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Best Practices for Conducting a Literature Review

Categories: Literature

  • Words: 2222

Published: Jun 28, 2024


Scholarly journals, also known as peer-reviewed journal articles, are journals written by professional experts in a specific field. Fields like social sciences analyze the research question of research, and they often publish the evaluated results. On the other hand, practitioner journals refer to journals produced with a specific purpose or target a particular professional market. The study requires the researcher to apply knowledge in exploring empirical and theoretical research to conduct a useful literature review. The discussion in this paper will analyze the best practices for conducting a literature review, highlight at least two theoretical and applied research studies, and discuss the application of both studies as part of background material.

Firstly, a literature review will require the researcher to choose a topic and define the research question. The research question will guide the literature review study, and it should be clear to understand. Students are required to submit a literature review after conducting any research. Sometimes it is essential to discuss the research question with the professor before starting the literature review. Secondly, the student will select the scope of the study.

Determining study area, time spent during the research, the number of studies to be conducted, or the number of sources to be used. Thirdly, conducting a literature review will require the researcher to select a database that will be used. Comprehensive databases are recommended to  be used, and they include dissertations and theses. However, after selecting the database, the researcher will conduct the research. This step will allow the researcher to find the literature, and it will be time-saving. The researcher will write down the conducted searches in each database.

Biographies and references will be significant in a research study because they can be used to locate others. Finally, the researcher will review the literature, and he can use various questions to analyze the work studied (Rowley & Slack, 2004).

The Completion of the review requires the researcher to follow all the guidelines, which will provide desirable findings. When writing a literature review, the key thing to be considered is to ensure the research question is well formulated. Finding a research topic will be significant in identifying a research question. Green et al., 2016 mentioned the two types of literature review; standalone, whereby the instructor instructs the students to submit part of the research assignment. The other type allows the students to write a research report. Writing a literature review enables the researcher to read the related literature reviews produced in earlier articles. It is important to start from general topics to specific topics when conducting research. Literature review will require the researcher to regularly visit the library, online research information, and apply other data collection methods, which will be essential in gaining more knowledge concerning the researched topic. Google scholar is an example of a research tool that researchers can use to seek more information.

Theoretical Studies

Obeidat et al. 2016, discussed theoretical studies where he reviewed the knowledge management concept and its application of Total Quality Management (TQM). A comprehensive literature review can be used to reveal factors associated with TQM practices. It will be significant in analyzing important elements such as knowledge acquisition and storage of research knowledge that can be used in the future. The elements will be linked with TQM elements such as customer satisfaction and enhancing good management in the organization. The relationship between customer satisfactions plays a vital role in improving the success of the study. The research provides a holistic framework for future researchers to select popular knowledge management and TQM practices, thus ensuring the researchers have strong knowledge of the subject and creating a theoretical foundation for the current study.

Singh et al., 2011, argued that the research provided has a clear literature review that summarizes the evolution of TQM. This is important because it establishes the possible success of implementing the study of TQM. The literature review will analyze the soft dimensions and constructs such as leadership roles, stakeholder's roles or functions, and human resource philosophy and applications. According to the example of the TQM study, the literature review research is related directly to the customers; thus, researching theoretical background will help the researcher produce desirable findings.

Applied Research Studies

Luzon and Pasola (2011) discussed the existing theory of ambidexterity that analyzes organizations' implications to implement total quality management. Analyzing relevant theoretical and empirical studies on ambidexterity and TQM targeting similar elements will facilitate the synergy between theoretical and empirical studies. The results from both studies will enhance the research study's effectiveness, and customer satisfaction will be a significant tenet of TQM.

Lastly, the relationship between TQM and service quality in the public sector focuses on job standardization in Taipei positive relationship. Service quality will be the key focus in establishing the business world. This will be a significant factor that should be considered in creating effective job satisfaction (Hsieh et al., 2002).

In conclusion, conducting literature will be important because it will provide knowledge on the topic studied. A researcher will identify different methods that other researchers used, and he will gain more information from the previous researches.



    • Green, B. N., Johnson, C. D., & Adams, A. (2006). Writing Narrative Literature Reviews for Peer-Reviewed Journals. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 5(3), 101-117.
    • Hsieh, A. T., Chou, C. H., & Chen, C. M. (2002). Job Standardization and Service Quality. Total Quality Management,  13(7),  899-912.
    • Luzon, M. D. M., & Pasola, J. V. (2011). Ambidexterity and Total Quality Management. Management Decision.
    • Obeidat, B. Y., Hashem, L., Alansari, I., Tarhini, A., & Al-Salti, Z. (2016). The Effect of Knowledge Management Uses on Total Quality Management Practices: A Theoretical Perspective. Journal of Management and Strategy, 7(4), 18-29.
    • Rowley, J., & Slack, F. (2004). Conducting a Literature Review. Management Research News.
    • Singh, T., Geetika, G., & Dubey, R. (2011). A Theoretical Framework for Soft Dimensions of Total Quality Management. In International Conference on Economics and Finance Research IPEDR (Vol. 4).

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