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Homework answers / question archive / Instructions Private Insurance Kaiser Family Foundation tracks and reports various details surround both government and private insurance plans for the United States

Instructions Private Insurance Kaiser Family Foundation tracks and reports various details surround both government and private insurance plans for the United States

Health Science


  1. Private Insurance

Kaiser Family Foundation tracks and reports various details surround both government and private insurance plans for the United States. Access the organization using the link below to explore details involving private insurance.

Go to the organization’s website.

You may need to review various links and pages in the website to respond.


Review the Health Insurance and Managed Care Organization Indicators and discuss your findings in 1–2 paragraphs.

In your response include how private insurances impact health care.

  1. Managed Medicaid:

Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) vary from state to state. Moreover, like all third-party payers, the MCOs operate in health care’s constantly changing environment. Kaiser Family Foundation tracks and reports sociodemographic and third-party payer data.

Go to the organization’s website.

Review the percentage of HMO penetration in various states and discuss how these percentages compare with one another in 1–2 paragraphs.

In your response, include how government insurances impact health care.

Assignment Requirements

  • Please complete both parts in a Microsoft Word document.
  • Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
  • You must cite and reference credible sources.
  • Utilize the Academic Success Center in Academic Tools for assistance with writing, APA style references, etc.Unit 4 Assignment Rubric Criterion 1 Criterion 1: Health Insurance and MCO Indicator Review Level III Max Points Points: 12 Level II Max Points Points: 9.6 ? Includes 1-2 ? Discussion of Health paragraph (minimum) Insurance and discussion of Health Managed Care Insurance and Organization Managed Care Indicators is present Organization but lacks detail or Indicators clarity Level I Max Points Points: 7 Not Present 0 points ? Discussion lacks detail ? Major issues with needed to fully present presenting the review a review of the indicators Criterion 2 Level III Max Points Points: 6 Criterion 2: How ? Health insurance and Private MCO discussion Insurances Includes a summation Impact of how private Healthcare insurances impact healthcare Level II Max Points Points: 4 Level I Max Points Points: 3 Not Present 0 points ? Health insurance ? Summary shows some ? Major issues with and MCO misunderstanding of articulating how private discussion Includes how private insurances insurances impact a summation of impact healthcare healthcare how private insurances impact healthcare but is not clear Criterion 1 Level III Max Points Points: 12 Level II Max Points Points: 9.6 Level I Max Points Points: 7 Not Present 0 points Level III Max Points Points: 12 Level II Max Points Points: 9.6 Level I Max Points Points: 7 Not Present 0 points Criterion 3: HMO ? Includes 1-2 Penetration paragraph (minimum) Review discussion of HMO penetration in various states and how these percentages compare with one another ? Discussion of HMO penetration in various states and how these percentages compare with one another is present but lacks clarity ? Discussion lacks detail needed to fully present various state HMO penetration and the comparison. Criterion 4 Level II Max Points Points: 4 Level I Max Points Points: 3 Criterion 3 Level III Max Points Points: 6 ? Major issues with presenting the review Not Present 0 points Criterion 4: How ? HMO penetration Government discussion Includes a Insurances summation of how Impact government Healthcare insurances impact healthcare ? HMO penetration ? Summary shows some ? Major issues with discussion Includes misunderstanding of articulating how a summation of how government government how government insurances impact insurances impact insurances impact healthcare healthcare healthcare but is not clear Criterion 5 Level II Max Points Points: 3 Level III Max Points Points: 4 Level I Max Points Points: 2 Not Present 0 points Criterion 1 Level III Max Points Points: 12 Level II Max Points Points: 9.6 Level I Max Points Points: 7 Not Present 0 points Criterion 5: Grammar & Mechanics ? No major grammatical or spelling issue ? Minor issues with grammar or spelling ? Multiple issues with ? Significant issues grammar and spelling with grammar and spelling Maximum Total Points 40 30.2 22 0 Minimum Total Points 30.3 23 1 0

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