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Homework answers / question archive / Database Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Competency Name: Database Competency Statement: Demonstrate an understanding of database systems, their applications and tools used to develop databases

Database Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Competency Name: Database Competency Statement: Demonstrate an understanding of database systems, their applications and tools used to develop databases


Database Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Competency Name: Database Competency Statement: Demonstrate an understanding of database systems, their applications and tools used to develop databases. Final Assessment Title: Creating a Microsoft Access Database Competency Objectives: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the foundational concepts of database systems and data models. 2. Perform relational data modeling and document relational data models. 3. Create entity-relationship (ER) data models including deriving normalized forms of data. 4. Create Structured Query Language (SQL) queries. Program Learning Outcome(s): Institutional Learning Outcome(s): Purpose of this Assessment Having an understanding of relational databases, how to successfully write SQL statements, and perform relational data modeling will enable you to create your own database and extract normalized data. The final assessment for this competency is to document a relationship data model, prepare an entityrelationship (ER) diagram, Structured Query Language (SQL) queries, and database reports. Items Required for Submission You will create a Microsoft Access Database, which will include the following items: 1. A one to two page executive summary 2. An ER diagram of the database 3. A Microsoft Access database that includes a minimum of two database tables, two queries, and two reports to determine the number of sales by region for each sales representative. Step ONE: Preparation You have been hired to help a company create a database to track their sales activity. The goal of the database is to monitor sales activity and to provide reports to management that indicate the top performing sales representatives and the most commonly sold products. Step TWO: Prepare Your Executive Summary and ER Diagram • • Prepare a one to two page paper discussing the database design, the tale relationships, primary keys, and how queries/reports will be designed. It should be: o Typed and double-spaced, using 12-point font, with 1 inch margins on all sides. o Follow APA format. o Include your name and page number in the header/footer. Create an ER diagram of the database that lists the relationship of all tables (i.e. – one-to-one, oneto-many, many-to-many). Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric 1 Database Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Step THREE: Create a Database • • • • Create an Access Database table with the title: Sales. The table should have the following field names: o Salesperson Last Name o Salesperson First Name o Salesperson ID o Department Number o Customers o Zip Code o Annual Sales Create a second Access database table with the title: Sales Regions. The table should have the following field names: o Salesperson ID o Customers o Customer Territory o Region o Region Sales Create ten databases records for each of the table fields in both tables. o The last record and the tenth record must have your name for the salesperson (both last and first names) under the appropriate fields. o Assume that each salesperson has only one corporate customer. Complete the data for each of the table fields representing fictitious sales information. o You should put sales records representing last year sales only (Annual Sales). o The Annual Sales should range from $5,000 up to $200,000. Step FOUR: Create SQL Queries (A select query is a type of database object that shows information in Datasheet view. A query can get its data from one or more tables, from existing queries, or from a combination of the two. The tables or queries from which a query gets its data are referred to as its record source.) • • Create a query that displays all records for sales greater than $25,000 o Provide an appropriate Query title. Create another query, displaying only those records which represent a specific Sales Region during the previous year, sorted in Descending Order by Annual Sales. Display the following fields from both tables: o Salesperson Last Name o Salesperson First Name o Annual Sales o Region o Region Sales Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric 2 Database Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Step FIVE: Prepare Your Reports • • • Prepare two reports and provide appropriate report titles. Both reports should include the following fields: o Salesperson Last Name o Sales o Customer o Region o Sales Territory o Zip Code The report should group sales under Salesperson and should be a summary of the sales activity for the month. The report should group customers under territory and should have both detail and summary information. The summary information should include: o Annual Sales Totals o Average Annual Sales o Minimum Annual Sales o Maximum Annual Sales The report will need to have a record source pointing to a query, a table, or a combination of both. You should use the queries you created in Step 2 as the record source for these two reports. Step SIX: Complete Checklist for Submission Before you submit your work, check to see if you have met the criteria noted below. Did you: ? Prepare a one to two page high-level executive summary that provides an overview of the database design? ? Did you provide logical and clear rationale for how the database will be designed, the tale relationships, primary keys? ? Create an ER diagram with substantial support of the database, which shows how the database tables will be mapped and created, i.e. one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many? ? Correctly chose all primary and foreign keys respecting the naming convention? ? Completely populated tables with correct data elements, reflecting the ERD design? ? Accurately enter data elements into tables with no errors? ? Create all of the reports needed for the database as defined in project requirements ? Demonstrate APA academic writing and a sophisticated presentation of all material, displaying clarity, conciseness, and correctness? Is your summary one to two pages in length and doublespaced, using Times New Roman, 12 point font? Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric 3 Database Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Step SEVEN: Submit Your Work ? Your completed files should be submitted through the Final Assessment page of your competency. ? Please note, for files smaller than 10MB (e.g., most Word documents), use the corresponding “+UPLOAD STUDENT FILE” button to upload your Final Assessment documents. For larger files of any type (e.g., voice over PowerPoint files, video presentations), please use the optional TEXT EDITOR to provide a URL where your tutorial faculty can download your file. ? How you create a download URL is up to you, but various free online providers, including Google Drive and Dropbox, offer this service. Please make sure that the URL you provide can be accessed by anyone with the link. For further instructions on how to create public links for uploaded files, consult the support pages for your chosen provider. Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric 4 Database Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Scoring Rubric for Final Assessment Criterion Executive Summary EMERGING The executive summary is very brief and does not provide a thorough overview of database design. It contains incomplete or incoherent details. DEVELOPING The executive summary is wellwritten and of adequate length. However, it includes unexplained technical jargon and terms. It provides some detail of the how the database will be designed. PROFICIENT An executive summary is presented. It provides logical and clear rationale for how the database will be designed. Table Creation Partially created some of the tables defined in project requirements. Table name did not correlate to its data elements. Created some of the tables defined in project requirements. Table name was unclear in regard to their data elements. Entity Relationship Diagram Created an ER diagram with no support, showing how the database tables will be mapped and created. Created an ER diagram with limited support, showing how the database tables will be mapped and created. Created most of the tables defined in the project requirements. Named tables correctly, but with minor deviations in regard to their data elements. Created an ER diagram with adequate support, showing how the database tables will be mapped and created. Correctly chose some of the primary and foreign keys respecting the naming convention. Correctly chose primary and foreign keys respecting the naming convention, with only minor errors. Keys and Entities Incorrectly interpreted the Business Rules, few relations were created and few indications to cardinalities. Incorrectly choose most of the primary and foreign keys. Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric EXEMPLARY This high-level executive summary is one to two pages in length and provides an overview of database design. It provides logical and clear rationale for how the database will be designed, the tale relationships, and primary keys. Created all of the tables defined in the project requirements. Named tables appropriately in regard to their data elements. Created an ER diagram with substantial support, showing how the database tables will be mapped and created. Correctly chose all primary and foreign keys respecting the naming convention. 5 Database Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Implementation Populated tables with minimal to no data elements defined in the ERD design. Populated some tables with data elements outlined in the ERD design. Data/Queries Multiple errors when entering data elements into tables. Created minimal reports needed for the company as defined in project requirements. Entered data elements into tables with minimal errors. Created some of the reports needed for the company as defined in project requirements. The paper lacks clarity and may be confusing; too long or short. Numerous errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. The paper is somewhat logical and well-written; too long or short. Some errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. APA standards are somewhat followed but with numerous errors. Reports Writing Mechanics Limited if any adherence to APA standards. Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Populated tables with data elements, reflecting the ERD design, with only minor errors. Entered data elements into tables with only minor errors. Created all of the reports needed for the database, with only minor errors, as defined in project requirements. The paper is logical, wellwritten, and the required length. There may be one or two minor errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. APA formatting standards are followed with a few minor errors. Completely populated tables with correct data elements, reflecting the ERD design. Accurately entered data elements into tables with no errors. Created all of the reports needed for the database as defined in project requirements. The paper is logical, wellwritten, and the required length. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate. APA formatting standards are followed. 6

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