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Homework answers / question archive / Please verify, do you still have your article, your bag of clues, and your article citation (in APA format) close at hand? Good

Please verify, do you still have your article, your bag of clues, and your article citation (in APA format) close at hand? Good


Please verify, do you still have your article, your bag of clues, and your article citation (in APA format) close at hand? Good.

Shake all the clues out of your big bag; make sure none of them get stuck.

ASIDE -- If you see any terms you cannot find or figure out from reading your chosen article, they might be in the web link below, or you can carefully search good sites online to find out. Or you can just ask me in an email!

So, here are all the categories for the clues we gathered. You have seen this list before.

1. Definition[s] of case study __cash study research.

2. Types of research question that are, and are not, suitable for case studies.

3. Pros and cons of the case study strategy.

4. Any idea from your chosen article that you found interesting.

5. Generalizability

6. Reflexivity

7. Types of case study, e.g., exploratory, descriptive...

8. Triangulation of sources

9. Bracketing out [your personal biases, ideologies, world view]


You may find this web page, below, useful. It contains, and then goes a bit beyond, the clues we have gathered already. Take a look at the clues you already have. Then read this website, and if there are any additional definitions or concepts or other clues that you like, take them. Take a few minutes to type them into your master list of clues. Now you are all set.

We are nearly there, almost at the finish line. Just a little further.


To Submit in D2L for Assignment 3


There are 2 items to submit, and both will be in the same Word file.)


1. at the top of the page, paste in the APA citation of your article.

2. Analyze your clues and write a brief essay, between 2 and 3 pages. 12-point

Calibri font. Double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around. Here is how toorganize it. None of these paragraphs needs to be overly lengthy andcertainly not "padded" for appearances sake. Write an appropriate amountof prose to answer the prompts provided for each paragraph. Someparagraphs will be longer than others. You can take any of my ideas into account within your essay, but only if you like they and they are a good for your particular essay. The minimum length for a paragraph is 5 complete sentences, and it is perfectly okay to exceed that baseline.

Paragraph_1 -- (This paragraph is your introduction paragraph). What is case study research? How would you recognize a research article in which the author[s] had used a case study approach to data collection and analysis? How are case studies different, or set apart, from other types of social science research methods and data collection tools, like interviews, surveys, etc. You do not need to go into a great depth of detail here about all the various


  • This is where you define case study research to "your reader."


  • ° Your reader can of your student colleagues in the CRS program at PennWest. Or a friend or family member who is wondering what it is that you actually do in this course. Or anyone you know, or have ever known, whom you have admired for being bright, hardworking, and curious.


  • The reason it helps to have a reader in mind? Do you speak differently to a child than to your supervisor at work, your next door neighbor, and your pet(s) if you have any? Of course! Today, you are writing for a person who knows many things and is a quick learners, but one things they don’t know anything about is conflict resolution, cash study and article you read. Make sure you’re writing incudes clear description, definitions, and reasonable claims.


Paragraph 2 -- Researchers develop a research topic and then it gradually evolves into a/some major research question (s]. Then, they carefully consider what kind of data they will need to collect and analyze in order to find the answers to their question. The research method/strategy is selected based on the type of question being asked. (Conversely, we definitely do not choose the type of research questions we want to ask, based on our favorite research strategy/method!)

» What kinds of research question are, and are not, suitable for case studies? Describe.


Paragraph 3 -- Nothing in this world is all good...or all bad. Case study research, like anything else out there, has its good points and bad points. Explain what these are. What can you do, or find out, by using a case study? And what are some downsides to case studies? Why, for instance, might i decide not to do a case study?

  • Pro and cons of the case study strategy.


Paragraph 4 -- Describe and define the concept of generalizability. How can the findings for a case study research project be used? What claims can | make, and stand firm on, based on my findings? Likewise, what claims can | not make? Are the findings from a case study generalizable? Explain.


- Generalizability

Paragraph 5 -- As with generalizability, describe and define reflexivity, and why it is such a vital, important mental activity for the case study researcher to engage in throughout their project.

What are some risks of not being reflexive throughout the research and write-up processes? How could our research work suffer from insufficient reflexivity?

  • Reflexivity

Paragraph 6 -- Among the types of case study, there are exploratory, descriptive, and a couple more. Describe each one.

Explain clearly why the case study strategy is so good for analyzing these types of research problems. What type of case study is the one in your chosen article? Explain how you know this.


- Types of case study

Paragraph 7 -- What does it mean -- be specific -- to triangulate your sources of data in a case study? What can the results of triangulating your sources reveal to you? Clue: It can be reassuring/affirming; it can also send you back a few steps in your case study research process. Explain as clearly as you can how triangulation of sources works, and in particular why it is so important within a case study and for the claims that can be made about your reported findings?


Triangulation of sources

Paragraph 8 -- An excellent student like you may ask, "How is it possible to separate my biases from my writing? Positive or negative in nature, these are elements that make up who | am as a unique individual. | do not want to write in such a way that i appear to be nothing more than a detached, scientific, robotic being."


You are partially correct! Science in general is actively confronting the very issues that you just mentioned. The natural sciences (biology, chemistry,physics) are interesting and challenging.

Likewise, this is true for the social sciences (sociology, history,anthropology, political science, psychology).


Researchers in the social sciences do face the specific challenge of keeping enough “emotional distance" from their work. Otherwise, why should anyone take our claims seriously, when these may be just personal opinions?

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