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Help in Homework
Mike Gillard

Experience: 3 Years

Mike is up and coming highly talented content writer who joined Help in Homework as an intern. He since has been working for us along with few other writing platforms on a part time basis. He is very hard working and aspires to launch his own writing company one day.

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Tips for remembering key concepts while studying

UserMike Gillard time 1st April 2022

Many college courses demand that you memorize large volumes of data. Memorizing for a single class might be challenging, but when you have many classe...

Student Academic Performance and Homework Methodology

UserMike Gillard time 16th February 2022

Homework is a tool that demonstrates and develops relationships between home and school that lead to more consistent success in all areas of school li...

Examining a Research Paper

UserMike Gillard time 3rd February 2022

The main purpose of this type of assignment is to critically evaluate a research paper. A good choice would be an article in a reputable scientific jo...

How to practice language subjects for exams?

UserMike Gillard time 14th January 2022

Introduction: Learning language subjects is tough, especially if you don't have a good grip on them. However, language subjects can be high-sco...

How to write creative essays and dissertations in less time?

UserMike Gillard time 18th December 2021

Writing essays has become a part of our school and college life, where we all have written a lot of them. But, the part of the question which mat...

What are some of the ten greatest science inventions of all times?

UserMike Gillard time 29th November 2021

Science inventions are things that drive all of us crazy and it is always fun and interesting to talk about them. However, it is also true that they h...

How to get straight A grades in exams?

UserMike Gillard time 1st November 2021

Exams are a prime element in every student's life. We have viewed exams as a burden, that doesn't give a sense of accomplishment. We have alwa...

Tips For Medical Students To Properly Prepare For The Next Year Of School

UserMike Gillard time 6th September 2021

Medicine is one of the toughest fields in the world. A doctor needs to be focused every second because lives are at stake. Any medical professional ha...

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