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Tips for remembering key concepts while studying
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Tips for remembering key concepts while studying

1st April 2022

Many college courses demand that you memorize large volumes of data. Memorizing for a single class might be challenging, but when you have many classes, it can be even more difficult. Many pupils believe they just lack great memory abilities. 

Fortunately, memorizing is not limited to a select set of people born with the necessary talents; anybody can practice and improve their memorization skills.

Visualization approaches and memory strategies, according to competitive memorizers, help them retain huge amounts of material fast. Students who utilize memory tricks do better than those who do not, according to research. 

Memory techniques allow you to access long-term memory and increase your working memory. These methods can also help you recall some topics for a test.

Finally, memory methods like these might help you grasp things and think more clearly. Continue reading to learn about efficient memorizing strategies that can benefit you in school.

Memory techniques that are easy to remember

There are numerous additional strategies you may employ to assist your brain recall information in addition to visual and spatial memory approaches. 

Here are a few basic ideas to get you started. For a fast overview of several of these suggestions,   from the Learning Center.

1. In the first place, make an effort to understand the material. It is easier to remember information that is organized and makes sense to you. If you don't understand the material, take some time to learn it before trying to remember it.

2. Make a connection. If you're trying to remember something, make the material related to something else you know. Unconnected information is harder to remember than information that is connected. 

Make up a wild link if you can't think of a way to relate the knowledge to anything you already know. Let's imagine you're attempting to remember that water at sea level boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and 212 happens to be your closest friend's phone number's first three numbers. 

Imagine dropping your phone into a boiling ocean to connect the two. It's a strange connection, but it could help that truth stay.

3. Take some time to think about it. According to studies, your brain processes and retains information while you sleep.

Try reviewing knowledge shortly before going to sleep, even if it's only for a few minutes, to see if it helps you remember it.

4. Self-test. Now and again, test yourself by actively recalling the material you're attempting to learn. 

Do not merely review notes or a textbook; instead, actively quiz yourself. When students revisit information, they frequently believe they recall it simply because it is familiar to them. Instead, ask yourself questions and challenge yourself to recall the answers or materials without looking at them. 

This will allow you to pinpoint places where you are having difficulty, and you can then use one of the memory techniques to assist you to remember it. Also, avoid quizzing yourself right after you've tried anything new.

Wait a few hours, or perhaps a day or two, to determine if it has truly ingrained itself in your mind.

5. Distribute your practice. You must repeat a notion twice to ensure that it is permanently etched in your long-term memory from your temporary working memory. 

A repetition is a powerful tool for enforcing information into your memory. Flashcards, utilizing the simple methods in this section, and self-testing are all examples of repetition tactics. 

It may help us to gain confidence in our expertise and cement the notions in our heads if we space out our practicing and studying over several days and gradually extend the interval between sessions.

6. Make a list. Because there is a direct connection between our hands and our brain, writing appears to assist us more thoroughly in encoding information that we're attempting to learn. 

During a presentation, try writing your notes by hand or revising and rearranging notes or material by hand afterward. While you're writing down a notion you want to remember, try saying it out loud and visualizing the concept.

7. Form meaningful associations. Making meaningful groupings that simplify the content is a useful method for memorizing. 

As an example: let's say you need to know the names of four plants: garlic, rose, hawthorn, and mustard. The initial letters can be paired with GRAHAM since they are shortened to GRHM in the above example. What you have to do now is visualize a graham cracker, and the names you have to remember will come to mind.

8. Make use of mnemonics. The use of mnemonics helps learners remember information by using strategies and tactics. 

When the initial letter of each word in a phrase is also the first letter of each word in a memorized list, this is a popular form. 

Many youngsters, for example, taught the order of operations in math by saying Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (parentheses, exponents, multiply, divide, add, subtract). For a decent selection of examples and ideas, check Wikipedia.

9. You're talking to yourself. Talking to yourself about the content you're attempting to memorize may sound weird at first.

Instead of merely underlining or rereading material, try expressing it out loud.

10. Exercise! Seriously! Exercise, according to studies, can help us enhance our memory and learning capacities by stimulating the growth of neurons in memory-related regions.

Both cardio and resistance training (weights) have tremendous impacts, so choose the one that best suits you.

11. Interleave as much as possible. The principle of interleaving is to mix or alternate abilities or concepts that you wish to remember. 

Spend some time learning vocabulary terms for science class, then transfer to studying historical dates and names for history class. This strategy may appear perplexing at first, but it ultimately produces superior outcomes.

This strategy may appear perplexing at first, but it ultimately produces greater outcomes than merely focusing on the same subject for lengthy periods. For additional information on interleaving and other comparable tactics.

Techniques for visual and spatial perception

Memory tactics that use your five senses include visual and spatial strategies. To help knowledge stick, they use visuals, melodies, sensations, and our bodies. Humans have exceptional spatial and visual memory systems. 

Instead of tedious, rote memorizing, visual and spatial memory techniques offer interesting, memorable, and creative alternatives. This makes it easier to recall what you want to see, feel, or hear. Working memory is also freed up using visual and spatial strategies.

When you put things together in a group, you get a better result.

Your long-term memory is improved. When your mind wants to stray to anything else, using visual and spatial approaches might provide homework help you focus and pay attention. They assist you in making what you learn more meaningful, remember, and enjoyable.

The widespread habit of counting the days in each month on your knuckles is an excellent example of a simple visual-spatial approach for remembering data.

Visual pictures that stick with you. Try creating a memorable visual representation to symbolize an important thing the next time you need to remember it. Images are significant because they relate directly to the visuospatial areas of your brain. 

By tapping into visual regions, images aid in the recall of complex information. However, you are not limited to using images—the more you utilize, the better.

The more senses you can activate, the easier it will be to remember knowledge. Instead of only imagining a picture, consider smelling, feeling, and hearing it. Draw a picture of a girl named Louise with a red baton if you want to remember that Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana.

The method of the memory palace. This method is imagining a familiar location—such as your home or dorm room—and utilizing it as a visual area to store concept images that you want to remember. This method can aid with the recall of unrelated items, such as a grocery list. Visualize your location (home or dorm room) and utilize the memory palace approach.

Consider placing goods from your grocery list in various locations throughout the house. Consider a broken egg oozing down the table's edge or a bunch of apples laying on the couch. It may take some time to become acclimated to this strategy, but once you do, it becomes faster and more productive. More about memory palaces may be found in this Ted Talk.

Jingles and songs Songs or jingles, like the memory palace and visuals, employ the right hemisphere of the brain to help us recall difficult topics like mathematics and lists. 

For topics like the quadratic formula, there are already a lot of songs out there—try Googling what you're trying to memorize to see whether someone has already written a song about it. If it doesn't work, try creating on your own.

The five senses are the five senses. When studying, using as many of your five senses as possible helps you use more portions of your brain and remember more knowledge. 

Pick up the anatomical models, feel each part, and speak the titles out loud if you're studying for an anatomy test, for example.

A metaphor or analogy that is visually dynamic will help you remember and understand things more easily, particularly in math and science. A metaphor illustrates how something relates to another. 

Consider Syria, which is designed like a bowl of cereal, and Jordan, which is fashioned like a Nike Air Jordan sneaker. Metaphors, particularly visual metaphors, can linger in your mind for years. They aid in the adhesion of concepts in your head.

Finally, some thoughts

At first, a few of these strategies may seem unusual, or they may take a while to master, but with practice, they will become more natural and you will be able to retain more information. Furthermore, you do not have to implement every suggestion. Remember that you may meet with an academic coach to speak about memory strategies, design a study plan, or address any other academic concern.



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