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Homework answers / question archive / Wilfrid Laurier University PS 102 Chapter 8 Quiz 1)According to the information processing system when information leaves short-term memory it either a

Wilfrid Laurier University PS 102 Chapter 8 Quiz 1)According to the information processing system when information leaves short-term memory it either a


Wilfrid Laurier University

PS 102

Chapter 8 Quiz

1)According to the information processing system when information leaves short-term memory it either

a.            e-loops into working memory or enters long-term memory.

b.            re-loops back into sensory memory or disappears.

c.             disappears or goes to long-term memory.

d.            enters iconic storage or re-loops back into working memory.

2.            Chunking helps to extend which facet of short-term memory?

a.            durability

b.            reliability

c.             duration

d.            capacity

3.            Why is recognition easier than recall?

a.            Recall requires retrieval with only general, nonspecific cues, while recognition involves specific cues.

b.            Recall involves both encoding and retrieval processes, while recognition involves only


c.             Recognition involves only implicit memory, but recall also involves explicit memory.

d.            Decay interferes with recall more so than with recognition.

4.            Your great aunt is less and less unable to recall facts or personal life experiences, but she still demonstrates classically conditioned responses and daily tasks like brushing her teeth. She is most likely to have which condition?

a.            Traumatic brain injury.

b.            Stroke.

c.             Alzheimer's disease.

d.            Anterograde amnesia.

5.            Dave is driving with his wife Linda when they pass an old Victorian house painted green and purple. They both look at the house as they pass, and Linda finds it fascinating. Later, Linda asks Dave if he liked the house, and he tells her he doesn't remember seeing it. What explains Dave’s forgetfulness?

a.            Dave saw the house only briefly and did not pay attention to it, so it was not committed

to his short-term or long-term memory.

b.            Dave saw the house but did not encode the memory, so it was not moved to short-term memory.

c.             Dave noticed the house but cannot retrieve the encoded information from his short-

term memory.

d.            Dave stored the house as an echoic memory and now cannot retrieve it from his long- term memory.

6.            Head injuries are a common cause of amnestic disorders. Which of the following statements is

accurate with regard to head injury?

a.            All head injuries cause brain trauma and associated memory loss.

b.            Mild head injury rarely causes permanent memory loss.

c.             Severe head injuries usually result in a loss of self-identity.

d.            Moderate head injuries can be treated with medications to control learning and memory issues.


7.            You heard that your favourite band is coming to town soon, but you can't remember how you found out. You are experiencing

a.            the TOT phenomenon.

b.            the sleeper effect.

c.             source amnesia.

d.            the primacy effect.

8.            Many elderly individuals particularly experience difficulty with this type of memory and find this memory loss particularly distressing. Which type of memory is it?

a.            semantic

b.            prospective

c.             retrospective

d.            procedural

9.            Which of the following statements about encoding is accurate?

a.            Encoding requires effort.

b.            We must be aware of what we are attending to in order to encode it.

c.             Encoding is automatic and does not require attention.

d.            We don’t encode most of the things we experience.

10.          When David was eight years old, he witnessed a car accident occur a few feet in front of him. To this day he can smell the gasoline, and see the driver’s head resting on the steering wheel of the car. This is an example of

a.            a flashbulb memory.

b.            retrograde amnesia.

c.             consolidation.

d.            a cortisol memory.

11.          The fact that most early life memories (especially these occurring before four years of age) have strong emotional overtones suggests that the

a.            semantic memory system is over-reliant on brain regions that produce emotional


b.            episodic memory system is helped out in the early years by brain regions that process emotional information.

c.             hippocampus processes emotional information in young children.

d.            neocortex is likely to manufacture emotional memories before it matures.

12.          Two friends meet after many years at a high school reunion. After several minutes of reminiscing about a shared event in their past, they discover that they have different memories of the same event. Which factor of forgetting explains this occurrence?

a.            source amnesia

b.            serial-position effect

c.             sleeper effect

d.            exposure to misinformation

13.          After you arrived at college and began to meet so many new people, you suddenly had a hard time remembering the names of your old high school classmates. What is the name for this phenomenon?

a.            proactive interference

b.            retroactive interference

c.             decay

d.            tip-of-the-tongue state


14.          Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding learning and memory?

a.            Learning and memory operate independently from one another.

b.            Brain regions responsible for learning are largely located in the frontal lobe whereas those regions associated with memory are largely located in the temporal lobe.

c.             Traditionally, animals were the focus of learning research and humans the focus of

research on memory.

d.            Although interrelated, learning and memory are very different.

15.          Nuela and Rodger are in a serious car accident and both suffer head trauma. Nuela finds that she does NOT recognize Rodger at all when he comes to visit her room. Rodger has no problem recognizing Nuela, but he CANNOT remember what hospital they are in. What is the most likely explanation for this?

a.            Nuela has retrograde amnesia, while Rodger has anterograde amnesia.

b.            Nuela has anterograde amnesia, while Rodger has retrograde amnesia.

c.             Nuela and Rodger both have anterograde amnesia.

d.            Nuela and Rodger both have retrograde amnesia.

16.          The storehouse for memory lies in

a.            prefrontal cortex.

b.            hippocampus.

c.             amygdala.

d.            a number of brain areas.

17.          One of Keira’s clearest memories is of her son being born. She remembers that it was a beautiful day outside and that their nurse said the baby had beautiful eyes. Her husband heard her telling this story, and reminded her that it was NOT beautiful out, but storming so hard that they thought a tornado was touching down. Why are Kiera’s memories different?

a.            Keira’s memory of the day may be vivid, but flashbulb memories are not always entirely


b.            Keira experienced an influx of epinephrine and cortisol while this memory was being formed, and it caused a false memory.

c.             Keira experienced localized memory loss after the birth of her son due to consolidation.

d.            Keira is currently in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

18.          The fact that you know that John A. Macdonald was the first Prime Minster of Canada and can retrieve his name when asked means that you are using

a.            associative memory.

b.            attentional mechanisms.

c.             long-term memory.

d.            working memory.

19.          Sam’s friend is showing her how to light the pilot light on her furnace. Sam realizes that she will remember this process because it is similar to lighting a kerosene heater. Her friend suggests that Sam could remember the process in sequential steps. Distinguish between Sam’s memory and her friend’s memory.

a.            Sam is using elaborate rehearsal to remember, whereas her friend is using organization.

b.            Sam is using rote rehearsal to remember, whereas her friend is using elaborate rehearsal.

c.             Sam is using retrieval cues to remember, whereas her friend is using elaborate



d.            Sam is using the acronym model to remember, whereas her friend is using outline organization.

20.          Which of the following statements describes long-term memory, but NOT sensory or short-term


a.            It has unlimited capacity and duration.

b.            It is more easily retrievable.

c.             It requires maintenance and rehearsal.

d.            It is more readily forgotten.

21.          In the normal course of aging elderly people are likely to experience a number of declines in memory. Which of the following is NOT one of these declines?

a.            declines in working memory

b.            declines in semantic memory

c.             declines in episodic memories

d.            declines in prospective memories

22.          Millicent was given a number of times to choose to go for a face-to-face interview for a competitive job she was very qualified for and that she really wanted. She knew that dozens of people were being interviewed for one position. Based on what you know about the serial position curve what advice would you give her?

a.            “Aim for the middle – that way the committee will really be able to see how much better

you are than other people applying”.

b.                            “It doesn’t really matter – just be glad you got an interview – just go in there and be memorable”.

c.             “Try to get a time very close to the beginning or close to the end”.

d.                            “Try to get a time very close to the beginning but only get a time close to the end if the committee will be deciding right away”.

23.          Mike is talking to his siblings about an experience from his early childhood. He remembers being

two-year-old, wearing his mother’s high heels, and carrying her purse. Mike’s siblings say he could NOT possibly remember that. Are his siblings CORRECT?

a.            They are most likely correct. Mike’s brain would not have been developed enough to

encode memories at two years old.

b.            They are most likely correct since the memory is far too detailed for that age. He would probably only remember small details.

c.             They are most likely incorrect. Mike probably remembers it as a very detailed episodic

memory because the event was important to him.

d.            They are most likely incorrect. Mike likely remembers it as a procedural memory because it has stayed with him for so much of his life.

24.          Repeated stimulation of a synapse can do all of the following EXCEPT:

a.            strengthen the synapse

b.            cause more dendritic spines to grow

c.             decrease the amount of NMDA released

d.            increase sensitivity

25.          Sandy is sitting in her room worrying about finals. She suddenly begins thinking about her finals in relation to her failed driver’s test a few years before and panics even more. Why did Sandy think of these two things together?


a.            Sandy is stressed, which triggered a memory from her past when she was stressed for similar reasons.

b.            Sandy has linked the two memories through elaborate rehearsal, so when one event

occurs the other is brought to mind.

c.             Sandy is activating general cues regarding her earlier testing experience, which has increased her anxiety about her current test.

d.            Sandy is stressed, which has caused her to experience state-dependent retrieval.















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