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Staying True Amid Peer Pressure in Student Groups

Categories: Psychology

  • Words: 944

Published: Sep 13, 2024

Almost all individuals, including students, struggle to fit into peer groups. Although the pressure to be accepted is natural, it can sometimes result in individuals denouncing their values and embracing their peer's behaviors and norms ((Dhull and Beniwal 257). Thus, groupthink or the herd mentality-related impacts of peer pressure can significantly impact individuals' decision- making. Pressure from the group cannot only force individuals to change their minds even if they know they are correct, but it can also result in them keeping important information to themselves because of fear of rejection (Pautz and Forrer 3). Undoubtedly, student groups are vital for social and emotional development; nevertheless, learners must maintain authenticity. Therefore, this essay highlights measures students can leverage to stay true to themselves amid the pressure that comes with student groups.

Developing a clear understanding of personal beliefs and values is one measure learners can leverage to stay true to themselves. Students should therefore reflect on what matters most to them, as this might increase their self-awareness. The strategy can significantly enhance students' individuality as knowledge of beliefs and values can act as a decision-making foundation. Being selective with the groups they join is another measure students can employ to maintain their individuality. Once learners have determined their values and know what they stand for, they should select friends who support and respect their values and choices (Dhull and Beniwal 261).

Selecting acquaintances who subscribe to similar beliefs will prevent learners from denouncing their values and succumbing to herd mentality.

There are instances where students find it challenging to handle pressure from their acquaintances despite being aware of themselves. In such scenarios, learners should consider talking to trusted adults. Students should not feel guilty if they have made one or two mistakes; talking to adults like school counselors, teachers, and parents can make them feel much better (Dhull and Beniwal 261). Older individuals can also equip students with skills they can leverage the next time they encounter pressure. Consequently, this will prevent them from making further mistakes.

Music therapy is one external method students can use in college or university settings to avoid peer pressure. Evidence indicates a connection between listening to positive music and enhanced self-confidence. Besides, unlike learners who listen to depressing songs, their counterparts who listen to positive ones are more likely to find themselves. Thus, these learners are more likely to register higher stress resistance levels, and this explains how music therapy can prevent individuals from succumbing to negative group behaviors and norms (Chen and Deng 595). The fear of rejection-related stress that comes with not being accepted by groups is one factor that forces some learners to adhere to peers' norms even if they know the group is wrong. However, with high-stress resistance levels, students might be willing to stand by their values and beliefs. Therefore, students should consider music therapy as a measure for enhancing their stress resistance levels.

In conclusion, groups are essential as they can enhance students' emotions and social skills. However, it is critical to note that groups can come with various forms of pressure that can impact one's decision-making process. As a result, it is essential to maintain individuality by always prioritizing self-wellbeing. Developing a clear understanding of values, wisely choosing friends, and seeking help from trusted adults are some measures students can leverage to stay true to themselves. By adhering to these measures, students will be better positioned to navigate peer pressure effectively.

Works Cited

Chen, Ziyu, and Yazhi Deng. "The Influence of Peer Pressure on College Students and The Countermeasures." International Conference on Public Art and Human Development, 2022.

Dhull, Poonam., and Beniwal, Rajesh. "Dealing With Peer Pressure." Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, vol.7, no.1, 2017, pp.256-263.

Pautz, Jessica A., and Donald A. Forrer. "The Dynamics of Groupthink: The Cape Coral Experience." Journal of International Energy Policy, vol.2., no.1, 2013, pp. 1-14.

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