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Old Technology Era versus the Era Between

  • Words: 810

Published: May 31, 2024

Technology is (nearly) always built with the tools at hand. It is worth noting that technology lasts until superior technology emerges to replace the tried-and-true older technology or its necessity fades away. Whether we're talking about flint arrowheads or payphones, the best way to understand where technology fits in is to seek a need and connect it to the tools that are accessible.

Algorithms used in developing robotics require mathematics of probability, matrices, and calculus. The elements of robotics include the types of robotics and components used in building robots. Robots are made from different algorithms such as feedback control and simple odometry algorithms. Other advanced algorithms revolve around image processing, swarm robotics, mapping, localization, and machine learning (Salichs, & Balaguer, 2018). Different programming languages such as python are used in developing the algorithms and the software. The robots are being developed to help simplify complex work procedures. The current robotics era is an immature technology with high research on robotics. The expectations are still far from reality, with most promises looking like science fiction. There is still more to implement from the previous robotics research, with much seen from science fiction. There are no established robot factories or working robots that have replaced many processes in industries.

The current robotics era is not advanced robotics but an era in which the new technology has to go. We are between the eras – between the old technology era and the era with new technology beginnings. Technological developments in robotics experience the current robotics era. We are over five decades of robotics research, which can be easily seen as a post-robotic era by some European research initiatives such as the "Beyond Robotics" program. According to Salichs and Balaguer (2003), the current robotics state is still in primary development, which requires a more long research robotics area. However, we cannot say that we are in the traditional technology era with the current developments in technology.

The recent Japanese Humanoid Robot Project spent over €110 million and proved significant results. Such robotics projects show that we are between the eras and neither pre- nor post-robotic eras. However, implementing more projects will ensure many robots are developed, and most processes are simplified with roots. Telephone usage follows a similar pattern. There were 740 million mobile phone subscriptions globally at the beginning of the 2000s. That figure has already crossed 8 billion, implying that there are now more telephones on the planet than humans. Technology was getting more personal and accessible at the same time. In 2001, Apple released the first iPod. These aspects demonstrate how technology has evolved. Therefore, change in technology led to the distinction between two eras- the old and new era of technology. In the last 20 decades, firms still focused on expanding communication via advanced bandwidth for video streaming. Today, alternative media has been associated with the massive growth of social media.

Generally, Old technology is continually used to create new technology. When it comes to figuring out how to enhance things, we can use what we've discovered regarding old technology to help us design new technology. The new SpaceX capsules and rockets, for example, are only getting started. They do benefit from understanding what has worked (and what hasn't) in the past. Smartphones are another, and perhaps the finest, example. If we line up each phone ever created, it's clear to see how each succeeding model learns from the previous and incorporates new functions.


  • Salichs, M., & Balaguer, C. (2003). The current state of robotics: Post or pre-robotics. In Proc. IARP 3rd International Workshop on Service, Assistive and Personal Robots (pp. 79-84). IARP

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