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Behavioral Approach to Correctional Management and Rehabilitation

Categories: Literature

  • Words: 2547

Published: Jun 27, 2024


This paper discusses the behavioral approaches, focusing on time-out as a behavioral management procedure when dealing with criminal offenders. I was able to compare time-out to other behavioral techniques, and it was evident that time-out is more effective when dealing with criminal offenders. This paper will explain how effective the time-out procedure is when dealing with offenders for treatment purposes in comparison to the amount of funding it takes for other programs. Reduction of recidivism will also be explained with expansion on relationship building, problem-solving and behavioral modification.

Behavioral Approach

The behavioral approach examines the individual's thoughts, feelings, and actions. It considers observations of emotional states and behavior patterns to determine whether these behaviors are based on what the individual wants or is simply a result of external factors such as genetics or upbringing. The behavioral approach to correctional management and rehabilitation views prisoners not as products of their environments but as active beings who must be engaged in efforts to change their behavior. The behavioral approach assumes that individuals can be taught to change with appropriate motivation and training. It has several advantages: it focuses on problem-solving, it emphasizes the importance of relationships, it is flexible, and it attempts to modify behavior by focusing on what needs to happen for change to occur. Perhaps most intriguingly, the behavioral approach embraces the idea that incarcerated individuals can control their behavior" (Gensheimer,  1987).

One of the behavioral approaches I will focus on is the time-out as a behavioral management procedure when dealing with undesirable behaviors by inmates. Time-out is a behavioral management procedure that involves placing an inmate in a time-out area for a brief period. It may be used as an alternative to punitive interventions, including confinement and isolation, as well as solitary confinement. The American Psychological Association defines a time-out as "a specific behavior management plan that consists of a prescribed sequence of positive and negative consequences followed by a cessation of activity" (Milan, 2014). In essence, time-out means nothing until it is over, and then you are allowed to start again. The goal for both staff and inmates alike is to allow them to self -correct through their participation in the program, so there is little need for further intervention. Time-out can be used to reduce the chance or probability of future offenses. This may lead to cost savings for taxpayers since it would reduce the need for follow-up services such as probation and parole. Time out can also be helpful in rehabilitation by allowing an individual's actions to have repercussions regarding their ability to behave in other areas.

Time-out has also proven effective when dealing with children when intrusive behavioral interventions have been tried, and they have proven ineffective. Time-out has been used in schools for decades and has proven to be an effective tool for behavior modification. Records show that time out does not cause children anxiety but helps them deal with challenging situations more effectively because of their unique temperament and needs. The purpose of time­ out is to reduce the probability that a child will engage in unwanted behavior. Parents or other family members can implement time-out independently as a behavioral management intervention or by an administrator with parental permission. Time-out has proven to be an effective way of reducing the frequency of a targeted behavior being repeated by a child or a young adult (Williams, 2006).

Time-out as a behavioral management procedure can be effective compared to response cost when dealing with an inmate. Time-out is instrumental because it teaches inmates to reflect on their actions and consider how they might have interrupted people's lives. Response cost is considered ineffectual because it fails to address why an inmate has behaved in such a way, making the situation worse than it would have been without response costs. Thus, the time-out will help inmates understand how their actions affect others and how they affect themselves (Burchard  & Barrera,  1972).

Inmates respond to a time-out less negatively than to physical or verbal punishment. And depending on the level of response cost, it may not be effective in managing inmates according to behavioral standards. This is caused by the fact that time-outs are less likely to 'backfire' and result in even more damaging behavior than physical or verbal sanctions. One of the essential benefits of time-out is its ability to reduce tension, build self -control and increase discipline in inmates. Other benefits include increasing commitment by making offenders commit themselves fully to their programs and increasing compliance with orders given out by correctional staff members because the off ender feels the responsibility for his actions. Additionally, time-outs have been found to have some positive benefits for inmates. For example, it can help build cooperation among inmates, improve self-control and reduce fighting within a group, which can lead to positive results for safety purposes.'

The study of offenders' behavior and correctional management discovered that time-out was an applicable behavioral management procedure to deal with an inmate. It has been found that other less intrusive corrective management methods may not have reduced the number of incidents occurring at the jail. Still, time-out effectively minimizes the occurrence of these incidents. For example, if a group of inmates is engaging in disruptive behavior, excluding those involved will enable them to isolate those causing the commotion from others in the cell block. This can be achieved by allowing certain inmates to step outside for a set period - usually between one and fifteen minutes - while others who remain continue with their work or other activities.


The case study has demonstrated how behavioral management procedures are used to deal with inappropriate inmate behavior and how some corrections problems can be resolved using such a method. It also shows how time-out can effectively punish inmates who have committed crimes and put individuals and communities at risk. Funding will be reduced by using this type of approach versus some expensive program that proves not to be as effective. The key component with this technique should not be punishment but merely just a method to let the offender reflect on their actions however you cannot just place them in this type of time-out or confinement without offering any type of guidance for rehabilitation so not to reproduce the same action.


  • Milan, M. (2004). Behavioral approaches to correctional management and rehabilitation. The essential handbook of offender assessment and treatment, 47-62.
  • Gottschalk, R., Davidson II, W. S., Mayer, J., & Gensheimer, L. K. (1987). Behavioral approaches with juvenile offenders: A meta-analysis of long-term treatment efficacy. In E. K. Morris & C. J. Braukmann (Eds.), Behavioral approaches to crime and delinquency. New York: Plenum
  • Wolf, T. L., McLaughlin, T. F., & Williams, R. L. (2006). Time-out Interventions and Strategies: A Brief Review and Recommendations. International Journal of Special Education, 21(3), 22-29.
  • Burchard, J. D., & Barrera, F. (1972). AN ANALYSIS OF TIME-OUT AND RESPONSE COST IN A PROGRAMMED ENVIRONMENT 1. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 5(3), 271-282.

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