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The Impact of the Space Race on America

Categories: History

  • Words: 6363

Published: Jun 12, 2024

“That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” (Armstrong, 1969), the final words of declaring the win the space race. The space race was an interesting part of the human race history, demonstrating our abilities to push ourselves past the limits on Earth. Little do we know the space evolved from the hatred of war to the connections and relationships to get to the stars. To push human efforts beyond of home planet into the brightly, lit night sky. From the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union, it slowly transitioned into the Space Race, who could demonstrate that they were more advance in their sciences and in their government. The space race was a way to establish dominance in global power, getting a man into space was the ultimate goal. The Space Race affected America by creating new, advanced technology we have today, creating friendly foreign affairs with competing nations and proving the US was the most developed /leading nation in the world.

From the end of WWII, the US and the Soviet Union emerged as world powers and as enemies, from the beginning of the Cold War to the end of the Space Race. Sputnik––the first man-made satellite, made by the Soviet Union––demonstrated to the world that the Soviets had advanced technology and sparked the space race. This made the US look less of a world power because the US was not advanced enough to get their own satellite to space at the time, the idea of getting a man to space would outdo the Soviets. This began the race to space. As for the Americans, severely behind in technology, the best scientists were brought together to create new technology that can be used in space (military use) and eventually for the public use. The US spent millions of dollars to create NASA, the American space program. Without the space race, NASA would not have been created. It received huge amounts of funding and political attention to help push a man into space. As the space race continued, it brought more tension to the Cold


War. Because the Cold War and the Space Race took place at the same time, they influenced each other’s outcomes. With the help of President Eisenhower and late John F. Kennedy, they grabbed the attention of millions of Americans to not be discouraged by the Soviet Union but as to be more motivated to beat them to space and eventually walk on the moon. Tension began to grow more as the Americans were beginning to take the lead after the Soviets in space technology. The Americans benefited from having more funding and having science committees specialized in certain areas. Mathematicians, physicists, astronomers, rocket scientists and political support were helping NASA’s programs become more developed. Although the Soviet Union was the first to get a man in space, the US soon followed and got its first American to space. To the US, the ultimate prize to winning the space race was to be the first on the moon. On July 20, 1969, the US Apollo 11 mission was a successful lunar landing for mankind, demonstrating the power and strength of the American people to the rest of the world. This devastated the Soviet Union, as the US was able to beat them to the moon, the Soviets lacked the technology and political power to reach it. After the Space Race slowly came to an end, other countries began their own space programs due to the influence and success of the US. The significance of the Space Race was being able to prove to the rest of the world that the US was an important world power, especially a successful government and that many important scientific breakthroughs were created. Without the Space Race, we would today have our current foreign relations, technology and our leading nation to this day.

The advances in technology have helped us reach us reach the stars and more. With the collaboration between many great scientists has helped improve current and created new technology. Sputnik, the first manmade satellite to ever be put into orbit around our planet by the Soviet Union, to the US this was a sign of lacking in technology (Taylor, 2014). In order to beat


the Soviets in the Space Race, America had to create NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). This allowed the Americans to develop technology such as satellites, wireless utilities and powerful rockets (Taylor, 2014). NASA was a stable ground into getting ahead of the Soviets in technology; JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) which is also part of NASA specialized in rockets hence the name (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2000). Creating and placing satellites into orbit helped increase our knowledge by being able to to predict the weather, increased communications and mapping our planet. With the help of satellites, we can now use GPS and more accurate maps like google maps (Herbert, 2014). Satellites also proved to be a weapon, acting as spies in the skies moving stealthy by photographing from space since they orbited the Earth as such high speeds (Chaddha, 2007). Developing rockets and spacecraft to get to the moon was a large scale process, with the help of NASA special committees were created to specialize certain parts of the mission. This increased the chances of the Americans into beating the Soviet Union.

With the help of president Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, they recognized the importance of science and technology, directed funding and support from the public to develop more space research ( Herbert, 2014). The National Defense Education Act was to loan $800 million to college students and states to improve sciences to help benefit the Space Race

( Getchell, 2014). This demonstrated the ambition of the US and its people to be the first on the moon. Besides creating technology to orbit the Earth, space probes were also crafted to explore regions of space that have not been touched or seen by man. NASA had sent probes to other planets, Venus and Mars, Viking (the Mars satellite) landed on the martian surface, demonstrating the technological advances of reaching other planets (The Space Age, 2017). Later on satellites were developed to hopefully conduct research on other distant planet like Neptune


and Pluto. Spacecraft technology was the new goal to develop in order to excel in space and to beat the Soviet Union in the Space Race. To design technology that will operate in space was the goal of winning the space race because that would conclude that nation is advanced in their learning and skills to operate in a place no man has ever been before.

Not only did the Space Race create newer technology it also changed the foreign relationship along with its competitor, the Soviet Union, and other nations. Because of the Cold War, the Space race was another part of creating even more foreign tension causing new policies and treaties to be signed. President Eisenhower wanted to promote space exploration, but wanted to keep it peaceful yet competitive with the Soviet Union so he proposed the Open Skies policy, to allow either nation to fly reconnaissance spacecraft over the globe ( Chaddha, 2007). Since the Soviet Union rejected this policy it increased tension because they did not want to be cooperative with the US in any manner. In order to establish middle ground with the Soviet Union the Moon Treaty was created, otherwise, known as the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies ( Department of State, 1967). This treaty included that no part of space is owned by a specific country, international co-operation off Earth and exploring space for scientific reasons, emphasizing on not to carry any weapon of any sort in space. This helped die down the fear of any country placing weapons other than photographic or scientific satellites into orbit. Eventually, the Space Race main political impact was that the US and the Soviet Union began to cooperate which developed the space mission, Apollo-Soyuz (Dunbar, 2008).

Despite the different political views, this was to become the first time each country had displayed congeniality during the Cold War and Space Race under the president Gerald Ford. The signing of the Five Year Agreement between the Soviet Union and the US was what helped establish a middle ground between the two competitors, to work together to explore deeper into space ( The


Nixon-Kosygin Summit, 1975). When political tension grew between the countries in other ways, cooperation between them would still be running, the importance of science was far more important despite their different political views they had (Dunbar, 2008). Having foreign policies for science during the Space Race allowed the science community to keep progressing into the new modern technology and programs such as NASA and the Soviet space program.

Although the US had won the Space Race by putting the first (American) man of all mankind on the moon, the Moon treaty still plays an important role with not only Soviet Russia but all existing countries that can now have access to explore space. Nearly ninety-one countries have signed the Moon treaty to this day in order in stay in terms with the US since they were the first country to reach the moon and win the space race (Department of State, 1967). Since space is considered foreign territory, the need for space law is very evident between powers like the US and the Soviet Union, to avoid tension and potential war to claim celestial bodies. The international space law also helps other countries with developing space programs to not become aggressors but to work together in order to acquire new, scientific breakthroughs.

With the aftermath of WWll and Space Race, the US emerge as a superpower and proved itself as the leading nation by landing on the moon. The space race demonstrated the pros of having a democracy rather than a communist state. The US as a government of democracy delivered a blow to the Soviet Union on how communism cannot lead to a better nation by landing on the moon first. The Space Race and Cold War was not only a race in technology but more political in a sense of what government system is better. That is why the US was far more successful and ahead in the space race, democracy displayed the country’s view on working together in ways they had not before. The late president John F. Kennedy (JFK) gave his speech to the public to inspire America , despite his short presidence he had an influential impact on the


Space Race. JFK’s speech of space exploration helped motivate the citizens of this country to look at the stars:

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. It is for these reasons that I regard the decision last year to shift our efforts in space from low to high gear as among the most important decisions that will be made during my incumbency in the office of the Presidency.” (Kennedy,1962).

The Space Race did not only provide new technology and new foreign policies but success in one's government (The Space Age, 2017). Without a democratic government, the US would not have been able to gain support and funding it needed in order to get a man on the moon to outdo the rest of the world. The need to shut down a communist state was at high stakes because American believed all people deserved to be free and to influence the ideology of democracy to other parts of the world. Although John F. Kennedy never got to see the accomplishment of landing on the moon, he passed believing that that country he served for will be able to accomplish anything they put their minds to. The presidency of John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Gerald Ford greatly influenced the outcome of the Space Race by gaining political support by the public, engaging in more science funding and helping allies of the US.

The impact of an important event in history such as the Space Race has influenced our technology, foreign policies and our status as a world power. The new and improved technology that evolved from this event, we use daily in our lives that we take advantage of, without it


society would be the same as it is today. The change in foreign policies in space has changed relationships with many countries, scientist now collaborate internationally on a large scale, the same way they were able to send a man to the moon. America was able to achieve a world status of a global power because of the successes of winning the Space Race. Claiming democracy is the ideal government to achieve anything not done by mankind. Now we can look to the stars knowing that we can get anywhere, “... not because they are easy, but because they are hard,...”(Kennedy, 1962). Space, as the final frontier is what will bring humanity together to push our limits into space and beyond.














  1. Dunbar, B. (2008, May 19). United States-Soviet Space Cooperation during the Cold Wa. Retrieved February 02, 2017, from

NASA allowed the collaboration between many American scientist in order to accelerate technological advances. Soviet Union lacked collaboration which delayed them into putting men into space and creating new technology which made them jealous of the US space program. Tension increased in the space race based on knowledge.

  1. John F. Kennedy and the space race. (1999). Retrieved February 3, 2017, from The White House Historical Association, f-kennedy-and-the-space-race

JFK did not always approve of the space program but the fact that the Soviet Union launched Sputnik into the space it dawned the beginning of the space race. At the beginning NASA was doing poorly until it gained political support it began completing projects which lead closer to getting man on the moon.


  1. Smith, J. (2007, October 08). Space age inventions you probably use. CNN. Retrieved from


Without the rush and collaboration between many of the great scientist we would not have the many household items we do today. The new technology, simply wireless tool has let us do more in our daily lives and even get men out into space, especially since technology if more prevalent in today’s society.

  1. Herbert, E. (2014, August 30). How did the Space Race between the U.S. And Soviet Russia affect American Politics? Retrieved February 3, 2017, from between-the-u-s-and-soviet-russia-1955-1972/

Political tension grew between the Cold Wars enemies, US and Soviet Union.The Space race was to determine which country was more technologically advance.Public support was essential to the funding and push for development of modern day technology. Racism was put aside within NASA in order to get a man on the moon.

  1. Taylor, J. (2014, August 29). The space race and its impact on technology today. Retrieved February 3, 2017, from

Due to the high competition between the US and Soviet Union, NASA would not developed into the program it is to this day. Without the push of the space race the door to more space discoveries could have not happened, but the price of it has slowed space exploration down to this day. Funding is what has slowed the race down.

  1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2000). In American History. Retrieved from

The lack of support from JFK, Eisenhower help grow the space program by gaining public support and funding in order to enhance it. JPL and other aviation companies helped NASA in the creation of rockets and many robots to put on the moon and possibly onto Mars. Despite many failed missions the political support is what keeps the space program running.

  1. The space age. Retrieved February 3, 2017, from

The space race demonstrated the pros of having a democracy rather than a communist state. The US as a government of democracy delivered a blow to the Soviet Union on how communism cannot lead to a better nation. That is why the US was far more successful and ahead in the space race. Not only did it provide new technology but success in one's government.

  1. Garcia, M. (2005, May 30). The Space Race: The U.S – Soviet/ Russian Relationship in Regards to Space Exploration. Retrieved February 3, 2017, from

The Space Race was created due to the manufacture of missiles and fall of Nazi Germany. To JFK placing a man on the moon was a key move in order to bum down the Soviet Union to to win the race to the moon. After the race NASA along with other countries including


Russia began expanding space programs hoping to have more minds to come together to the exploration of space.

  1. Milestones: 1953–1960. (1957). Retrieved February 3, 2017, from Office of the Historian,

A set back of the space race was our lack of knowledge of highly developed missiles and rockets but from the great presidents, they filled in the missile and space gap. Because of the space race it also grew tension between nuclear programs and testings of lethal weapons. IT still affects today's nuclear testing and space programs that still run.

  1. J. Dick., S. (2005, November 7). Societal impact of the space age. Retrieved February 3, 2017, from Why We Explore,

The idea of space travel and expanding beyond the earth grabbed the attention of millions. What fueled the space race is the hope of extraterrestrial life and exploration of the universe. Besides the advance technology being built the ideology behind the space race was, what is out there? The space race greatly influenced culture and relation to our own planet.

  1. Dickson, P. (2007, November 06). Sputnik’s impact on America — NOVA. Retrieved February 3, 2017, from NOVA, america.html

The cold war and WWII had sparked the space race and brought the US public closer together into supporting that their nation is the most successful in creating technology. The Space Race had become a centerpiece in world politics and technology along with the help of directing thousands of people to look up towards the stars, hoping to reach them.

  1. Chaddha, R. (2007, December 07). Space race time line (non-flash). Retrieved February 3, 2017, from NOVA KQED,

After the fall of Nazi Germany, the US and Soviet Union emerged as world powers and raced to create rockets that can power up a man into space. Little do the public understand is that there is more to the space race than there is. Besides political tension between competing nations With many spies, secret scientist conferences and technology being built the space race sparked into which nation is the most successful in the world.

  1. Outer Space Treaty. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2017, from U.S. Department of State

The treaty of Outer Space was to become the guideline into how the world was to use space for scientific research and exploration. This was to discourage many nations from claiming celestial bodies and placing nuclear weapons into orbit. For the sake of world peace the treaty helped establish middle ground for all countries that have or creating new space programs so that they can collaborate on space projects instead of outdoing each other.

  1. R. (n.d.). United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. Retrieved March 29, 2017, from

A series of space laws were created in order to protect the use of space and other nations with developing space programs. The use of space should only be for the use science and


scientific interests for all countries. More importantly there shall be no nuclear weapons that will more in orbit or on other planetary bodies. Lastly, other countries should take responsibility for what happens in space such as contamination or destruction.

  1. Digital History. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2017, from

The historic launch of the Sputnik into orbit is what started the advancement into space by mankind. The U.S. felt the pressure of wanting to be the world's leader be leading in technology into the final frontier while the Soviet Union was racing against them for the same title. Although JFK persuaded the country into getting a man on the moon, they successfully landed eight years after his death.

  1. Khan Academy. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2017, from america/a/the-start-of-the-space-race

In other words the Space Race was the Cold War in space. In response to the Cold War, NASA-JPL was created in order to develop more research into space technology for the use of the military. The Space Race also included the “missile gap”in which we were behind the Soviets in technology and that it was necessary to spend more money into research. Because of the “missile gap” new foreign policies were created in order to prevent aggression from the competing nation.

  1. "The Nixon-Kosygin Summit." NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.

Creating a joint mission between the Soviet and Americans had became idea in order to bring ideas together. The coordination had been from NASA, the White House, Department of State and Soviet academy of Sciences. This demonstrates how the Soviet Union and U.S. became more friendly as the space race slowed down as the years went on as a symbol of peace. This promised that the Soviet Union and U.S. had to work together in order to accomplish more.

  1. Logsdon, J. (2016). John f. kennedy and the race to the moon. Place of publication not identified: Palgrave Macmillan.

In this novel it discuss the leadership of what JFK had in leading U.S. into winning the Space Race. It demonstrates how JFK has shaped the years to come of NASA and future space exploration. Provided details about how the JFK administration contributed to this historical event by helped him make world changing decision on how mankind will reach and walk on the moon.

  1. TEXT OF PRESIDENT JOHN KENNEDY'S RICE STADIUM MOON SPEECH. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2017, from

In this speech , JFK expresses the importance of expanding into space and how me should be motivated by it. JFK discusses how America has the potential of winning the space race by landing on the moon. It will not only show American pride it will also show how advance mankind has come to be. With any determination we can achieve any goal like getting to the moon, “not because it is easy, because it is hard,” (JFK,1962).



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