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Homework answers / question archive / John tyler cumminity college BUSINESS 100 Chapter 6 Mindtap Assignment 1)Management is not a step-by-step procedure that can be carefully mapped out and calendared, it is a _________ with a feedback loop that represents flow

John tyler cumminity college BUSINESS 100 Chapter 6 Mindtap Assignment 1)Management is not a step-by-step procedure that can be carefully mapped out and calendared, it is a _________ with a feedback loop that represents flow


John tyler cumminity college


Chapter 6 Mindtap Assignment

1)Management is not a step-by-step procedure that can be carefully mapped out and calendared, it is a _________ with a feedback loop that represents flow.


2. Planning is an essential part of managing an enterprise. A(n)______ plan is developed as a guide during the planning process for major policy setting and decision making.


  1. During the planning stage, managers develop a__________ plan which is smaller in scale and developed to implement strategy and will most likely cover a one- to three-year period.
  2. A contingency plan outlines alternate courses of action that may be taken if an organization's other plans are ___________ or become _______.
  3. When a manager plans for the future of his business and is able to see how all of the parts of the organization work together, it is said that he or she is engaging__________to see the "big picture."
  4. Doug is a line manager at XYZ Corporation. He is very task-oriented and makes all of the decisions with little concern for employee opinion. Under his ____________ leadership style, employees are told exactly what is expected from them and given specific guidelines, rules, and regulations on how to achieve their tasks.
  5. Three business students are having a discussion regarding leadership styles. One argues that autocratic leadership is best, another argues that participative leadership is best, and the last argues that entrepreneurial leadership is best. Studies have shown however that the most effective style depends on the right balance between _________________________________________________.
  6. "Houston, we have a problem," is one of the most famous sentences in history resulting from a problem that arose during the Apollo 13 mission to the moon. When business managers identify a problem, they are identifying __________________________.
  7. _____________ was forged by Toyota Motor Company in Japan as a way to coordinate efforts at improving customer satisfaction, employee participation, strengthening supplier partnerships, and improving the quality of their product.
  8. Managers must coordinate an organization's resources to achieve the organization's goals. Which of the following is not typically considered as an organization's resource?
  9. Of the four resources managed within an organization, one is considered far more important than any of the others—so much so that management of this resource is considered to have a greater impact on the organization than even the vital components of the organization. Which of the following is the resource described in this paragraph?
  10. What is the purpose of an organization's mission statement?
  11. The coordinated effort of the three levels of managers is required to implement the goals of any company. Which of the following best represents the three basic levels of management?
  12. Leaders within an organization can be formed in a variety of ways. Which of the following best describes the difference between formal and informal leaders?
  13. What type of leader is one who consults workers before making decisions, helps workers understand their goals, and imposes and fosters a sense of ownership and commitment, and makes the final decisions him- or herself after gathering employee input?
  14. What type of leader seeks input from almost all workers and makes the final decisions based on their support?             
  15. When managers are engaged in problem solving, there are several steps they should go through in order to prevent themselves from providing a resolution to a problem that is unrelated to the actual issue under examination. Which of the following most correctly delineates the steps in problem-solving?.
  16. Which of the following is true concerning total quality management (TQM)?
  17. Total quality management (TQM) has been shown to benefit a company beyond improving a product. Which of the following is not a benefit of TQM?
  18. Total quality management can be a boon to a business in many aspects of its operation, however it will not work if management fails in two crucial areas. Which of the following statements most closely articulates the issues that, if left unaddressed, could cause TQM to fail?



Chapter 6 Video Quiz


  1. As a franchise operation, Camp Bow Wow requires consistency across locations, which calls most strongly for which of the following management functions?


  1. To build a business for the future requires the ability to think in abstract terms and to see "the big picture" to keep everyone on track toward fulfilling it. This best describes which of the following management skills?
  2. Heidi Ganahl brings a personal approach to managerial decision making and problem solving. In which of the following stages would she employ brainstorming with employees to address an issue?
  3. Heidi Ganahl describes herself as visionary, goal-oriented, and having lofty ambitions for the brand and the company. Based on these terms, her type of leadership can best be described as:


  1. When Heidi Ganahl first started out with Camp Bow Wow, she spent a lot of time "micromanaging" things, but as time went by, she spent more of her focus on which aspect of management functions?


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