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Homework answers / question archive / Qualitative Assignment Three 20% (Due November 28, 2023, by 11:59pm) THERE ARE 2 PARTS TO THIS ASSIGNMENT

Qualitative Assignment Three 20% (Due November 28, 2023, by 11:59pm) THERE ARE 2 PARTS TO THIS ASSIGNMENT


Qualitative Assignment Three 20% (Due November 28, 2023, by 11:59pm) THERE ARE 2 PARTS TO THIS ASSIGNMENT. COMPLETE PART A AND PART B. PART A: (65% of Total Assignment Grade or 13/20 marks) Answer the following question in essay format. Your answer should be 1000 words (+ or – 10%), (approximately 4 pages in Times New Roman font), exclusive of citations and references cited. Be sure to employ in-text citations. Do not use outside sources for this assignment. Clearly label each Part. PART A QUESTION: Discuss and evaluate the role that interviewing plays in social and cultural research by defining, describing, and critically evaluating the way interviewing is utilized in two of the readings in the list below. Your answer should draw on: i. Key concepts and approaches to interviewing introduced in lectures, slides, and in Van den Hoonaard and van den Scott, as well as substantive discussion of the readings you cite including: ii. The main topic and context of each paper. iii. The way the authors employ interviewing. iv. The authors’ findings or argument. v. The contribution the interview makes to our understanding of the author’s topic. Choose 2 (two) from the following readings: • Cui, Dan. (2019). Model Minority Stereotype and Racialized Habitus: Chinese Canadian Youth Struggling with Racial Discrimination at School, Journal of Childhood Studies, Vol. 44 (3): 70-84. • Knudson, S. and Mazurik, K. 2021. Seeking stability: a preliminary exploration of Canadian young adults’ financial goals, Journal Of Youth Studies, 24, (3): 285–304 • Sheppard, L. Raby, R. Lehmann, W. and Easterbrook W. (2019) Grill Guys and Drive-Thru Girls: Discourses of Gender in Young People’s Part-Time Work Journal of Childhood Studies,44(3):56-69 • Bartlett, T. and Eriksson, E. (2019). How fathers construct and perform masculinity in a liminal prison space Punishment & Society 2019, Vol. 21(3) 275–294 • Daniel J. Jones, Sandra M. Bucerius and Kevin D. Haggerty. 2019. Voices of remanded women in Western Canada: A qualitative analysis, Journal of COMMUNITY SAFETY & WELL-BEING, October;4(3):44-53. • Murray Sarah. 2021. Seeing and Doing Gender at Work: A Qualitative Analysis of Canadian Male and Female Police Officers, Feminist Criminology 2021, Vol. 16(1) 91–109 • Parada, H. Escobar, V. Limón Bravo, F. 2021. Latinx Youth’s Experiences in the Ontario Education System: Race, Invisibility, and Capital Canadian Ethnic Studies, Volume 53 Number 1, 69-87 • Creese, Gillian. 2015. Growing up where ‘No one looked like me’: Gender, Race Hip Hop and Identity in Vancouver, Gender Issues (2015) 32:201–219 *Note my slides alone are not sufficient for a comprehensive analysis. They provide tools to aid your analysis* PART A: Grading Criteria Your mark will be determined by the following criteria: • Style and format such as in-text citations, grammar, essay format and concise clear writing. • Analysis: the degree to which you integrate the readings; discuss their conceptual frameworks, argument, and findings; the way interviews are employed in the studies and the degree to which you demonstrate and incorporate an understanding of qualitative approaches to interviewing. PART B: (35% of Total Assignment Grade or 7/20 marks) Exercise in Designing a Qualitative In-depth Interview-based study. You are a qualitative researcher and want to collect experience-based, participant-centered data for your study. Key Question: You want to learn HOW a particular student organization at the university supports the belonging and well-being of students who participate in the organizations’ activities and identify any barriers students experience in participating in the organization. Choose one of the following organizations. • The Sociology and Criminology Student Society • The University of Windsor Criminology Association • It would be useful to review the scope of the organization you choose. o Interview and Focus Group Methods and Procedures You will conduct 50 in-depth interviews and 3 focus groups of 8 participants per focus group. Interview Method and Protocol In essay format describe and explain your data collection decisions, the interview process and outline the overall objective, content, and direction of your questions. Your interview guide and consent form will be attached as an appendix (at the end) of your answer. Your answer should be approximately 2 pages, excluding the interview guide and consent form. Make sure your answer addresses the following: • Choose a university organization from the list above for your focus. • Describe the participants you will recruit for this study. o What will be your inclusion and exclusion criteria for those participating in the study? o What sampling model or approach best describes your version of the study? (see slides week 7) • Describe how you will access those you want to include in the study. • Describe how you would ensure their voluntary consent. • For the focus groups: What would you learn from the focus groups compared to in-depth interviews? You do not need to provide the same details or an interview guide for the focus groups. (Appendix) Interview Guide Based on the criteria outlined in class for conducting a good in-depth interview, create an interview guide that includes approximately 10-15 questions and/or probes that you would include to create an effective in-depth interview for this topic. Use the interview template discussed in class and posted in the assignment folder. Include your interview guide as an appendix at the end of your assignment. While you may draw on the questions in the model, not all of them are appropriate as they are specific to a different topic, so you need to create your own questions, probes. (Appendix) Ethics Consent Form: Create an ethics consent form based on the model provided in the assignment folder. You will submit your 2-page response, followed by an Appendix consisting of your interview guide and consent form. Grading Criteria Your response demonstrates an understanding of qualitative design, in-depth interviewing and focus groups as well as the ethical elements for conducting this research. Tips for preparation Qualitative Assignment Three PART A When reading the articles: Ask yourself questions like these: 1. What is the topic and has the author formulated a problem/issue? 2. Is it clearly defined? 3. Where and when does the study take place and with whom? 3. What is the author’s theoretical framework, or does she/he use a key concept? 4. What is the methodological orientation of the paper? 5. How does the author ‘operationalize’ the method or set out to do what he/she seeks to examine or understand? 6. Does the author make a convincing case? Do they illustrate or demonstrate what they set out to do? 7. Could the problem have been approached differently or more effectively from another perspective? Introduction: • Be sure to identify the key features of qualitative interviewing and employ these features as you analyze the readings • Be sure to briefly summarize both readings very succinctly (2-3 sentences each) in terms of the topic, the theoretical framework, the method and be sure to include the who, what, where when and how of both readings. • Make a statement that links the readings thematically • Compare, contrast and evaluate the readings and develop your analysis using Block or Synthetic format There are two ways to write your response: Block Style or Synthetic Style. Block style is more straightforward and lends itself to clear organization. Synthetic style often yields more sophisticated analysis. Block style: • Make an introductory thematic statement that identifies and links the readings • Evaluate and summarize the readings separately (include an example) • Make a concluding statement that links the readings, (critical assessment, questions or what should be followed up) Synthetic style: • Make an introductory key thematic statement that identifies and links the readings • Organize your analysis by identifying 1-3 sub-themes • Discuss and evaluate the readings within those themes. • You are integrating the readings under each sub-theme your • Make a final concluding statement that links the readings (critical assessment, questions or what should be followed up) Remember: you are evaluating the readings – not merely summarizing them. Critique: you can use one reading to critique the other • Be aware of comparing apples and oranges in your critique • Evaluate the readings in terms of what they set out to do: o did they convince you? If yes, how so and if not, why not? TIPS FOR PREPARING FOR AND ANSWERING PART B Review slides for conducting a good in-depth qualitative interview, approaches to qualitative sampling and examples. Be attentive to the key features of an IN-DEPTH interview. Use the readings as a model for your questions, themes, and probes. You do not need to cite them for this exercise. Use examples discussed in class and templates provided as a model for your response.

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