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Homework answers / question archive / 1) Please make all packages with name ca

1) Please make all packages with name ca

Computer Science

1) Please make all packages with name ca.sheridancollege like ca.sheridancollege.controllers like this 2 I don’t want to many packages just try to make as less like one for the main and others for controller,database ,beans like this 3. To complete it in a better way i have provided 3 or 4 pdf files(in ref zip folder) which will help you as a refrence that how i did in my class so try to make similar to it . 4. Please also make pdf with all requirements given by prof . 5 . Try to fulfuill each and everthing which is given inside requirements.

Final Project: Create a Spring Boot Movie-Ticket application where a user interacts with the H2 database. The movies must be family oriented. The user can select to buy tickets from several different movies at different start times. A user can buy the following tickets:

General Admission: $15.00

Sheridan College Students: $10.00

PROG 32758 Student’s  $8.00

Senior Citizen’s (65 and older)  and Children (12 years and younger) $ 5.00


Users that have accounts with this theater will have a 20% discount when ordering tickets on top of any other discount. A user that does not have an account can register and create an account. The database that holds the account should have the user id account number, first name and last name. Once the user has made their selection, a screen will be displayed of the movie they bought a ticket for, the types and numbers of tickets purchased and their name . An administrator should be able to view the database of table of registered users and any other tale and perform CRUD operations. Both a Registered user and an administrator need to login to the system . But only the administrator should be able to view the database(s) tables(s). A non registered user does not need to login and should be able to purchase a ticket(s)

To actually connect to H2, keep the settings of application. properties to the one used in the class examples.



  • Being able to order tickets   15 marks o Customer can select movie, seats and times

o Once customer selects and pays for their seats, those seats are unavailable


  • Receipt printed out  (just have a text file printed to a folder called “Receipts” in the C drive. 5 Marks for printing the ticket.  5 marks  for printing the correct information.
  • Purchase order information is displayed to the user in an appropriate html 10 Marks.
  • Aesthetics 25 marks (nice layout, images, effects , graphics etc). Im definitely looking for more than just setting the background color. 
  • Admin can perform CRUD operation 20 Marks
  • Being able to register for a user account 5 Marks
  • Suppose each theater has 50 seats available. Every time a ticket is purchased, the number of seats is adjusted accordingly and displayed to the user 5 Marks. 
    • Make sure once a ticket for a seat and a movie time is bought, that seat for that movie is unavailable.
    • Being able to order tickets between January 1, 2010 – December 31, 2020 5 Marks
    • PDF – 10 Marks  (See below for deductions)
    • Video recording – 10 Marks  (See below for deductions)
    • Spring Security (At a minimum, I expect you to use the ones we used in class) – 10 Marks




  • you will lose 10% each time your system crashes /stops function
  • Please have Exception Handling and Validation otherwise 10% deduction
  • Order seats/tickets  that have already been  bought  10% deduction
  • Navigability/Ease of use  (Do I have a hard time using your system? Is it an intuitive system?. Remember, you want to make the system as easy as possible for the users. Also keep in mind you want to keep things as easy as possible for me. You don’t want to make things harder for me to use your system) 20% deduction
  • If video recording is more than 10 minutes (there is a 30 seconds grace period though) : 20% loss
  • 75% of your video should be you demoing your system otherwise 10% deduction
  • PDF explaining o How to use your system (you want your system to be designed in such a way that I can skip this part.). I will actually try to get your system running first and if I have problems using it, (uh oh) I will look to this section.
    • how you designed your database system and why otherwise 5% loss  . Here are examples of some things to consider
      • Did you use foreign keys or not. Explain why. I am not concerned with if you used them or not, I am just curious about your reasoning of why you used them or not.
      • Did you have a separate table for different users or put all users in one table. Again, I am more concerned with your reasoning.
    • What are your beans and why otherwise 5%
      • A good place to start is to consider what is the purpose of beans.
    • How you prevented SQL injection (this was explained in an online meeting) otherwise 5%
      • Stayed tuned for a possible   extra recording on this o When it comes to SOLID, how did you maintain the S? otherwise 5% o Explain the Spring Security features you used, otherwise 5%
    • Explain the CRUD operations that can be performed by Admin, otherwise 10% loss
  • Pdf is professional looking (ie cover page, table of contents, pages are numbered, easily defined sections) otherwise 10% deduction
  • Don’t worry about explaining your code in the pdf
  • Don’t provide me screen shots of your code in the pdf
  • If your output is to a console and not the appropriate html files – 40% deduction  . I was lenient in this regarding the assignment and mid term, but now that you have had experience, I will be more strict.
  • Using DevTools – 30% deduction (You should only be using Spring Boot)
  • Using technologies taught or used or discussed outside this course.  30% deduction (CSS is fine,


  • Plagiarism: automatic 0
  • Movies are not family oriented  -automatic 0 (I had to

put this stipulation in. I have used this project before and you can imagine some of the movies that were being played in some applications)


Pay attention to SLATE announcements regarding the final project. Those announcements are binding to the project.


Start : Nov 25  6pm.

Due Date: December 18  12pm

10 deduction per day late, but I will stop accepting submissions December 20, 6pm.  I cant extend the deadline as before because marks are due on Monday Dec 21, and you have seen it takes forever to mark projects L


The most important thing is to have fun with this assignment. It’s a lot but most students tend to score an A average on this!  J


I know we are living in uncertain times, so if there are problems affecting you in completing this project, DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME. All I ask is you inform me as soon as possible.

Take care my friends!

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