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Categories: Greek Mythology

  • Words: 6928

Published: Jul 04, 2024


Originally from Athena, Daedalus is the father of Icarus and is tasked to construct a labyrinth that could imprison the Minotaur within the palace of Knossos. However, after creating a device to allow Theseus, lover of King Minos' daughter, to navigate the labyrinth in order to defeat the Minotaur. Angry, King Minos intends to feed Daedalus and Icarus to the Minotaur, and father

and son plan their escape. Daedalus constructs wings that will be able to carry his son away from the palace, using collected feathers and wax. Daedalus warned his son not to fly too high, but Icarus felt empowered by his freedom and flew so high that the wax began to melt and Icarus fell to his death. This is a story alluding to pride, and specifically, to hubris, in which one acted like a god and tested their mortal limits.

Theseus and the Minotaur

Theseus, a true Greek hero, stops at nothing to kill the Minotaur, a creature that is half man, half bull. King Minos harbors the Minotaur within a labyrinth inside his palace and sacrifices youths to the Minotaur every year. Theseus volunteers as a youth to be sacrificed in order to get close enough to kill the Minotaur, despite his father's pleas to not go. Theseus promised his father, King Aegean, that if he lived, he would return with white sails on his ship. If he died, his boat would return with black sails and his father would know. After falling in love with King Minos' daughter who helped him navigate the labyrinth and destroy the Minotaur, Theseus returns with his lover but carelessly forgets to change his sails to white, his father believing Theseus to be dead. In grief, King Aegean jumps to his death in an ocean now called the Aegean Sea. This is a story the shows that in a fight between man and monster, men must balance their intelligence with their arrogance, lest a careless action destroy a man's life.

Prometheus and Fire

Considered a master of trickery, Prometheus was the God of Fire and helped create the human race. Tasked with this, Prometheus created man out of mud and gave them a gift that would make them strong, like the gods: fire. After joining the Olympians in the war against the Titans, Prometheus was spared from joining with his Titan relatives in the imprisonment, Tartarus. Resentful, Prometheus decided to play a trick on Zeus, and during a feast convinced Zeus to eat the bones and fat of the meal instead of the meat. Enraged, Zeus took away the gift of fire from humans, but Prometheus was fonder of the men than Gods after the war, so he stole fire back in order to help the human race strive for better lives. As punishment, Zeus chained Prometheus to a mountain, where an eagle would torture him by eating his liver every day. Many believe that through his mask of trickery, Prometheus was able to help humankind bring about the Enlightenment, in which new technology and inventions helped them lead to superior lives.

Sisyphus and the Gods

Sisyphus, king of Ephyra, was very cunning and sly. He angered many gods as he continuously cheated death and prospered without ramification. After angering Zeus due to his violation of the Xenia, the idea that generosity would be shown to travelers, in order to establish his reputation of ruthlessness, Zeus ordered Thanatos to chain him and bring him to the Underworld. Sisyphus tricked Thanatos into wearing the cuffs, which resulted in preventing any mortal to die. This angered Ares, as his wars were no longer interesting nor disruptive due to the lack of death.

Sisyphus continued to cheat death as he ordered his wife to not give him a proper burial, so he could ask Persephone if he could return to the land of the living to make sure he was awarded a proper funeral. By this time, Zeus could tolerate no more and ordered his punishment to be rolling up a heavy boulder up a hill only for it to roll back down, every time. This myth is meant to show the conflict of the order we desire, and the chaos which we are given.

Demeter and Persephone

Demeter was the goddess of harvest and fertility, and was also mother to Persephone. Hades fell in love with Persephone, and abducted her. Distraught, Demeter scoured the Earth looking for her, disguising herself as an old woman and denying her daughter’s fate. She created a drought that would take the lives of many mortals before Zeus ordered the release of Persephone. Before her release, though, Hades gave a pomegranate seed for Persephone to consume. This pomegranate seed guaranteed the return of Persephone for half of the year. This myth is an indication of a change in season, as well as how crops go underground for the winter and return in the summer.

Narcissus and Echo

Oedipus, the Sphynx, Electra

Oedipus was adopted by King Polybus after his biological father learned from an oracle that his son was destined to kill him and marry his wife. Oedipus traveled towards Thebes which was being afflicted by the Sphinx, a winged monster, who would kill any person who couldn't solve her riddle. Oedipus solved the riddle correctly, which led to the suicide of the Sphinx. Oedipus earned the throne at Thebes as a reward. Freud uses Oedipus to describe a son's love for his mother and jealousy towards his father, while he uses the term Electra complex to describe a daughter's love for her father and jealousy towards her mother.

The Gryphon; the Phoenix; the Gorgon

The phoenix is a mythological bird that is able to destroy itself until it is reborn. This symbolizes that life is able to be renewed. The three Gorgon sister most commonly known are Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, and they represented an image that stood for strength and ruler.

Danae; Europa; Leda

Danae was imprisoned by her father, King Acrisius, after he learned that her son would kill him. Zeus impregnated her and her son Perseus was born. After Danae fled toward the shelter of Athena, Perseus became angry and struck an alliance with King Polydectes. Europa caught the eye of Zeus, without Hera noticing, and Zeus created a bull of beauty in her honor to take her away and be with him.

Pygmalion and Galatea

Pygmalion was a sculptor who created an ideal woman out of an ivory statue. He names this statue Galatea and prays for her to be real. The goddess Aphrodite is touched by his devotion and brings her to life. This story depicts how men often put their desires and dreams of women and shapes them into a reality.

The Labors of Hercules

Hercules continuously searched towards immortality. The god Apollo vowed that if he completed 12 tasks, he could achieve immortality. These tasks were to slay the Nemean Lion, the Lernaean Hydra, and the Stymphalian Birds. He also had to capture the Ceryneian Hind, Erymanthian

Boar, and the Cretan Bull. Hercules was ordered to steal and obtain many other objects and was success.

The Muses

There are nine muses who represent various arts. Both mankind and the gods enjoyed and needed them as they offered a reprieve from the everyday trouble mortals and immortals face. They off ered inspiration to the world as they off ered music, dance, song, and poetry.

The King James Bible (Old and New Testament)

The Creation of the World; the Garden of Eden; Adam and Eve; Original Sin; the Fall

The Creation of the World is the moment in which God created both Heaven and Earth, when there were no people or any true form. God then created a paradise called the Garden of Eden, where the first two human beings, Adam and Eve, were allowed to roam. However, God gave a warning that they could eat every fruit freely except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A serpent convinced Eve to eat the fruit, and she shared some with Adam. This resulted in their exile from Eden as well as the creation of the Original Sin, in which sinful desires are an innate part of a person's heart. These events commenced the fall of man, in which Adam and Eve guiltily changed from innocent and obedient, to disobedient. The moral of this story is warn against temptation and to maintain one's faithful virtue.

Noah and the Flood

After seeing the sin of the world, God is left disappointed and decides to destroy his creation in order to renew the world. Noah has proven himself faithful and obedient, so God allows Noah and his family to survive the flood. Noah and his family begin to build an ark that will hold them and a few animals. Even though there was no proof, Noah continued to be faithful to the will of God, and his family survived the flood. This story displays the love God has for his creation despite its sin. Noah is proof of goodness in the world and advocates to listen to God's voice.


Abraham was a man of faith and lived in Ur, which was prosperous and beautiful; however, it was a city of sin. Listening to God's voice, Abraham and his cousin, Lot, went on a journey to  the promised land God had directed him to. Abraham is an example of a man of faith as he believed that in every circumstance God would supply his needs and fulfill his promise. This tale of Abraham serves the purpose to encourage to have faith, despite the circumstance, for eternity. This message also indicates that unquestionable faith will be rewarded.

Lot and his Wife

The story of Lot and his wife urges a message to heed God's warning. After finding the promised land with his cousin, Abraham, Lot is allowed his pick of the land. Greedily, Lot chooses the richest portion of land, facing the city of Sodom. Sodom was a city of wicked people who sinned for the purpose of enjoying pleasures. God decided he would destroy it, but Abraham begged God on Lot's behalf. God allowed an angel to guide Lot and his family away from the city, warning them to not look back. Lot continued on; however, his wife turned back in regret of the pleasures she was leaving behind for an unknown future. As a result, Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt.

  • Cain and Abel; Jacob and Esau; Isaac and Rebecca; Rachel and Leah; Ruth and Naomi

Cain and Abel were both the first children of Adam and Eve. Still in exile, Adam and Eve asked the Lord what they could do to begin to atone for their sins. God asked for a sacrifice and Adam and Eve urged their children to provide sacrifices as well. Abel was a shepherd and brought his best lamb as tribute, while Cain, a farmer, brought poor crop to sacrifice. God favored Abel more because of his generous off ering. Cain grew jealous and resentful of his brother and became the first murderer; after lying about his sin, God punished Cain. A family of deceit, Isaac and Rebecca birthed twins, Jacob and Esau. Isaac was promised the covenant of Abraham, but Jacob and his mother plotted to steal his birthright. These relationships depict an image of jealousy and consequential pride, which is much diff erent that the relationship between Ruth and Naomi, who turn to faith in order to restore their lives from famine.

The Wisdom of Solomon

Solomon is a young ruler who only asks to be taught how to rule wisely. Because he does not ask for riches and other pleasures, he is rewarded with beautiful wealth in addition to the knowledge he now possesses. God blessed his people with rich land and many people are attracted to the  land and temple built to worship Jehovah. However, as Solomon begins to marry diff erent women of foreign religion, Solomon begins to pray to other gods, as well. Angry, Jehovah vows to take away Solomon's kingdom, showing that wisdom and knowledge in the acts of faith cannot be replaced by greed and injustice.

Joseph (coat of many colors; sold into Egypt)

Joseph was a son of a shepherd who fathered many children; however, Joseph was his favorite son, indicated by a colored coat specifically gifted to him. Joseph also experienced dreams from God that depicted his family bowing to him. This angered his brothers further and they plotted to kill him. However, they came across traders and decided to sell Joseph into slavery in Egypt. He was sold to the Pharaoh's guard, Potiphar. Joseph flourished in this house, and God made him a very successful man. This story advocates that faith can change fate, no matter the circumstance.

Moses (burning bush; Passover; crossing the Red Sea; the 10 Commandments)

At the time of Moses' birth, Egypt has enslaved the Israelites. Born a Hebrew, Moses' mother gave Moses to the daughter of the Pharaoh in order to survive. After witnessing an Egyptian beating a fellow Israelite, Moses kills him and flees the land. God reaches out to Moses through a burning bush, wanting to free his people from bondange. Acting as vessel, Moses demands the Pharaoh to release his people. When he refuses, God unleashes the 10 plagues. At last, Moses begins to lead the Hebrews to the promised land. As an act of God, Moses is able to part the Red Sea and lead his people to safety and freedom. It is now God speaks of 10 commandments for his people to follow.

David (Goliath; Jonathan; Bathsheba; Absalom)

A son of a servant, David confronted Philistine warrior, Goliath. He won without a sword or armor, using only small stones to defeat him. David encountered another hero, Jonathan, who made a covenant with him out of love. David begins to incur the wrath of God, though, when he engages in adultery with Bathsheba. Absalom is a son of David, but he banished when he commits murder. However, Job convinces David that if Jesus can welcome the banished back, then David must also try. Absalom is cunning and charismatic and rebels against his father, leading to his death. This story of David urges people to be discern who is trustworthy and who is a sinner.

Daniel (Nebuchadnezzar; lion's den)

At this time, Nebuchadnezzar is king of Babylon. He is having strange dreams that no astrologer can interpret and Daniel comes forth to help him to interpret. After his encounter, King Nebuchadnezzar  claims that Daniel's God is the true God. King Darius also ruled Babylon and commanded the enslavement of Jews which prophet Daniel prayed against. As a result, King Darius ordered Daniel's death by lion den. But Daniel was saved by an angel sent by God, which leaves an underlying message that those who are good will be saved.


Job is a man of Uz who comes from a place of wealth and avoids doing wrong. He wonders why God allows good, upright people to suff er. Job becomes angry at God and his accused injustices, and God urges Job to trust in his ways and understand that at times the world is at peace, while at other times the world is wild and filled with peace. There is an allusion that people say one might have the "Patience of Job," in which they might be persistent or capable of enduring.

The Prodigal Son

The Prodigal Son depicts a tale in which two sons split the wealth from their father’s estate. The younger son takes the wealth and heads toward the wild country where he spends it all and goes hungry as famine spreads. He thinks of his father in this time and decides to go back to his father and admit his sin and error. His realization of his mistake toward Heaven and his father allows him to forgiven and celebrated. His father tells his oldest son, who is angry about a celebration for a brother who spent all his money without thought while the eldest obeyed his father and received nothing that his youngest son lives once again. This is a story in which one can realize the error of their ways and come back changed for the better.

The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan is a parable that supports Jesus' commandment, "Love thy neighbor as yourself". In the bible, a man questioned who his neighbor was. Jesus went on to say that a man was robbed, beaten, and left on the side of the road. Both a priest, and a Levite, saw him and off ered no aid. At last, a Samaritan saw him and bandaged the beaten man, as well as provided shelter for him. At the end of his tale, Jesus asked who the neighbor was, and the man replied that the one who had shown mercy was the neighbor. Jesus bidded the man to do the same, with the message being clear that mercy should be shown to both friends and enemies.

The Birth of Jesus

Mary of Nazareth was a Jewish woman who was told by an angel called Gabriel that she would birth Jesus, Son of God. Joseph was not married to Mary at the time, but did not initially believe Mary until Gabriel visited Joseph to tell him that Jesus was sent from God in order to save everyone from their sins. Jesus was born in Bethlehem and was believed to be the Savior and Messiah. This story focuses on the salvation that God allowed him to have as his son was born.

The 12 Disciples

The 12 Disciples were 12 Jewish men who became Jesus' followers and attempted to put Jesus' teachings into practice. They abided His word, and Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John helped develop the beginning of the Christian community. Many disciples attended healings with Jesus and were willing to do anything for him.

The Miracles of Jesus (e.g. loaves and fishes; water into wine)

The Miracles of Jesus is a display of God's power and mercy. At a wedding, Mary and the disciples were able to witness God's glory. As the wedding ran out of wine, Jesus ordered the servants to fill each jar with water. This water turned into wine and the disciples belief in him grew. Jesus was able to feed five thousand people with only five loaves of bread and two fish as he prayed and gave thanks for their meal.

The Betrayal, Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Jesus' disciple Judas betrayed Jesus and arranged his arrest after the Last Supper. When Judas arrived with soldiers, Jesus did not resist but was still forced to endure many trials. Although high priest Pilate found Jesus innocent, the people continued to condemn him and he died on the crucifix. As he was buried in a tomb, there was an overwhelming grief; however, three days later he rose once more and was resurrected. This phenomenon of power and will shown by God displays a message that despite sin and pain, there is still forgiveness.

Mary and Mary Magdalene

Mary and Mary Magdalene represent an image of true believers in the name of God. At the time of Jesus's Death, Mary and Mary Magdalene are grieving outside the tomb of Jesus. After realizing Jesus's body is missing from the tomb, Mary become distraught that somebody took Hirn away. She is visited by two angels, who inform her Jesus will rise again. Jesus goes to her and tells her to go to the disciples and tell of his ascension to His Father. This story represents an idea that the trust in God and the ability to believe will lead one out of their grief.

Work Cited

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  • The Bible Project. (2018). The book of Job discusses why God allows pain and suffering. I The Bible Project. [online] Available at: https://thebibleproject.corn/explore/job/ [Accessed 07 Aug. 2018].
  • Bible Study Tools. (2018). Ruth and Naomi  - Bible Story Verses & Meaning. [online] Available at:    [Accessed 07 Aug. 2018].
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