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Homework answers / question archive / ENGLISH 1A | Essay #3: Rogerian Argument (5-6 pages) | 100 points total DUE Finals Week – Thursday 5/19/21Assignment: Write a 5-6 page Rogerian Argument essay in which you will identify a recent controversial issue (within the last 10 years), take a side, and persuade the reader to agree with you

ENGLISH 1A | Essay #3: Rogerian Argument (5-6 pages) | 100 points total DUE Finals Week – Thursday 5/19/21Assignment: Write a 5-6 page Rogerian Argument essay in which you will identify a recent controversial issue (within the last 10 years), take a side, and persuade the reader to agree with you


ENGLISH 1A | Essay #3: Rogerian Argument (5-6 pages) | 100 points total DUE Finals Week – Thursday 5/19/21Assignment: Write a 5-6 page Rogerian Argument essay in which you will identify a recent controversial issue (within the last 10 years), take a side, and persuade the reader to agree with you. The purpose of a Rogerian Argument is to examine an issue, analyze and explain the two sides, establish common ground, and offer a compromise; ultimately, you will convince the reader that while both sides have valid points and that there can be a win-win outcome, OR that one side is stronger than the other.Prompt: Choose a controversial issue, polarizing event, public occurrence, or "national conversation" that took place in the United States within the last 10 years. Location and date are key here—focus on contemporary issues, and localize these issues to the United States (you could get even more specific here: California or Inland Empire). Think about some of our readings; perhaps there is a theme, issue, or controversy from one that you would be interested in exploring for this essay. Hint to help you brainstorm more: Think about your major/career goal and some of the problems these communities face or some problems that these communities try to find solutions for.You will use the Rogerian argument method to analyze both sides of this topic, analyze which side is stronger, and make an argument based on this evaluation.*An important note: I will not be putting restrictions on the topics you choose. However, there are some very divisive subjects that you may want to write about and I want to encourage you to remember that it’s easy to get caught up in your own opinion. Topics that hit close to home have a potential to turn into biased rants that rely more on emotion than factual evidence. *Please be mindful—a large part of your grade will be dictated by how well you are able to argue from an objective space by relying on credible sources that aren’t simply cherry-picked to suit your opinion or to downplay an opposing view. This is also why it will be important to use the Chaffey database to find peer-reviewed, academic/research-based sources.Essay Requirements:1. Focus your thesis, related claims, and the body of your essay on explaining the chosen concept. Your essay must be organized so that every part contributes something to the reader’s understanding of the central idea.2. Use a minimum of 4 sources (2 must be from the Chaffey Library database). All sources must have an author.3. Include a minimum of 6 properly-cited pieces of textual evidence.4.. Use proper conventions (MLA format, spelling, grammar).5. Meet the length requirement.Components1. Brainstorm (2) 2. Outline or bubble map (8)3. Annotated bibliography (4)

ENGLISH 1A | Essay #3: Rogerian Argument (5-6 pages) | 100 points total DUE Finals Week – Thursday 5/19/212. Rough Draft (20)3. Peer Review (6) 4. Final Draft (60) Key Dates (all by 11:59 PM on date): 1. 4/18/21 – Brainstorm/proposal (must include a summary paragraph—use questions below)2. 4/25/21 – Outline or bubble map (must include a working thesis, organized ideas, and no more than 2 pages.)3. 5/2/21 – Annotated bibliography (must include at least 2 sources found through your own research; at least one should be from the Chaffey database)4. 5/9/21 – Rough Draft (must have at least 3 pages with in-text citations and a Works Cited page to earn full credit) 5. 5/17/21 – Peer review (must complete peer review question sheet and attach in comments of peer partner’s assignment)6. 5/19/21 – Final draft (also EC if you did it)Evaluation Checklist: To write a successful Rogerian Argument, you will need to follow the elements listed below. Ask yourself these evaluation questions:____Does my essay have a clear main purpose?____Do I have an arguable thesis, evidence, and synthesis (my own thoughts and my source ideas blended smoothly)?____Am explaining why this analysis is critical to the reader?____Am I making a clear connection between the theme/message of each essay?____Do I give the sides equal analysis?____Am I using at least 4 sources?____Am I using at least 6 pieces of evidence for support?____Am I simply summarizing two sides of the argument, or actually deconstructing them? There should be explanation, but also analysis of each side with evidence.____Am I finding a common ground between the sides? Am I showing how the opposing side can benefit from my side?____Am I using an unbiased tone throughout?Questions to help you get started (use these for your brainstorm):1. What is your topic? Why have you chosen this debate?2. What are the two sides of the argument? Which side seems to be stronger?3. What do you already know about this subject? What do you need to find about? 4. Can you fully analyze both sides of the argument without bias? 5. What do you want your reader to learn or understand from your essay?

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