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Homework answers / question archive / New perspectives Access 2019 Modules 5-8: SAM Capstone Project 1a Midwest Executive Professionals IMPROVING TABLES, QUERIES, FORMS, AND REPORTS GETTING STARTED Open the file NP_AC19_CS5-8a_FirstLastName_1

New perspectives Access 2019 Modules 5-8: SAM Capstone Project 1a Midwest Executive Professionals IMPROVING TABLES, QUERIES, FORMS, AND REPORTS GETTING STARTED Open the file NP_AC19_CS5-8a_FirstLastName_1

MS Access

New perspectives Access 2019 Modules 5-8: SAM Capstone Project 1a

Midwest Executive Professionals



Open the file NP_AC19_CS5-8a_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for download from the SAM website.

Save the file as NP_AC19_CS5-8a_FirstLastName_2.accdb by changing the “1” to a “2”.

If you do not see the .accdb file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the following data files from the SAM website onto your computer:


Open the _GradingInfoTable table and ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the table. If the table does not contain your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


1. Midwest Executive Professionals is a firm that connects professional job seekers with job openings. You work in the Research Department of Midwest Executive Professionals as a research analyst. You are developing an Access database application to help manage and analyze companies, jobs, applicants, and job placements facilitated by your company.
In this project, you will improve an existing database by modifying tables, queries, forms, and reports.
Open the JobSeekers table in Design View and complete the following:


a. After the existing Phone field add a new field named Email with a Hyperlink data type.

b. Add a second new field named Comments with a Long Text data type.
 Save and close the JobSeekers table.

2. Open the Jobs table in Design View and complete the following:
a. Add Salary as the caption property to the StartingSalary field.

b. Add >=Date() as the Validation Rule property for the PostingDate field.

c. Add Date must be on or after today as the Field Validation Text property for the PostingDate field.

Save and close the Jobs table. If prompted to test data integrity click Yes.

3. Open the Companies table in Design View and complete the following:

a. Use the Lookup Wizard to lookup values for the Industry field.

b. The lookup field should get its values from the Industries table.

c. Select the Industry field and sort the records in ascending order by the Industry field.

d. Widen the Industry field to get the best fit for all of the values in the list.

e. Enable data integrity on the relationship and use Industry as the label for the lookup field.

f. Save the table if prompted.

g. Switch to Datasheet View then choose Investment Banking & Asset Management for the Industry field for CompanyID 2 (Des Moines Financial Group).

Close the Companies table.

4. Open the Application Listing query in Design View and complete the following:
a. Add >=[Enter minimum salary] as parameter criteria to the StartingSalary field.

b. Run the query using 60000 when prompted. 

Save and close the ApplicationListing query.

5. Open the IndustryAnalysis query in Design View and complete the following:

a. Add the Total row to the query grid.

b. Group By the Industry field, Count the CompanyName field, and Avg (average) the StartingSalary field.

c. Switch to Datasheet View and widen each column to see all data and field names as shown in Figure 1 with the following measurements: Change the Industry column field width to 35, the CountOfCompanyName to 22, and the AvgOfStartingSalary to 19.

Save and close the IndustryAnalysis query.

Figure 1: Final IndustryAnalysis Query in Datasheet View


Count of Company Name

Avg Of Starting Salary

Computer Hardware & Software



Financial Analytics & Research



Investment Banking & Asset Management




6. Start a new query in Design View and complete the following:

a. Add the Companies and Jobs tables.

b. Add the Industry field from the Companies table and the JobTitle and StartingSalary field from the Jobs table to the query grid.

c. Change the query from a Select query to a Crosstab query.

d. Put the Industry field in the Column Heading area and the JobTitle field in the Row Heading area.

e. In the Value area, Avg (Average) the StartingSalary field.

f. Use JobCrosstab to name and save the query.

g. Switch to Datasheet View and widen each column to see all data and field names as shown in Figure 2. 

Save and close the JobCrosstab query.

Figure 2: Final JobCrosstab Query in Datasheet View

Job Title

Computer Hardware & Software

Financial Analytics & Research

Investment Banking & Asset Management

Administrative Assistant




Business Intelligence Developer




Director of Employee Health Programs




Director of Talent Acquisition




Director Risk Management




Facility Services Superintendent




Financial Consultant




Integrated Technologies Architect




Research Analyst




Software Engineer




Systems Engineer




User Support Director




Vulnerability and Threat Analyst





7. Open the JobSeekerEntry form in Design View and complete the following:
a. Add a combo box to the Form Header section at about the 4" mark on the horizontal ruler using the Combo Box Wizard.

b. The combo box should find a record.

c. Select the LastName and then FirstName fields for the combo box list.

d. Use FIND as the label for the new combo box.

e. Save the form and open it in Form View.

f. Use the new combo box to find the Thompson, Christina record.

Close the JobSeekerEntry form.

8. Open the JobsEntry form in Design View and complete the following:
a. Add a subform control below the Posting Date label using the Subform Wizard.

b. The subform should contain all the fields from the ApplicationDates query.

c. Show ApplicationDates for each record in Jobs using JobID.

d. Use the default name for the subform.

Save the JobsEntry form, open it in Form View, and then close it.

9. Open the CompanyEntry form in Design View and complete the following:

a. Right-align the right edges of the labels in the Detail section.

b. Right-align the content within the labels in the Detail section.

Save the CompanyEntry form.

10. With the CompanyEntry form still open in Design View, change the Record Source to the CompaniesSortedByName query.

11. With the CompanyEntry form still open in Design View, change the tab order in the Detail section so that CompanyID is the first item in the list. Save the form and switch to Form View as shown in Figure 3, and then close the CompanyEntry form.

Figure 3: Final CompanyEntry Form in Form View




Company Name

Des Moines Financial Group


Investment Banking & Asset Management

HR Contact First Name


HR Contact Last Name


HR Contact Phone



12. Open the JobListing report in Design View and add a horizontal line above the text box in the Report Footer section that sums the StartingSalary. The line should be just above and approximately the same width as the text box. The line will be positioned between the Report Footer section bar and the text box and be approximately 1.7" wide that is the width of the text box. Save the JobListing report.

13. With the JobListing report still open in Design View complete the following:

a. Add the PostingDate field to the left side of the Detail section.

b. Delete the PostingDate label.

c. Position the left edge of the PostingDate text box at about the 1" mark on the horizontal ruler.

d. Add a label to the Report Footer section at about the 1" mark on the horizontal ruler.

e. Use Internal Use Only as the caption for the label.

Save the JobListing report.

14. With the JobListing report still open in Design View, add a sort order under the existing CompanyName grouping field to sort the records in ascending order on the JobTitle field. Save the report and display the JobListing report in Print Preview as shown in Figure 4, then close the JobListing report.

Figure 4: Final JobListing Report in Print Preview

Job Listing  Sorted by Company and them by job Title

Company Name

Industry    Job Title

Starting Salary

Des Moines Financial Group

Investment Banking & Asset Management



Administrative Assistant



Director Risk Management



Financial Consultant



Software Engineer


Madison Web Services

Computer Hardware & Software



Director of Employee Health Programs



Director of Talent Acquisition



Integrated Technologies Architect



Research Analyst



Systems Engineer



Vulnerability and Threat Analyst


Omaha Mutual Research

Financial Analytics & Research



Business Intelligence Developer



Facility Services Superintendent



User Support Director


Internal Use Only



15. Open the JobSeekerListing report in Design View and complete the following:

a. Expand the Report Footer section by about 0.5".

b. Add a text box to the Report Footer section at about the 1" mark on the horizontal ruler and use the expression of =Count([LastName]) as the Control Source for the text box.

c. Delete the new label in the Report Footer section.

Save the JobSeekerListing report, preview it, then close it.

16. Copy the CompanyListing report and paste it as the CompanyInfo report. 

17. Open the CompanyInfo report in Design View and change the Record Source to the CompaniesSortedByName query. Save the CompanyInfo report.

18. With the CompanyInfo report still open in Design View, add page numbers to the report in an N of M format to the center of the Page Footer. Save the CompanyInfo report, preview it, then close it.

19. Open the JobSalaries report in Design View and use the Chart Wizard to create a chart at about the 0.5" mark on the horizontal ruler in the Report Footer section with the following information:
a. Base the chart on the JobSalaryIndustry query.

b. Include the StartingSalary and CompanyName fields.

c. Select a Bar Chart.

d. Use the CompanyName in the Axis area and the sum of the StartingSalary field in the Data area.

e. Do not link the report and the chart.

f. Use Salary Total By Industry as the title for the chart and do not display a legend.

g. Resize the chart to be about 2.75" tall and 7" wide.

Save the JobSalaries report, preview it as shown in Figure 5, and close it.

Figure 5: Final JobSalaries Report in Print Preview

Job Salaries

Company Name

Industry    Job Title

Starting Salary

Des Moines Financial Group

Investment Banking & Asset Management



Administrative Assistant



Director Risk Management



Financial Consultant



Software Engineer


Madison Web Services

Computer Hardware & Software



Director of Employee Health Programs



Director of Talent Acquisition



Integrated Technologies Architect



Research Analyst



Systems Engineer



Vulnerability and Threat Analyst


Omaha Mutual Research

Financial Analytics & Research



Business Intelligence Developer



Facility Services Superintendent



User Support Director



   Salary Total By Industry

20. Export the Companies table as an HTML Document to the default folder with the default file name with the following information:

a. Do not include formatting and layout.

b. Save the export steps using Export-Companies to HTML for the name.

c. Do not include an export Description.

21. Export the CompanyListing report as an HTML Document to the default folder with the default file name with the following information:

a. Do not select an HTML template.

b. Use default encoding.

c. Save the export steps as Export-CompanyListing to HTML for the name.

d. Do not include an export Description.

22. Import the Support_AC19_CS5-8a_StateProvs.csv file as a new table with the following information:

a. The file is in a comma-delimited format.

b. The first row contains field names.

c. Do not modify the fields.

d. The StateAbbrev field should be the primary key.

e. Use StatesProvs as the new table name.

f. Do not save the import steps.

23. Export the Jobs table in an XML format to the default folder with the default file name with the following information:

a. Export both the Data XML and Schema XSD files.

b. Save the export steps as Export-Jobs to XML for the name.

c. Do not include an export Description.

Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.


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