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Homework answers / question archive / 1)For most of humankind’s history, people have commuted to and from their place of work

1)For most of humankind’s history, people have commuted to and from their place of work


1)For most of humankind’s history, people have commuted to and from their place of work.





2. ?A major change that took place during the Industrial Revolution was that highly skilled artisans took over the jobs of low-skilled laborers. 




3. ?The Gilbreths used motion picture films to analyze jobs.




4. ?A Gantt chart indicates informal communication paths.




5. ?Gantt charts were revolutionary in the era of seat-of-the-pants management because of the detailed planning information they provided. 




6. ?One of the most commonly used operations management tool is cognitive mapping, which is used to better understand the psychology of the workers in an organization.







7. ?For most of recorded history, information has been costly, difficult to obtain, and slow to spread.




8. ?One of the first technologies to truly revolutionize the business use of information was a stone tablet.




9. ?A systems approach to management encourages managers to view each division as a separate, vital entity.




10. ?Nearly all organizations should be viewed as open systems that interact with their environments and depend on them for survival.




Multiple Choice


11. ?Which of the following was al-Farabi’s significant contribution to management thought and practice?




12. ?The first individual to list managerial traits was _____.




13. ?How did the Industrial Revolution change jobs and organizations?




14. ?One of the objectives of the motion study conducted by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth was to:




15. ?Which of the following statements is true about bureaucracy?




16. ?Which of the following is an element of bureaucratic organizations?




17. ?According to the elements of bureaucracy, which of the following is a criterion for promoting employees?




18. ?Which of the following is true about the chain of command in Max Weber’s bureaucracy?




19. ?According to bureaucratic management, _____ should supervise an organization.




20. ?When viewed in historical context, Weber’s ideas about bureaucracy show that _____.




21. ?_____ developed the fourteen principles of management.




22. ?According to Henri Fayol’s fourteen principles of management, _____ means that each employee should report to and receive orders from just one boss.




23. ?According to Henri Fayol's fourteen principles of management, which of the following is true of unity of direction?




24. ?According to Henri Fayol’s fourteen principles of management, _____ requires that compensation should be fair and satisfactory to both the employees and the organization.




25. ?According to Henri Fayol's fourteen principles of management, order can be achieved in an organization by _____.




26. ?Mary Parker Follett believed that the best way to deal with conflict was _____.




27. ?According to Mary Parker Follett, _____ is an approach for dealing with conflict in which one party satisfies its desires and objectives at the expense of the other party’s desires and objectives.




28. ?Two companies operating from the same building have a conflict over the parking facilities available to their employees. They fail to come to a conclusion beneficial to both the companies. Eventually, the company with fewer number of employees loses the conflict and is forced to stop using the parking facilities. Which of the following methods is used for resolving the conflict in the given scenario?




29. ?Two managers of a company have a conflict over resources required to complete their new projects. Both managers want the best employees of the firm to work in their projects. Eventually, they arrive at a decision where they equally share the number of top-performing employees. In the given scenario, which of the following methods have the managers used to resolve the conflict?




30. ?According to Mary Parker Follett, _____ involves invention.




31. ?The Hawthorne Studies showed how _____ can influence work.




32. ?The Hawthorne Studies showed that _____.




33. ?Which of the following management theorists provided managers with a better understanding of the effect group social interactions and employee satisfaction have on individual and group performance?




34. ?According to Chester Barnard, which of the following statements is true about a zone of indifference?




35. ?According to Chester Bernard, people will be indifferent to managerial directives or orders if they _____.




36. ?Which of the following is the term used for the amount and number of raw materials, parts, and finished products that a company has in its possession?




37. ?In a bottle-manufacturing company, the employees were divided into two teams to foster competition in order to increase production. Each team produced 100 bottles per day. When the managers of the company integrated the two teams into one, they found that the numbers of bottles produced per day was 300. This was due to the increased division of labor and coordination among the employees. This approach is an example of _____.




38. ?Which of the following is an advantage of the systems approach to management?




39. ?According to the _____, the most effective management theory or idea depends on the kinds of problems or situations that managers are facing at a particular time and place.



40. ?Which of the following is a practical implication of the contingency approach to management?



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