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Comparing Political Philosophy Theories

Categories: Philosophy

  • Words: 1124

Published: Sep 12, 2024

Social contract is the theory that is explained the civilian society can give some in which the rightness and extent of the government’s control and power over the society. The government draft for the constitution is a classic example of social contract theory.

According to Thomas Hobbs whom was a book philosopher he presented his very own topic, which he believed that individuals are a social and non-political which is directly reflected to the type of environmental actions which were things like living in a society of poverty and war. Social Contract is an agreement that is between individuals who are willing to make and unconditional and irrevocable transfer of right and power to the sovereign for the sake of peace.


Political philosophy and social contract which was a theory and or model that originated during the Age of Enlightenment that was the origin of the society which was in a state of nature. With political philosophy it seeks to find the form of any political existence. Classical Liberalism is a political philosophy that protects the freedom of individuals. Philosopher John Stuart Mill was a classical liberalist which he was a thinker that was well known for his work in liberalism. Liberalism is the political thought cost the independence of a citizen’s freedom of market and press and or religion that is spoken through speech and government. There are two major political philosophies which were liberalism and Marxism, which are the demise of the Soviet communism.


“Marxism” is the socialist philosophy of Karl Marx (1818–1883). Liberalism is Latin from the word “liberty” which is the philosophy well expressed by John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) in which his treatise On Liberty was that “The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is to prevent harm to others. His own good was either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant.” This was a critical approach to human sciences which he proposed through a system of political and economic development.

Communitarians were critics that hold a common good that is defined by the society. According to Rawls he wanted to guarantee that people will have the right to purse their own ends which was the extent that they do not interfere with the rights of other people trying to pursue their own independence within the society. “If a society is to be well ordered, its members must determine by rational reflection what are to be their principles of justice, said Rawls.”

Nussbaum focused on the capabilities approach which was desired on the outcome rather than any specific ideas within the research. Capabilities approach denies the social justice the secure the mutual advantage of many key desideratum of contract theories “(for example) the ability to live a life of normal length in good health and with the freedom to move about safe from violent assault, to be able to exercise one’s mental, physical, imaginative, and creative powers, and to be able to laugh and play and enjoy recreational opportunities.” Nussbaum she was a professional philosopher that spoke widely on many different approached that explained her different in capabilities.


All of these theories are similar because they are the effects of our society. Though these theories are individually collected they are similar to how we perceive society. They are different from each other because they display different views on each theory. The theory that stood out most for me was the Social Contract that Thomas Hobbs presented a very special idea that was surrounded around the society. Which was poverty and war which is something that will never end and individuals among our society, they will either encounter it or they will endure it. Poverty is not something that people choose to be among sometimes it is just something that happens. The contract he presented delivers people from the evils of the natural state to a more civil society and state of peace. Which peace is something that I am among I feel if the society was more equal and less poverty driven than the society will be a much better place to live.



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