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Homework answers / question archive / Chapter 11: Assignments: Motivation 1: Motivation definitions (Connect) Version 1) Mark is motivated to get straight A’s for the personal satisfaction of putting forth his best efforts in class, which is an example of a(n) ----------

Chapter 11: Assignments: Motivation 1: Motivation definitions (Connect) Version 1) Mark is motivated to get straight A’s for the personal satisfaction of putting forth his best efforts in class, which is an example of a(n) ----------


Chapter 11: Assignments: Motivation

1: Motivation definitions (Connect)

Version 1)

  1. Mark is motivated to get straight A’s for the personal satisfaction of putting forth his best efforts in class, which is an example of a(n) ---------- .
  2. When a person finds out that a coworker makes more money than he or she does for the same position, that coworker is considered the------- in this comparison.
  3. Leo is deciding if he wants to stay at his current job and is weighing the contributions he makes at work with his compensation, a process that will indicate his ------------ .
  4. In an attempt to increase perceptions of ----------  , Frances is making a presentation to her employees that details the methods used to decide the pay scales for each of their positions.
  5. Leah’s boss recently asked her if she would rather have a monetary bonus or extra days of paid vacation as a reward for her hard work. The one she identifies as more attractive has the higher ----------- for Leah.
  6. The idea that a person’s tendency to perform a certain behavior will either increase or decrease based on the consequences of the same behavior is the basic premise behind ------------------ .
  7. In an attempt to reduce the consumption of soda and candy, Xavier’s company will no longer provide these items free to its employees. This is an example of the principle of ------------- .
  8. Felix isn’t the best at keeping track of the exact number of times his employees make a sale, but he provides bonuses to them after they have made an average of 10 sales. This is an example of a(n)---------------------- .
  9. Tim is self-employed, and his savings account fluctuates depending on when he finishes his work—some months it takes Tim a bit longer to finish his orders, and other months he will finish them quickly. Tim gets paid according to a------------------ .
  10. Under the principles of --------------- , employees will be motivated when they receive constructive feedback on their progress toward an accepted, but challenging goal.
  11. Shen is reading through his performance goals and, while some are definitely challenging, he is motivated to attain them. Shen’s perception of the challenging goals is an example of----------------.


Version 2

  1. Emily is motivated to get straight A’s since her dad told her she would get $50 for each one; this is an example of a(n) --------------- .
  2. Yvonne is presenting the idea that employees will be more motivated when they perceive that they are being treated fairly, which is the basic premise of--------------------- .
  3. Dianne gets paid less than her coworker who produces the exact same amount of work as she does. Dianne’s ratio of work to compensation compared with her coworker’s is an example of------------- .
  4.  Managers at Pacheco Industries are attending a mandatory training on how to distribute compensation and bonuses fairly among all employees, a practice that increases perceptions of ----------------- .
  5. The idea that people are motivated when they are given desirable rewards, that they believe their efforts will lead to good performance, and that good performance will be rewarded is the premise behind-------------------
  6.  Heather’s boss has created a series of ------------------------- . For example, any employee who consistently turns in late projects will be less likely to be assigned to more interesting projects in the future.
  7. Sonel sent a controversial e-mail to everyone in the office. That led to an unpleasant conversation with human resources, which is an example of the use of ------------- .
  8. A system by which a reward is provided for a behavior only after a specific amount of time has passed is an example of a(n) ----------------------- .
  9. Alana owns her own business and pays herself $25 for every $300 her store makes. This is an example of a  ---------------------------------  .
  10. Stelios has decided that he is going to create 10 training documents by the end of the week. This is an example of someone setting a ---------- .
  11. Becky just left a meeting with her boss in which they discussed the details of her performance goals for the year, and she feels secure in her knowledge of what she needs to do going forward, meaning Becky has high ------------------ .


Version 3

  1. Quinn did not eat enough food throughout the day and is now looking for leftover food in the office, a sign he is attempting to satisfy his unmet ------------- .
  2. Linda just received recognition for having worked at her job for three years and is curious, so she tallies up how many hours of work that equates to, an activity that specifically measures her--------------  to her company.
  3. Zach gets paid more than his coworker who produces the exact same amount of work as he does. Zach’s ratio of work to compensation, compared with his coworker’s, is an example of ------------- .
  4. Managers at Pacheco Industries are attending a mandatory training on how to distribute compensation and bonuses fairly among all employees, a practice that increases perceptions of --------------- .
  5. Karen is reading about her company’s plans to better tie employee performance with compensation, a process that will likely increase her perceptions of ----------------- .
  6. Chin’s company has just sent out a memo detailing which performance markers will result in a reward and at what frequency, the details of which are an example of a ---------------- .
  7. The servers at Rashad’s restaurant became much friendlier to customers after he told them that the server who has the best customer service rating every month will be excused from cleaning the bathrooms the following month, which is an example of ------------------------ .
  8. Every time Rajiv’s son cleans his room, Rajiv gives him a dollar. This is an example of a(n) ------------------------- .
  9. Maria’s boss likes to surprise her with gift certificates for a job well done. Some months she will get a gift certificate for every project completed, but some months she has noticed that it takes the completion of a couple projects to get a gift certificate. This is an example of a -------------------------------- .
  10. Madeline is working hard to outline the specific details of her goals, a process to ensure ------------------------------- .
  11. Marissa’s boss just gave her a preliminary evaluation of how she is meeting her work goals, providing her with some --------------------------- .



2.Basics of motivation (Connect)

Factor 1


I am going to do whatever I can in the next two hours to get this presentation done.


Factor 2


I want to do a really good job on this presentation, but without overextending myself and getting stressed out.


Factor 3


My time would be better spent on payroll, but my boss would rather I work on the presentation.



  1. Each of these factors is either an example of initiation of effort, direction of effort, or persistence of effort—the three components of motivation. The factor that is an example of persistence of effort is Factor 1, because the person in this scenario is -------------------------------- .

---the factor that is an example of direction of effort is ----------- , because the person in this scenario is ------------------------------------------- .

----the factor that is an example of Initiation of effort is -------------- , because the person in this scenario is ---------------------------------------------- .


  1. Job Performance = Motivation x Ability x Situational Constraints

Which of the following can you infer from this equation?


                Developing employee skills is the best way to increase job performance.

                Putting policies in place that impact job performance is the most effective way to motivate employees.

                Monitoring employee effort is a comprehensive method for measuring job performance.

                A person who has high motivation and abilities with low situational constraints is most likely to exhibit high job performance.


3. Need satisfaction (Connect)


  1. Needs are physical and psychological requirements that are necessary to ensure survival and well-being. It has been identified that effort is exerted after an --------------  need creates discomfort and a desire to take action.



Example                                                    Need Category

Getting along with coworkers and bosses                          

Getting a promotion for a job well done                                      

Securing another position after being let go from a previous job                 


Alderfer’s ERG Theory

Alderfer renamed the need for getting along with coworkers and bosses into the category of------------  needs.



Example                                                     Need

Elliott, your manager, wants everyone to like him, so                 

he brings lunch for everyone in the office on Fridays.                              



4.Recent studies indicate that there are two basic needs categories: lower-order needs and higher-order needs. Employees who are motivated by the recognition they will get when they are awarded a company ski trip have ----------  needs. You can therefore assume that these employees have had their ---------------------  needs satisfie


4. Introduction to motivation (Connect)


  1. The grade that Mai Li and her team receive from their professor is a --------------  reward.
  2. Each teammate will have achieved an -------------  reward upon completion of their assigned task.
  3. Which of the following behaviors is the professor rewarding with the project grade?

The amount of time the team spends on the project

How well the team works together on the project

The amount of effort the team puts into the project

The team’s correct identification of product competitors



5. Equity (Connect, Perform)

1. A problem?

2. I’m sorry the league pay seems --------------- to you. I compared the salaries in our club with the salaries in several other clubs, and, overall, the players on our team have higher -----------  than the players on the other teams.


3. When pay is made public, people evaluate how equitable their pay is in light of the pay other people are receiving. The problem in this case is that Dwight and Guillermo have found out that others are getting paid more than they do for the same work. What are they likely to do under these circumstances?  Check all that apply.


                Quit the team

                Come to more practices

                Attend fewer practices

                Try to convince the coach to give them more money


6. Goal setting as a motivational process (Connect, Perform)


  1. -------------  refers to information people receive about how well they are doing on reaching a goal.



Lyle’s manager just handed him a list of goals for the year. Because Lyle had no say in setting these goals, he isn’t sure that they are the right ones for him, and as a result, he isn’t very motivated to accomplish them.           



Vonda is frustrated with her manager, Glenda. Last week, when Vonda asked about Glenda’s expectations, Glenda said, “Just do your best.” But Vonda doesn’t know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn’t very motivated.            


3.What do the results of Morisano’s study (shown on the graph) illustrate?


Having specific, difficult goals increases a student’s GPA.

Students with higher GPAs are more likely to set goals.

Training students in goal setting leads to an increase in their GPAs.

Students performed better in their second semester than they did in their first semester.



4.Suppose a student who was participating in this study set a goal of getting an A in a class. For this student, midterm grades would provide -------- .


7. Motivation case (Lead)


  1. Employees at LivingSocial Escapes who are motivated by becoming a vested member of the company after a year of employment are motivated by extrinsic rewards, whereas motivation that occurs as a result of having fun at their jobs illustrates the effects of ------- rewards.



Maya should continue to promote the idea that a failed trip is an opportunity to learn what not to do. Trip guides will be motivated to reduce the number of unsuccessful trips and instead increase those behaviors that lead to more successful trips.


Maya knows that not all employees value free trips and that some employees would like other rewards for their work. She should conduct a survey to determine what rewards employees want for good performance.


After Maya distributes stock shares within the company, or any other type of bonus, she should survey all her employees and ask if they believe the compensation was distributed using clear and acceptable rules.

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