks

  • Words: 823

Published: May 28, 2024

A programming language can simply be termed as a set of semantics, syntax and strings that aid in solving a real world problem by use of a computer. There has been an evolution of programming languages since the first one emerged in the early 1950s. The pioneer languages such as machine language and assembly language can be referred to as the low-level languages while High-level languages are those that have English-like statements that can be relatable to humans. Examples of the high-level languages are; Java, Python, C#

Low-Level programming Languages

The low-level programming languages are known to be the earliest. They are referred to as low level because they address the internal circuitry of the hardware. Mostly these languages are complex to implement and a programmer may take more time to effectively learn them.

According to (Crary & Morrisett, 1999) the low-level languages do not need a compiler to convert to machine code hence this makes their compilation time faster compared to the high- level programming languages. The major disadvantage of the low-level programming languages is that they are not portable and can only address one machine. Examples of this languages are; machine language and assembly language.

High-Level programming Languages

The High-level programming languages emerged in the early 1960. The high-level programming languages are known to be scalable and portable, meaning, they can be run on another computer other than the one in which they were programmed in. They take more compilation time because they need the compiler to turn the source code into machine code. According to (Podkopaev et al., 2019) the high-level languages give integrative, parallelization, actual data processing capabilities. In his research, (Graunke et al., 2001) denotes that, “the high-level programming languages have been used in a wide range of technological fields such as; web application development, socket programming, data science, mobile computing, distributed computing and artificial intelligence.”


In conclusion, the high-level programming languages can be used in a variety of fields and can perform various tasks compared to the low-level programming languages. Even though there is a need of a compiler for the translation process, the high-level language are more powerful compared to the low-level programming languages. On the other hand, the low-level programming languages address the machine directly and are faster in compiling!




  • Crary, K., & Morrisett, G. (1999). Type Structure for Low-Level Programming Languages. In J. Wiedermann, P. van Emde Boas, & M. Nielsen (Eds.), Automata, Languages and Programming (Vol. 1644, pp. 40–54). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Graunke, P., Krishnamurthi, S., Van Der Hoeven, S., & Felleisen, M. (2001). Programming the Web with High-Level Programming Languages. In D. Sands (Ed.), Programming Languages and Systems (Vol. 2028, pp. 122–136). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Podkopaev, A., Lahav, O., & Vafeiadis, V. (2019). Bridging the gap between programming languages and hardware weak memory models. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 3(POPL), 1–31.

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