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Text Analysis in Terms of Genre

Categories: Literary Genres

  • Words: 3125

Published: Sep 12, 2024


Analysis of genre has become one of the most inspiration in contemporary teaching practices and language learning in some specialist in a diverse discipline such as medicine. Through the offering of vibrant explanation of how experts' users of language exploit and manipulate generic conventions to achieve intricate goals related with their specialist discipline, it concentrates attention on the difference in language use by members of various discipline. Genre analysis is a requisite skill in writing and other life scenarios. This paper therefore studies the Genre-based technique by developing a language theory and a pedagogy based on research into the linguistic structure of a script as well as the social context in which they occur have thus a significant effect. It discusses the genre writing in the contemporary world of linguistics, explanatory genres and its significance. It also further compares the recount versus the proposal genre and text definitions in a genre.

Genre Writing in the contemporary world of linguistics

In the last few decades, genres have become increasingly significant as well as a prominent framework for the analyzing of the form and function of the scientific discourse and a significant weapon for developing educational practices in the various field such as professional writing, English for specific writing and rhetoric (Fairclough, 2013). In other words, a genre­ based technique by developing a language  theory and a pedagogy based on research into the linguistic structure of a script as well as the social context in which they occur have thus a significant effect. While there has been an agreement among genre philosophers they are socially acknowledged manners of using language, analysts of genre vary in the stress they offer to either the  text  or  social  context,  whether  they  concentrate  on  the  role  of  the  text  in  community discourse or they  concentrate in the manner in which those texts  are organized rhetorically  to reflect as well as construct these communities (Martin, 2003: 154).

Nevertheless, in the light of contemporary writing, genre writing has become more significant. While this is true, the other essential part is analysis. Genre analysis is a requisite skill in writing and other life scenarios. Various scholars have defined genre analysis giving out its distinct meaning. For this essay, Miller (1984) definition has been used who defines it as a classification of generalized acts of communication. Nonetheless, this essay is premised on one of the greatest prominent scholars on genre analysis, John Wales, who introduced a technique for the analysis of different categories of genres. Additionally, according to another prominent scholar known as swale, a genre consists of a class of communicative events in which the member of the community shares some set of open resolutions. With the understanding of the meaning of the word genre in writing context, the anonymous text understudy will be analyzed in terms of its genre with special reference to its purpose, and the language used to realize it.

Explanatory Genre

To instigate the anonymous text under analysis given as 'Appendix A', belong to a genre family known as explanatory genre. From the initial expression of the text, the genre has been kept anonymous as well some information inside the text has been hidden to the reader using anonymous reference letter such as x. The first part of the text has been intentionally anonymized to hide/ delete significant information. It then requires a demonstration of the knowledge of understanding of the genre context and tries to assign find the actual meaning of the anonymized information. The reader needs to answer the 'why? 'the question behind the hiding of essential information in the text. To understand and analyze this explanatory genre, therefore, requires intensive consultation of various sources and try to understand what they say about the same text.

Nevertheless, classification of the aforementioned genre has been done with special reference to the purpose, stages and the language used to realize it. Further information on the above is as described below.

Importance of the Explanatory Genre

Firstly, the purpose of the explanatory text genre given as appendix A serves the purpose of developing an understanding of the object of study as well as the capability to describe and account for its significance. For instance, regardless of the anonymity of the information given, the writer has explicitly given a detailed account of the patient information that can aid a medical officer in the execution of duty in particular during the medical diagnosis of the patient. The writer of the text/genre has demonstrated in details the health history of the person who is sick. Nonetheless, it is worth to note that the genre is written in the context of medical discipline which is evident from the choice of words used to pass essential information necessary for the treatment of the patient. According to Keristead (2013) all relevant  information gathered from the patient about the presenting illness, co-existing problems, current treatment, significant past medical history and the social and family background has been categorically demonstrated here in the text given. The patient's view of the nature of the problem and their expectations for treatment. Nevertheless, some information given are hidden and only understood experts in the medical profession. For example, prescriptions of the medications the patient is taking can only be understood by the medical expertise.

Secondly, about the stage, the genre has got a detailed descriptive account as well as an explanation of the illness status of the patient. It is descriptive in the manner in which information has been presented in the text. For instance, in the history of presenting complaints section,  the  writer  has  vividly  described  the  medical  condition  of  the  patient  based  on  the evidence given by the patient upon in his arrival at the medical facility for medication. Pain has been presented as the cause of the complaint with a description of the nature of the occurrence. In other words, all the information explains as to why the patient has visited a medical facility. Nonetheless, the text genre is classified as an explanatory journal since it gives  a  detailed account/ overview of the phenomenon which in this case is a disease or illness in a patient. According to Nesi and Gardner (2012), examples of the explanatory genre include a business explanation, instrument description, disease or illness account, environmental report, and many others. it is, therefore, of no doubt that the given genre falls under explanatory class according to the purpose as well as the stage.

Recount versus Proposal Genre

Whereas readers are capable of predicting the position of Recount versus proposal genre, for example on certain dimensions, the multidimensional analysis of genres gives evidence from the linguistic feature in support of classification of this genre as an explanatory genre. The linguistic feature used in the above text involves the use of medical terminology which needs an explanation from a specialist in the particular field for better understanding (Herring, Scheidt, Bonus and Wright, 2004). For instance, in  the section of drug history of the genre, science terminologies, as well as acronyms, has been used  like Diltiazm MR 600mg PO  bd. Interpretation, as well as an understanding of the terminology, requires an understanding or prior knowledge of the reader on the same. This alone permits the classification of the given text as an explanatory genre. Nevertheless, the classification of genres according to families is significant in enhancing understanding of any genre. In support of the aforesaid statement of Nesi  and Gardner (2012), it acknowledges the significance of genre classification by saying that the distribution of genre families indicates, for example, how two genre families can be the same in one dimension, and dissimilar on the others and consequently enhances our understanding of the genre families' classification.

Text Definitions in a genre

Nonetheless, popular systemic genre analysts, argues that genres can be realized as belonging to a specific genre family by an analysis of how the genre is identified in the language where linguistic properties are considered. Genre cannot be defined by the structure of a text because the general instance of a genre is not the availability of a specific discourse in the genre, but rather, it is the interaction as well as co-occurrence of each particular aspect of the genre alongside other components such as conceptual and interactional frames in their whole. The key point here is that language can be used in realization of genre since genre tend to appear diff erent in terms of language across different disciplines.

However, according to systemic functional linguistic approach to the genre, a text can be defined in terms of two harmonizing variables i.e. the immediate situational context in which it was developed (the context of register) and the overall purpose of the function of the interaction (the genre context). Typically, registers are reflected in the classes that generally realizes three classes areas of text which include field, mode and the tenor. Nevertheless, while genres constrain the choice of discourse structure on complete text such as news, story, research, etc., Registers give constraints on lexical as well as syntactic choices like the language of the research paper. Drawing illustration from the above analogy, there is a potentially confusing linkage since all language use is recognized in both discourse structure and lexico-grammar. Both genre and register vary across disciplines.

Various scholars have defined genre analysis giving out its distinct meaning. For this essay, Miller (1984) definition has been used who defines it as a classification of generalized acts of communication. An account of genre families through disciplinary groups and levels of study aids to discover the genre families across the academic disciplines. While the account of register varies across all levels of study underscores the similarity between student writing and other written academic genres, it is worth to realize the functions, to disciplinary variances across these genres and registers, and particular linguistic structures.


The present analysis has aided in the realization and characterization of a cluster of the genre as well as an understanding of register and disciplines. Furthermore, it has helped in the realization of the significance of text analysis in terms of a different dimension. It is worth to realize that disciplinary group, genre family and register is key to text analysis. Genre families are significant in understanding the different dimension of the disciplinary group that does exist. Nevertheless, it is realized that genre-based technique by developing a language theory and a pedagogy based on research into the linguistic structure of a script as well as the social context in which they occur, have thus a significant effect. While there has been an agreement among genre philosophers they are socially acknowledged manners of using language, analysts of genre vary in the stress they offer to either the text or social context, whether they concentrate on the role of the text in community discourse or they concentrate in the manner in which those texts are organized rhetorically to reflect as well as construct these communities. It is therefore appealing that, readers should develop analytical skills by involving themselves in research to avoid confusion between genre, register and discipline, although the relationship between genre and register remains close and easier to confuse.


  • Fairclough, N. (2013). Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language. Routledge. Herring, S.C., Scheidt, L.A., Bonus, S.  & Wright, E., (2004).  ‘Bridging the Gap: A Genre Analysis   of   Weblogs', In   Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004, January, IEEE, January 5-8, 2004, Pp.11-21
  • Keirstead, C. M. (2013). Convoluted Paths: Mapping Genre in Contemporary Footsteps Travel Writing. Genre, 46(3), 285-315.
  • Kincaid, P., 2003. On the Origins of Genre. Extrapolation, 44(4), Pp.409-419.
  • Martin, P. (2003).  Genre and Discourse Community. ES:  Revista  De  Filolog fa  Inglesa ,  (25), Pp.153-166.
  • Miller, C. 1984. Genre as Social Action. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 70(2), Pp.151-167.
  • Nesi, H. & Gardner, S. 2012 'Families of Genres of Assessed Writing' In H. Nesi And S. Gardner (Eds). Genres Across the Disciplines: Student Writing in Higher Education Pp: 21- 56

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