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Homework answers / question archive / Description     Description Our Final Project will be a Researched Living History/Case Study Assignment, which will allow for a creative opportunity for us to practice historical thinking and practice concepts we have studied thus far to modern-day situations affecting indigenous peoples

Description     Description Our Final Project will be a Researched Living History/Case Study Assignment, which will allow for a creative opportunity for us to practice historical thinking and practice concepts we have studied thus far to modern-day situations affecting indigenous peoples






Our Final Project will be a Researched Living History/Case Study Assignment, which will allow for a creative opportunity for us to practice historical thinking and practice concepts we have studied thus far to modern-day situations affecting indigenous peoples. For your project, you may select a topic of your choice, analyze its context and implications, and explore possible solutions to the problem/options for the future.

Assignment Presentation Options

Your Final Project is a traditional essay

If you choose to showcase your work as a traditional essay, here is the criteria:

-at least 6 typed pages minimum (8 pages maximum), double-spaced in 12 point font

-proofread, no plagiarism

-use MLA formatting

-include an MLA Works Cited page

Criteria for Evaluation:

-Clearly selects and presents one topic/issue of focus related to our course

-Thoroughly presents and analyzes historical context from which topic/issue arises

-Thoroughly presents and analyzes historical and modern-day implications

-Thoroughly presents stances and/or options on potential solutions/changes needed

-Thoughtfully proposes the best solution based on research and course materials/concepts

-Includes connections to/support from our textbook throughout essay/presentation

-Includes connections to at least 3 key terms within essay/presentation

-Includes a Works Cited page in MLA format

Assignment Outline

Whether you present your work in a traditional essay or as a creative presentation, either option should follow this outline:

-What is the issue and goal of the analysis?

*introduce the topic assuming your readers/viewers are unfamiliar, and include a clear thesis

-What is the context of the issue?

*clearly explain historical context surrounding/shaping the topic using our textbook, lectures, and outside sources

-What key facts should be considered?

*clearly explain implications of the topic in modern times based on textbook, lectures, and outside sources (personal testimonies, data, etc can be used as evidence)

-What are possible solutions/changes needed?

*clearly show different stances on the topic and/or solutions proposed and/or changes needed

-Select the best option: what would you recommend — and why?

*conclude by making an argument for the best option/solution and explain why based on the information covered within your entire essay/presentation.

*answer the larger “so what” question – in other words, why does this topic matter today?


Potential Topic Ideas

*These broad topics are meant to help offer direction and inspire your own ideas.

*Keep in mind that your proposed topics are not limited to the contents of this list.

*If there is a topic related to the course that you’re interested in, please let me know!

*Keep in mind again that the topics listed are TOO broad and that your topic should be VERY specific.

*I recommend checking in with me on your topic/ideas before getting started.

California Missions Boarding Schools

California Gold Rush Christopher Columbus

Indian Mascots Pocahontas

Cultural Appropriation Black Hills/Mount Rushmore

Environmental Justice/Environmental Racism Reparations/Repatriation/Rematriation

Tribal Nation Building/Tribal Sovereignty Indian Self-Determination

Standing Rock Protest Indigenous Activism

Mauna Kea Protest Indigenous Environmental Stewardship

Tribal Termination Policies in 1950s Urban Relocation Policies in 1950s

Global Indigeneity/US Imperialism Indigenous Art/Fashion/Film

Representation/Misrepresentation of Native Americans in ads/media/films/education/history/etc.

Current effects of COVID-19 on indigenous communities

Key Term Connections

*Here is a list of our key terms to choose from. Be sure to connect to at least 3 in your project!



-firsting and lasting

-settler colonialism

-doctrine of discovery

-manifest destiny

-historical thinking




-environmental justice



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