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Homework answers / question archive / Vincennes University AGBS 434 Chapter 9 1)Soil conservation does not pay for itself

Vincennes University AGBS 434 Chapter 9 1)Soil conservation does not pay for itself


Vincennes University

AGBS 434

Chapter 9

1)Soil conservation does not pay for itself.





  1. Market failure resulting from externalities occurs when there are substantial differences between market values and social values



  1. EQIP is the Equal Quality Improvement Program designed to ensure equal treatment of farmers on environmental issues



  1. Agriculture is point pollution



  1. The 1990 CAA is an example of performance-based pollution control



  1. Conservation cost sharing programs, like EQIP, fall in the nontrade distorting WTO green box.




  1. Agriculture is a major source of pollution.



  1. A basic premise of environmental regulation is that markets do not allocate resources in a manner that is in the best long-run interest of society as a whole.



  1. Confined animal feeding operations are considered by EPA to be point source pollution



  1. Pollution increase as economic growth increases



  1. Taxation is basically ineffective in reducing consumption of pesticides because the demand for them often is highly inelastic



  1. More often than not farmers and environmentalists are adversaries in pollution control policy.



  1. Conservation and environmental groups are likely to have a lesser role in future policy determination.



  1. Agriculture has had preferential treatment in controlling pollution.



  1. The Kyoto Protocol would have put equal requirements on both developed and developing countries.



  1. Farmers are subjected to more environmental regulation than other industries.



  1. A market failure occurs when market values include social values.




  1. Over time more of agriculture is becoming point pollution



  1. Farmers and environmentalists have tended to be allies on land retirement programs.




  1. A basic premise of environmental regulation is that markets do not allocate resources in a manner that is in the best long-run interest of society as a whole.



  1. Faming is non point pollution




  1. From an environmental perspective full economic costs are private costs plus social costs.



  1. Farmers can be denied farm program benefits if they are not in compliance with specified conservation practices.



  1. Fixed payments authorized by the 1996 farm bill were argued not to affect production.



  1. Marketing loans support the market price.



  1. Marketing loan payments are counter-cyclical.



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