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Homework answers / question archive / Question: According to the General Hospital's policy, could the hospital release Melissa's records to a clinic where Melissa was receiving mental health counseling without a signed authorization from her? Choose one answer below 1) No, the policy states that information may only be released to another healthcare provider with a patient's signed authorization

Question: According to the General Hospital's policy, could the hospital release Melissa's records to a clinic where Melissa was receiving mental health counseling without a signed authorization from her? Choose one answer below 1) No, the policy states that information may only be released to another healthcare provider with a patient's signed authorization

Health Science

Question: According to the General Hospital's policy, could the hospital

release Melissa's records to a clinic where Melissa was receiving mental health counseling without a signed authorization from her? Choose one answer below
1) No, the policy states that information may only be released to another healthcare provider with a patient's signed authorization.
2) No, mental health counseling is an exception to the release to another healthcare provider without a signed d authorization for continuity of care.
3) Yes, the policy states information may be release to another healthcare provider without a signed authorization for continuity of care.
4) Yes, the policy indicates that all mental health issues are : emergencies" and information may be released to another healthcare provider without a signed authorization for continuity of care

Hospital policy

All information contained within a patient's medical record will be maintained in a confidential manner to protect the patient's right to confidentiality and comply with City, State and Federal Regulations including HIPAA.

This policy includes the procedures to follow when a patient requests to disclose their medical information to another physician, hospital, or medical facility, an attorney, an insurance company, to the patient or any other party as authorized by the patient.

Protected Health Information (PHI) may only be accessed/used or disclosed, as follows:
  to those directly involved in the treatment of the patient;
to comply with public health regulations;
for the payment of services provided to a patient;
 to researchers as authorized by the patient or an IRB approval;
as required by law; or
 as authorized by the patient or other legally authorized individual/or entity.

Protected Health Information may be disclosed with a written authorization from the patient if all the following are met:
•  The authorization is in writing, is dated, and is signed or otherwise authenticated (scanned or electronically signed). The exception is immunization records, which may be disclosed to a school with the verbal permission of the parent or the patient.
•  The authorization specifies the information to be disclosed.
•  The authorization specifies the entity or location to disclose the information.
•  The authorization specifies the person or persons to receive the information.

The following information must be reviewed, and documented that it was reviewed, before protected health information is disclosed:
·  A patient or other designated/authorized individual requesting disclosure of the medical information has completed a Release of Information form. The Release of Information form must be completed or updated by the patient or other designated/authorized individual.
•  The Release of Information should be reviewed to verify the signature (scanned or electronically signed) of the patient or legally authorized representative. Verbal or telephone authorization are not accepted.
•  The date on the authorization must be no more than three-years-old or must not have expired.
•  A healthcare provider can verbally disclose or fax medical information to a physician, hospital, or medical facility upon receipt of the required authorization or a statement in the record documenting that the patient is unable to authorize release of their information in an emergency.
•  Medical information may be released and/or disclosed with another healthcare provider/healthcare organization without a signed authorization if the healthcare providers have a known patient in common or for continuity of care.

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