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What happens to us after we die?

Categories: History

  • Words: 686

Published: Jun 12, 2024


Reflection Journal


What happens to us after we die?


A new life starts after we die. Christians have convictions on the existence of a second life that begins after one dies. It is, however, enjoyed by those who have repented their sins and accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Is there a heaven and hell? If so, what lands someone in one place over the other, or does everyone ultimately land in Heaven?

Yes. Heaven and hell exist and particularly are destination places for those who have died and started their second phases of life. Hell belongs to sinners who, despite knowing or hearing about Jesus, deny repenting their sins and accepting Him, who came to save humankind. On the other side, Heaven belongs to the children of God. Despite being proclaimed as sinners, these are believers who repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Saviors. Additionally, they uphold Christ’s teachings and live by the will of the Lord.

Do we die, and that's it, only to become a pile of eternal compost?


Probably yes. Eternal life is a human second life. It ultimately begins when one dies. That is the moment those who have repented their sins and accepted Jesus as their Savior get granted everlasting lives.

Do our bodies die while our "energy" or "life force" lands in some other human or non- human life form, or maybe float in space for all eternity?

Human bodies die, but the soul or spirit does not. Instead, the soul or "life force" remains active and is judged by the Creator based on the actions of the immediate human being while they were alive. It is believed Heaven exists where all those who accepted Jesus would ultimately live in everlasting life.



Can multiple answers to this question from various people all be equally valid?


It cannot be possible that every answer from multiple people about Heaven, hell, and eternal life be true. However, there is a common conviction that the second phase of life exists out of the earthly human life after one perishes from the earth.

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