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Comparative Essay in the Post-Apocalyptic Genre

Categories: Literary Genres

  • Words: 3047

Published: Jul 26, 2024

Literary, post-apocalyptic literature share similar elements of how the world may end from one piece to another despite the differences in plots. Thus, different eras portray our world via "How the World Became Quiet" and "Ads at the End of the World" concerning technological advancement. For instance, in the text "Ads at the End of the World," human beings are surrounded by advertising everywhere.  It has become part of their daily lives as if it is the air that humans breathe, just like "How the World Became Quiet" all this has been triggered by technology. Most people think the process of advertising does not affect human lives at all. We believe it is just something do away with so quickly or just to be ignored by blocking it from reaching our minds for work. By guessing, post­ apocalyptic literature carries a looming action of humans, including the sense of death transpired by illness and natural disasters, plus most characters trying to beat the odds to survive by ultimately avoiding their morals. However, unavoidable death is like advertising that has dominated; thus, the constant fear is apparent in the post-apocalyptic genre. For instance, technology is an evolvement of basic spearheads plus the discovery of fire, net to forearms, and lately the internet indicating the end of the world. As a result, the most dominant species on the globe result from humanity's exceptional brainpower, even technology. According to Hewes Para. 1,

"Technology has assisted keep off predators instead become preditors. Thus providing us with the power to travel a long distance, exploit electricity, plus acquire numerous other accomplishments we take for granted currently. That is why humans have become the dominant species with possession of lives of leisure. However, technology poses a significant threat to human lives despite allowing us to become so powerful."

Literary, individual-like ads due to technology after that roam regions, leading to a depressing culture that is unavoidable, illustrating "How the World Became Quiet." Similarly, the "Ads at the End of the World" shows the mortal world. Therefore, due to artificial intelligence, nuclear warfare, and climate change, humanity could most likely meet its end. From one story to another, post-apocalyptic literature shares the same element illustrating how the world may end.

Consequently, nuclear bombs could destroy all lif e on earth would and they can be controlled instantly by world leaders. Thus, the world's most primarily controlled nations Russia and America can blow up the globe many times if they decide. Literary, the advancement of technology capably can destroy all humankind and numerous ecosystems as hinted in the apocalyptic narratives. "How the World Became Quiet" is a human urge for power over the other, resulting in some slanderous weapons of this kind. Hence, it becomes terrifying to humanity as the two nations' communications have repeatedly involved nuclear dangers. It makes the atomic weapons extremely excessive with a robust supply of this kind of technology, thus causing complete locality destruction with ease if they press the button any time they feel. For instance, programmers who create Artificial Intelligence might decide to hurt other humans or other things. The manufacture of atomic bombs may target certain races or even various programmed objects to destroy by computer masters to create global disaster. Therefore, the nuclear bombs need someone to dismantle them before the world is sent into flames by an emotionally irrational leader with greediness and the possibility of ending the world with minimal intentional individual assistance. Leaders owning the atomic bombs can decide to release them instantly and destroy human lives in the world.

Additionally, there is a possibility of technology ending the world with less intentional human help. The creation of machine language involves Swiftkey British company expert explaining the "How the World Became Quiet" notion differently from the "Ads at the End of the World" concept. For instance, what the ads can do is considered evil but far less illegal "Kehrli, Para. 13". It demonstrated how ads could negatively impact humanity by taking the loneliness and shifting them slightly until they look familiar. Every community has a story regarding how they achieve happiness. Also, how to achieve satisfaction via consumption of objects is the primary argument of the "Ads at the End of the World."  Besides, the company's technology employed a smartphone keyboard app just as a way of enjoying human life to learn how the professor suggests and thinks the words to use next. Ironically, advertising draws humans further away from the capacity of reality to satisfy material things. Hence the advertising answer provides the falsity of advertising since it is not the appeals it makes.

For instance, Hawking Stephen warned against embracing Artificial Intelligent whereby thinking machines could ruin humankind. Humans can do this by modifying themselves plus freely designing even constructing more capable systems. The primitive forms of AI developed already have proved to be very useful. However, humans need to fear the consequences that can surpass or match human thinking. Hence, outwitting individuals is tragically bound by the slow pace of biological evolution (Cellan-Jones Para. 6).

Artificial Intelligence seems to be at the edge of becoming materiality in the innovation of numerous programs. "Ads at the End of the World" text illustrates that the cost of advertising on Artificial Intelligence is very high, leading to culture change. Also, the amount of money spent on manufacturing ads depends on the billions of dollars organizations spend on ensuring they get spotted in the process of manufacturing. They manage primarily by taking over the media and essentially turning them into a delivery system for their ads. However, "How the World Became Quiet" text slightly illustrates, for example, the rise of robots which has led to a tremendous changing world. Of course, they assist humans to do things better they couldn't manage for the limited time possible initially. Again, they facilitate physical argument abilities, disaster response, enable exploration beyond the boundaries of the globe and serve in places where interaction with individuals is required. However, the rise of sentient robots via AI algorithms has resulted in the sudden end of humanity. For instance, human beings build AI algorithms with built-in bias by individuals who inadvertently introduce them into algorithms, thus providing biased results. Therefore, a slightly more developed program with thinking capabilities could make it rebel against its innovator, resulting in a post-apocalypse known as the terminator.

Also, shortly there is an excellent threat imposed by Artificial Intelligent on humanity. For instance, it won't be easy for humans to predict their reactions under a new situation that no one had spotted before. There is no version of individual control over Artificial Intelligence achieved. Likewise, it is not easy to control Artificial Intelligence led by humanity and autonomous once they appear in a different version. Therefore, it would be disastrous not to be able to control super-intelligent systems. Again, when used, more advanced programs can result in climatic changes that negatively impact human lives and the ecosystems at large. With less intentional aid from humankind, the is more possibility of technology ending the world.

Additionally, the post-apocalyptic illustrates climate change. Thus, unlike the "Ads at the End of the World" text, which represents how culture colonization has taken more and more space to drive out other possible ways of thinking. Again, as it competes non-stop for human attention, artificial technology entirely triggers individual demise by destroying life on earth. According to Goyrnann, W. and Kublbeck Para.l, many scientists believed to be more than fifteen thousand signed a second warning to humanity's progressive destruction of the world, thus resulting in a massive decrease in biodiversity and deterioration even destruction of the world habitats. Overexploitation plus overpopulation of natural resources fuel climate change. Hence, there is a rapid decline in the ecosystems' health on which humans and other species depend than ever (Watts Para.6). For instance, coal and gas burning has resulted in a rise in global temperatures. In turn, this can impact catastrophic weather patterns, numerous threats, and droughts. Also, storms are regularly becoming powerful, resulting in instant deaths in affected places. Rising sea level is another slower but no less notable impact of climate change. In the corning years, rising sea levels to four feet could result in many coastal regions underwater.

Again, the droughts caused by a change in weather patterns, emptying places of feasible farming resources and drinking water are both regarded as essential to human life, thus leading to the death of humanity. All the impacts mentioned above result from technology that is starting to cause demise due to climate change increasing rapidly despite aiding humans in various ways, demonstrating "How the World Became Quiet." Therefore, humans need to take severe actions before posing the question "How the World Became Quiet" to combat climate change  experienced via entirely withdrawing from technology or a new form of technology such as wind turbines and solar panels. Therefore, deaths of humanity consequently result from the technology used in conjunction with fossil fuels. The impact of climate change explains the "How the World Became Quiet" quote.

Finally, climatic changes may result in global warming with a more significant effect on the world's temperature results from the process involving electric transferal and aluminum.

Thus, the impact destroys farm production meant to sustain humankind. Besides, technology overcharges the atmosphere with global emissions, which trap and behave like a blanket. As a result, creating dangerous strong waves d unlike the "Ads at the End of the World text, “How the World Became Quiet" text provides an idea of how our advancement in technology might cost us lives. Besides, during the process, methane released contributes to global warming. Also, high cancer cases, high mortality rates, and cancer care disruptions can result from carbon dioxide emissions' environmental influences. The only way the world can mitigate climate change is via renewable energy. However, the worldwide society resulting from technology has not put enough measures to slow the greenhouse emissions of dangerous gases threatening humankind. Harmful carbon dioxide gases released into the atmosphere affect global warming results which stress the ecosystem via water shortages, rise in fire treats, intense storm damage, pest and weed invasions. The post-apocalyptic literature entails human activities with humankind destruction, and global warming is a result of technology. The process involving aluminum even electric transferal impacts climate change with an extraordinary effect on the global temperatures, thus global warming.

In conclusion, both "How the World Became Quiet" and "Ads at the End of the World texts demonstrate the post-apocalyptic literature tales. Thus, they illustrate via human greediness and hunger for power via technology how it can quickly impact the extinction of species along with several others, whether via climate change, nuclear weapons, or artificial intelligence the at the edge of apocalyptic. Thus, numerous varying stages of complexity in getting solutions to these problems. However, atomic bombs have a straightforward answer, thus dismantling all the nuclear with immediate effect before even a single one is used to combat. On the contrary, society benefits from computers with artificial intelligence, thus making it more complicated.  It is easy to minimize by programmers and scientists instituting even controlling programming to eliminate any chance of Artificial Intelligence becoming a reality. Finally, the most complex of the three issues is climate change. Ultimately, advertising impacts human culture, but individuals cannot expect the impact to be so severe, thus leading to the world becoming quiet and the death of humankind. The two texts show some numerous differences than similarities. Therefore, humanity needs to take drastic action to combat these changes via renewal energy and governmental policies.

Works Cited

  • Hewes, T. Technology: The end of humanity. Para. 1.
  • Goyrnann, W. and Kublbeck, M. The second warning to humanity: Why ethology matters?
  • Cellan-Jones, R. Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end humankind.  Para. 6.
  • Watts, J. Human society under urgent threat from loss of earth's natural life. Para. 6.­ threat-loss-earth-natural-life-un-report
  • Kehrli, advertising at the end of the world. Para. 13. https://apex-rnagazine.corn/advertising-at­ the-end-of-the-world/

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