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Homework answers / question archive / Tulsa Community College BIOL 2164 Watch the video: Vaccines: Calling the shots and Answer the Questions 1)What percentage of parent vaccinate their children in the U

Tulsa Community College BIOL 2164 Watch the video: Vaccines: Calling the shots and Answer the Questions 1)What percentage of parent vaccinate their children in the U


Tulsa Community College

BIOL 2164

Watch the video: Vaccines: Calling the shots and Answer the Questions

1)What percentage of parent vaccinate their children in the U.S.? Approximately how many

diseases are children immunized against?

  1. List two vaccine-preventable diseases that are making a comeback?
  2. How is measles virus spread? What percentage of people not vaccinated against measles virus

get measles when exposed to the virus?

  1. Over 1000 years ago, Indians practiced a form of immunization to protect their children against

smallpox. Describe what they did.

  1. As vaccination against smallpox made the disease disappear, what happened to people’s fear of

the vaccine?

  1. What happens after immune cells spot an “invader”?
  2. What “weapon” do immune cells deploy to tag the infectious agents for disposal?
  3. What are memory cells? What is their function?
  4. How does a vaccine pre-arm the immune system?
  5. Why didn’t the measles outbreak on Brooklyn in 2013 spread to the rest of New York City?
  6. For herd immunity to be effective against a highly virulent pathogen like measles virus,

approximately what percentage of the population must be vaccinated?


  1. Vaccines prevent diseases that have been responsible for killing children in the past. So, what is causing lower vaccination rates?




  1. The majority of children diagnosed with “vaccine encephalopathy” actually had what genetic



  1. Why do parents of children with Dravet Syndrome rely on other people to vaccinate their



  1. Out of 2.4 million doses of the oral vaccine, approximately how many of the attenuated viruses could mutate and cause polio? Which polio vaccine (injectable or oral) does the U.S. use today,



  1. In 1998 a paper was published suggesting a link between MMR vaccine and autism. How many

subsequent studies showed an increase in autism in children vaccinated with MMR vaccine?


  1. Current research is pointing to what as a cause of autism?


  1. What is the most common cancer-causing virus on Earth? Is there a vaccine for it?


  1. Why are some parents unwilling to vaccinate their children against HPV?



  1. If you were a health care worker, what would you tell your patients about vaccines?


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