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Homework answers / question archive / Chapter 25: Survivors of Abuse or Neglect 1) A kindergarten student is frequently violent toward other children

Chapter 25: Survivors of Abuse or Neglect 1) A kindergarten student is frequently violent toward other children


Chapter 25: Survivors of Abuse or Neglect

1) A kindergarten student is frequently violent toward other children. A school nurse notices bruises and burns on the child’s face and arms. What other symptom should indicate to the nurse that the child may have been physically abused?

A. The child shrinks at the approach of adults.

B. The child begs or steals food or money.

C. The child is frequently absent from school.

D. The child is delayed in physical and emotional development.


2. A woman presents with a history of physical and emotional abuse in her intimate relationships. What should this information lead a nurse to suspect?

A. The woman may be exhibiting a controlled response pattern.

B. The woman may have a history of childhood neglect.

C. The woman may be exhibiting codependent characteristics.

D. The woman may be a victim of incest.


3. A nursing instructor is developing a lesson plan to teach about domestic violence. Which information should be included?

A. Power and control are central to the dynamic of domestic violence.

B. Poor communication and social isolation are central to the dynamic of domestic violence.

C. Erratic relationships and vulnerability are central to the dynamic of domestic violence.

D. Emotional injury and learned helplessness are central to the dynamic of domestic violence.


4. A client is brought to an emergency department after being violently raped. Which nursing action is appropriate?

A. Discourage the client from discussing the rape, because this may lead to further emotional trauma.

B. Remain nonjudgmental while actively listening to the client’s description of the violent rape event.

C. Meet the client’s self-care needs by assisting with showering and perineal care.

D. Probe for further, detailed description of the rape event.


5. A raped client answers a nurse’s questions in a monotone voice with single words, appears calm, and exhibits a blunt affect. How should the nurse interpret this client’s responses?

A. The client may be lying about the incident.

B. The client may be experiencing a silent rape reaction.

C. The client may be demonstrating a controlled response pattern.

D. The client may be having a compounded rape reaction.


6. A client who is in a severely abusive relationship is admitted to a psychiatric inpatient unit. The client fears for her life. A staff nurse asks, “Why doesn’t she just leave him?” Which is the nursing supervisor’s most appropriate response?

A. “These clients don’t know life any other way, and change is not an option until they have improved insight.”

B. “These clients have limited cognitive skills and few vocational abilities to be able to make it on their own.”

C. “These clients often have a lack of financial independence to support themselves and their children, and most have religious beliefs prohibiting divorce and separation.”

D. “These clients are paralyzed into inaction by a combination of physical threats and a sense of powerlessness.”


7. A woman comes to an emergency department with a broken nose and multiple bruises after being beaten by her husband. She states, “The beatings have been getting worse, and I’m afraid, next time, he will kill me.” Which is the appropriate nursing response?

A. “Leopards don’t change their spots, and neither will he.”

B. “There are things you can do to prevent him from losing control.”

C. “Let’s talk about your options so that you don’t have to go home.”

D. “Why don’t we call the police so that they can confront your husband with his behavior?”


8. A college student was sexually assaulted when out on a date. After several weeks of crisis intervention therapy, which client statement should indicate to a nurse that the student is handling this situation in a healthy manner?

A. “I know that it was not my fault.”

B. “My boyfriend has trouble controlling his sexual urges.”

C. “If I don’t put myself in a dating situation, I won’t be at risk.”

D. “Next time I will think twice about wearing a sexy dress.”


9. A client asks, “Why does a rapist use a weapon during the act of rape?” Which is the most appropriate nursing response?

A. “To decrease the victimizer’s insecurity.”

B. “To inflict physical harm with the weapon.”

C. “To terrorize and subdue the victim.”

D. “To mirror learned family behavior patterns related to weapons.”


10. When questioned about bruises, a woman states, “It was an accident. My husband just had a bad day at work. He’s being so gentle now and even brought me flowers. He’s going to get a new job, so it won’t happen again.” This client is in which phase of the cycle of battering?

A. Phase I: The tension-building phase

B. Phase II: The acute battering incident phase

C. Phase III: The honeymoon phase

D. Phase IV: The resolution and reorganization phase


11. Which information should the nurse in an employee assistance program provide to an employee who exhibits symptoms of domestic physical abuse?

A. Have ready access to a gun and learn how to use it.

B. Research lawyers that can aid in divorce proceedings.

C. File charges of assault and battery.

D. Have ready access to the number of a safe house for battered women.


12. A survivor of rape presents in an emergency department crying, pacing, and cursing her attacker. A nurse should recognize these client actions as which behavioral defense?

A. Controlled response pattern

B. Compounded rape reaction

C. Expressed response pattern

D. Silent rape reaction


13. Which assessment data should a school nurse recognize as a sign of physical neglect?

A. The child is often absent from school and seems apathetic and tired.

B. The child is very insecure and has poor self-esteem.

C. The child has multiple bruises on various body parts.

D. The child has sophisticated knowledge of sexual behaviors.


14. A client diagnosed with an eating disorder experiences insomnia, nightmares, and panic attacks that occur before bedtime. She has never married or dated, and she lives alone. She states to a nurse, “My father has recently moved back to town.” What should the nurse suspect?

A. Possible major depressive disorder

B. Possible history of childhood incest

C. Possible histrionic personality disorder

D. Possible history of childhood physical abuse


15. In planning care for a woman who presents as a survivor of domestic abuse, a nurse should be aware of which of the following data? (Select all that apply.)

A. It often takes several attempts before a woman leaves an abusive situation.

B. Substance abuse is a common factor in abusive relationships.

C. Until children reach school age, they are usually not affected by abuse between their parents.

D. Women in abusive relationships usually feel isolated and unsupported.

E. Economic factors rarely play a role in the decision to stay.


16. Which of the following nursing diagnoses are typically appropriate for an adult survivor of incest? (Select all that apply.)

A. Low self-esteem

B. Powerlessness

C. Disturbed personal identity

D. Knowledge deficit

E. Non-adherence


17. A nursing instructor is teaching about intimate partner violence. Which of the following student statements indicate that learning has occurred? (Select all that apply.)

A. “Intimate partner violence is a pattern of abusive behavior that is used by an intimate partner.”

B. “Intimate partner violence is used to gain power and control over the other intimate partner.”

C. “Fifty-one percent of victims of intimate violence are women.”

D. “Women ages 25 to 34 experience the highest per capita rates of intimate violence.”

E. “Victims are typically young married women who are dependent housewives.”


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