noun. ;a large number
I saw a _______ of vampires approaching me with their fangs hanging out and a starving look in their eyes.
v. ; too consider yourself more important than another, but you "lower" yourself to their standards
My sister _________ed herself and drove me to my friends birthday party, even though she was with her boyfriend.
v. ; to go your on way
Hawaii decided to _______ because they didn't like the way the president was ruling America.
adj. ; clever, in the sense of trickery
In Snow White, the witch was _______ as she disguised herself as an old lady and fed Snow White a poison apple.
adj. ; to be resistant to something
After getting the chicken pox once, I was _______ to getting it again.
adj. ; very, very big
After winning the lottery, I got an _______ amount of money which would last me a lifetime.
adv. ; to do something on purpose
I _________ dropped the glass vase, so I wouldn't have to choose which sister got it in my will.
v. ; to force someone to do something
I felt ______ed to do my homework and to strive on getting all A's so I could graduate.
noun. ; to give confidence
I gave _______ to my friend as she enter the room for her auditions by wishing her good luck and telling her that she would do amazing.
noun. ; the state of knowing something very well
Since I had so much _________ with my best friend, I could act crazy and weird around her, but I knew she wouldn't judge me.
noun. ; something that causes annoyance
Paul goes to therapy 2 times a week to release his ________ which he gets from days and days of work.
noun. ; strong feelings of embarrassment
I was ______ when I tripped during my dance routine at the talent show.
v. ; to stay a certain time at a place
My Aunt decided to _______ at my house because she was getting her's rebuilt after the hurricane.