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Frontiers of Modern and Contemporary Physics

Categories: Science

  • Words: 2846

Published: May 30, 2024

The latest frontiers in physics have been successful over the last decades. The new invention of the latest technology in fields related to physics include quantum technology, wormhole invention, and other inventions (Raković, 27). Besides the new inventions, there have been successful inventions in the past decades that include the invention of electricity by Benjamin Franklyn, thermometer by Galileo Galilei, rocket engine, transistors, first military submarine, neon lamp, among others. The new inventions have brought impacts in different perspectives; also, the frontiers have impacted the lives of human beings.

The theories of the quantum field deal with the fundamental forces that bring interaction between matter; the forces are electromagnetism forces that explain how atoms are held together; the weak nuclear force explains why certain atoms undergo radioactive decay (Skullerud, par 2). Another fundamental force under the quantum field theory is the strong nuclear force that explains why the nucleus maintains stability at the center of an atom.

Quantum is the explanation by physics on how everything works. The best description of quantum explanation is the nature and interaction force between the particulate matter (Hochella, 363). Quantum physics has been used to explain numerous things that revolve around the environment and, more so, equipment enhancing human life to be more straightforward, like explaining how electrons move through a computer microchip, how photons of light are turned into electrical current in an amplifier. Quantum mechanics physics is incorporated with basic mathematics to accord the complex explanation of the ambiguous functionality of the world happenings (Landsman, 861). Things work in confiscated ways, but quantum mechanics, in combination with other physics attributes, can explain how things work at the fastest speed and can explain what happens when things move very fast to create the quantum field theories.

Bell's Theorem essentially proved that quantum properties such as entanglement are as valid as the moon, and quantum systems' strange behaviors are now being harnessed for use in several real-world applications (Silva, par 15). The application of quantum physics in the bell theorem is ultra-precise clocks, uncrackable codes, super-powerful computers, improved microscopes, and biological compasses.

When electrons are assigned wavelength that depends on their velocity, it will result to standing wave in which electron wave performs a numeral number of swaying in the process of traveling round the nucleus, generating similar vims to become the unique states of the Bohr's hydrogen. This wave action can be precisely calculated. Erwin Schrödinger developed his wave equation due to thinking about standing wave orbits, and hence some major significance critical contributions of the complete modern quantum mechanism theory (Bhaumik, 73). Our understanding of how electrons pass through materials has been significantly altered by their wave nature, contributing to the current thoughtful of possess within different materials and the energy possess. The standing wave orbits mechanics can be implemented to manipulate the electrical properties of semiconductors. Tiny transistors ca be created to form the simple bits needed to eternalize digital communication by combining together the silicon bits and the most accurate admixture pertaining other components. So, any time a computer is turned on, the user takes advantage of the existence of the electron waves and the extraordinary power over materials that this provides. It may not be the most glamorous kind of quantum computer, but quantum physics is needed for any modern computer to function correctly.

Quantum physics explains how birds use biological compasses to locate the migration target and keep on track during the migration process. The system uses cryptochrome, a light- sensitive protein that can contain entangled electrons. As photons strike cryptochrome molecules in the eye, they are capable of generating adequate energy that can rip them away from each other. The ripping process result to two reactive molecules, and or radicals that have entangled electrons but are unpaired (Bhaumik, 73). The length of time these cryptochrome radicals last influenced by the magnetic field around the egg. The presence of entangled radicals makes retinal cells highly sensitive, allowing birds to "see" a magnetic map based on the molecules. However, this effect is not fully understood, and birds' magnetic resistance may be attributed to tiny magnetic mineral crystals in their beaks. Furthermore, experiments suggest that the delicate state in a bird's eye would last much longer than in the most potent artificial systems if entanglement is present. The magnetic compass may be used by animals including the lizards, rodents, insects, crustaceans, among others (Bhaumik, 73

The unbreakable quantum codes have sealed the gap left for eavesdroppers who could tap on data transmission or signals that traditional cryptography works left out. In traditional cryptography, the sender used one key to encrypt the information while the receiver used another key to decode the information. Knowledge regarding keys is transmitted by photons randomly polarized in quantum key distribution (QKD). The mechanism confines the photon to a single plane of vibration. The receiver decrypts the key using polarized filters until the message gets fully encrypted with the correct algorithm (Noori, 32). Only people with the precise quantum key can decode the hidden data transmission via the standard transmission line. That is problematic since quantum laws say states "reading" the polarized photons still deviates their forms, signaling a security violation to the communicators.

QKD is currently used by companies including, ID Quantique, Toshiba company, and BBN Technologies to build ultra-secure networks (Silva, par 15). During an election in 2007, Switzerland used an ID Quantique product to include a tamper-proof voting system. In Austria, the first bank transfer using entangled QKD took place in 2004. Since these photons are intertwined, littles modifications to the quantum states intruders produce will instantly be visible to everyone watching the key-bearing particles; this device promises to be highly safe. However, this machine is not yet capable of covering vast distances.

Quantum theory Principles can be used to procrastinate period by atomic clocks. They keep track of the precise radiation frequency that causes electrons to hop between energy levels (Atkinson, par 7). The clock, which was released the latest, might be that precise for five billion years, which is more significant compared to Earth's present period. GPS navigation, telecommunications, and surveying all benefit from super-sensitive atomic clocks.

The number of atoms used in atomic clocks influences their accuracy. Each atom, which is kept in a vacuum chamber, keeps track of its own time and limited variations between its neighbors. Scientists can make an atomic clock ten times more accurate by cramming 100 times more atoms into it, but there is a limit on how many atoms they can get in (Atkinson, par 7). Researchers are planning next to improve precision by using entanglement. Atoms entangled will be less concerned about limited variations while focusing on measuring the passing of time, essentially uniting them in one pendulum, meaning that an entangled clock with 100 times more atoms will be 100 times more accurate. Many further entangled clocks may be joined, forming a global grid measuring time regardless of the position.

The laser's working philosophy is focused on quantum physics. Lasers use spontaneous emission, thermal emission, and fluorescence to work. When an electron is excited, it jumps to a high-energy state (Atkinson, par 13). It will, however, not remain in the high-energy state for long and will therefore return to the lower-energy state, which is more stable, and therefore emit light. External photons with a frequency consistent with the atomic transition often change the quantum mechanical state of the atom. Also, transistors are used to amplify or alter electrical signals and electricity, and they have a broad range of applications. When we examine the composition of transistors closely, we can see that they are made up of layers of silicon and other materials. Millions of these are used to make electronic chips, which are the brains of many modern devices that have become indispensable to human life. These processors and desktops, tablets, notebooks, smartphones, and other devices would not have existed if Quantum Physics had not played a role in their growth.

With the aid of Quantum Physics, navigating to unfamiliar places has never been simpler. When using a smartphone for navigation, the phone's GPS receiver is in charge of picking up signals from various clocks (Landsman, 861). Various arrival times from different satellites are used to measure the distance and time between the current position and the target. Furthermore, each satellite's distance from the current position is determined. Each satellite has an atomic clock that is based solely on quantum physics. The fundamental principles of Quantum Physics also enhanced electron microscopy. The imaging of biological samples has changed thanks to quantum physics and electron microscopy. Furthermore, in differential interference contrast microscopy, the pulse of photons creates an interference pattern, which is then analyzed. All-in-all, quantum physics has incredibly advanced microscopy, allowing for the extraction of a vast volume of information from a sample.

Resonance of Magnetic Fields The reversal of electron spins of hydrogen nuclei is what imaging, also known as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, is all about. So, in essence, people are about energy shifts, which is just one of Quantum Physics' implementations. MRI can be used to analyze soft tissues with ease. Any life-threatening illnesses can now be diagnosed and treated thanks to quantum physics.

During the toasting, the heating element glow red leading to heating of bread using a toaster drove the invention of quantum physics. The hot objects produce light color which is a perfect example of basic fundamental physics phenomena. The light spectrum emitted by burning objects is identical to that of any other material, despite the materials the object is made of or whether the object can withstand or not withstand heating at a certain temperature. A proposal of the observation stating the un-affection of light by the composition is a basic universal approach that diverse colors form lighting objects can emit as well as assign every single light similar share of present heat energy on the object (Atkinson, par 7). Given that toasters are supposed to be generating the gamma rays and the x-rays throughout the operation process; but there still exist loop-holes allowing the toaster to emit high frequency lights than the recommended low frequency light (Atkinson, par 7). Quantum Physics explains how a toaster works, and it also fostered the invention of the toasting machine.

While toasting a slice of bread, the toaster's heating unit glows red. Toasters are commonly credited with being the catalyst for the creation of Quantum Physics. The toaster's rod heats up, toasting the bread in the process.

The light coming from the tubes or those curly lamps is entirely due to a quantum phenomenon. A minimal volume of mercury vapor is excited into the plasma by fluorescent lighting. Mercury has the capability of emitting visible light (Skullerud, par 2). Because of the crucial role of quantum physics in communication, it has become elementary. Two-way and fast connectivity is now possible thanks to fiber-optic telecommunication. Only lasers, which are quantum physics instruments, make fiber optic telecommunication feasible.

The everyday scientist makes attempts to prove reasons why things happen in their order. They also try to develop new objects, explain or upgrade the older version of explanations and objects to suit the human being's conditions. Most invention frontiers, in a way, contribute to the human being's daily life. The mechanism of quantum physics theories explains most inventions related to physics that then contribute to enhancing human life.



Skullerud, Jon-Ivar. "Matter and forces in quantum field theory--an attempt at a philosophical elucidation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.14181 (2020).


CONSCIOUSNESS AND FREE WILL." International Journal of Prenatal and Life Sciences DOI: 10.24946/IJPLS 3.3 (2019): 27.

Hochella, Michael F., et al. "Natural, incidental, and engineered nanomaterials and their impacts on the Earth system." Science 363.6434 (2019).

Landsman, Klaas. Foundations of quantum theory: from classical concepts to operator algebras. Springer Nature, 2017.

Silva, Vladimir. Practical quantum computing for developers: programming quantum rigs in the cloud using Python, quantum assembly language and IBM QExperience. Apress, 2018.

Bhaumik, Mani L. "Is Schrödinger's Cat Alive?." Quanta 6.1 (2017): 70-80.

Noori, Yasir. Integrated optical components for quantum key distribution. Diss. Lancaster University, 2017.

Atkinson, G., Chadwick, R., Doriguello, J., Dixon, W., Eftaxias, N., Flynn, B., ... & Wilson,

M. (2017). “Quantum at Home.” (2017).

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