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Scientific Revolution

Categories: Science

  • Words: 1007

Published: Jun 01, 2024


The scientific revolution occurred during the early modern period when advances in chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, and mathematics shifted societal perspectives on nature. The scientific revolution has its roots in Europe. It occurred near the end of the Renaissance and lasted until the late eighteenth century and greatly influenced the Enlightenment intellectual, social movement. In the middle ages, the scientific revolution had its foundations on ancient Greek learning and science, which had been developed and refined by medieval Islamic and science Roman science. During the scientific revolution, the importance of experimentation to the scientific method was confirmed, as medieval scientific philosophy was rejected and the new theories proposed by Galileo, Newton Descartes and Bacon favored.

The scientific revolution started in Astronomy before quickly spreading to other fields (Schuster, 2020). Despite earlier discussions suggesting that the Earth was in constant motion, Nicolaus Copernicus, a renowned Polish astronomer, proposed the first comprehensive heliocentric theory equal in scope and predictive capability to Ptolemy’s geocentric system. The Roman Catholic Church was powerful during the revolution. The society looked up to the Church before the birth and development of science, and they believed everything the Church taught. After the unfolding of the developments in science, the Church was in constant conflict with science (Karagözoğlu, 2017). There were two reasons for the disagreement between scientists and the Church. One reason was that scientific philosophies ran counter to Church doctrines. The second reason was that church leaders believed that people who disagreed with Church teachings weakened the Church. For this reason, the scientific revolution quickly spread to physics as there were serious conflicts with what the Church stated concerning astronomy.

Curiosity, investigation, discovery, and knowledge were encouraged during the Renaissance. People’s old beliefs were also called into question. Scientists began using experiments and mathematics to solve mysteries during this time. Curiosity, for instance, was one of the reasons for the utility of science during the scientific revolution. People wanted to know how and why things were the way they are. Other reasons given for the utility of science during the scientific revolution is alchemy. There was a growing interest in alchemy during this time. People were inspired to explore alchemy and find out the workings of nature. The state of civilization after the industrial civilization is referred to as industrial civilization and was characterized by the use of powered machines and other inventions (McClellan & Dorn, 2015).

Capitalism was one of the economic factors that led to the inventions necessary for the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution needed enormous financial inputs from individuals rather than the government (Vries, 2008). Wealthy entrepreneurs were crucial because they used their fortunes to fund factories that required inventions. Without the emergence of capitalism, this investment from individuals guided by the profit motive would not have been possible. Theories played an important role in the inventions during the industrial revolution because they guided scientists on how these inventions should be developed. During the 19th century, theoretical science played an important role in industry and engineering. Scientific theories provided the basis for inventions in both industry and engineering. These theories guided engineers in developing machines and devices that helped in the revolution.


The scientific revolution was characterized by advances in science. It started in astronomy but did not last as it brought serious conflicts with the powerful Roman Catholic Church. Curiosity was one of the main reasons why science was utilized during this period, as scientists wanted to explain natural phenomena. The industrial revolution, on the other hand, was sustained by inventions that were triggered by factors like capitalism. During this time, scientific theories played an important role in inventions.


Karagözoğlu, B. (2017). Brief History of Western Modernization. In Science and Technology from Global and Historical Perspectives (pp. 185-203). Springer, Cham

McClellan iii, J. E., & Dorn, H. (2015). Science and technology in world history: an introduction. JHU Press.

Schuster, J. (2020). The Scientific Revolution. 10.1201/9781003070818-21. Vries, P. (2008). The Industrial Revolution.

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