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Millersville University of Pennsylvania
BUAD 455
1)Which of the following emphasizes program usage to ensure employees align interests and attitudes with new strategies in an organization?
Which of the following focuses on the selection and use of employees in an organization?
All of the following are true about strategies to hire and train employees EXCEPT
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
BUAD 455
1)Which of the following emphasizes program usage to ensure employees align interests and attitudes with new strategies in an organization?
Which of the following focuses on the selection and use of employees in an organization?
All of the following are true about strategies to hire and train employees EXCEPT
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Millersville University of Pennsylvania
BUAD 455
1)Which of the following emphasizes program usage to ensure employees align interests and attitudes with new strategies in an organization?
- Which of the following focuses on the selection and use of employees in an organization?
- All of the following are true about strategies to hire and train employees EXCEPT .
- Which of the following traits is important when staffing managerial positions at MNCs regardless
of their country of origin or host country assignment?
- All of the following are true statements about retrenchment strategies EXCEPT .
- Executive managers who implement succession plans utilize best practices that include all of the
following EXCEPT .
- Which of the following provides managers a unique interview to accommodate the specific
employment needs to find a suitable employee to fill a position at a large organization?
- All of the following are true statements about downsizing strategies EXCEPT .
- Which of the following downsizing guidelines is useful when the organization explains why it plans
to downsize operations and what the goal of a downsize strategy is in an organization?
- Which of the following downsizing guidelines represents why the organization should NOT simply eliminate all expenses when it implements a downsizing strategy but instead explains why the organization should continue to hire, grow, and develop operations when the organization
downsizes its operations?
- Which of the following guidelines an organization uses to downsize operations is useful when the
organization should stop functions that fail to add value in an organization?
- Which of the following downsizing guidelines is useful to an organization that chooses to
implement an outsourcing strategy rather than a vertical integration strategy in the workplace?
- Which of the following downsizing guidelines is useful when the organization understands that employees perform different job functions after it downsizes and the organization drafts new
job specifications, employee standards, appraisal techniques, and compensation packages.
- In which of the following downsizing guidelines should a manager consider other staffing alternatives because the organization cannot transfer employees and there are no other
employment positions available to offer employees in the workplace?
- All of the following are true statements about communication in an international expansion
scenario EXCEPT .
- Which of the following is referred to as a key to the effective management of change?
- Which of the following is useful because its purpose can reveal what can occur, by whom, the
specific time frame, and expected results of a strategy in an organization?
- Which of the following techniques encourage participative decision making through shared goal
setting at all organizational levels and bases its performance assessments on stated objectives?
- In which essential ingredient of TQM has a focus on empowerment because it provides the
employees a wide latitude on their journey to achieve organizational goals?
- In which essential ingredient in TQM is to focus on how the organization can please
the consumer?
- In which essential ingredient of TQM can the organization quantify operational functions and
ensure that employees can interpret the data?
- In which essential element of TQM does the organization focus on monitoring the operations on a
consistent basis to enhance products and services in the workplace?
- The action plan to develop a new advertising program should include all of the following EXCEPT
- The MBO process does not involve .
- TQM's essential ingredients include all of the following EXCEPT .