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How to Write the Boston College Supplemental Essay 2023-24
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How to Write the Boston College Supplemental Essay 2023-24

22nd October 2022

Are you looking for help with your Boston University supplemental essays? Look no further, our team of experienced writers can assist you in crafting compelling and unique essays to supplement your application.

Boston College, ranked among the top 40 universities in the US, is an outstanding college choice, especially if you want to attend a Jesuit institution.

You must submit a Boston College supplemental essay as part of the admission process. So, what should you write about in your essay to improve your chances of admission?

In this guide, we thoroughly examine all Boston College essay prompts and offer our best recommendations and guidance.

We'll also look at real Boston College essay examples to get a sense of what a good Boston College essay looks like.

So let's get this party started!

What Is the Boston College Essay?

Boston College requires all first-year applicants to submit a separate essay as part of the Boston College Supplement, in addition to the Common Application essay prompts (which you can find in the Common App under the heading "Writing Supplement"). The Boston University Supplemental Essay is a challenging and comprehensive examination of your writing ability.

You can choose from six different essay prompts with this writing supplement:

#1: Students at Boston College are encouraged to think critically as they pursue meaningful and purposeful lives. What is a question that is important to you, and how do you hope Boston College can assist you in answering it?

#2: In 2020, we face a national reckoning on racial injustice in America, which is still ongoing. Discuss how this has affected you, what you've learned, and how you've been inspired to be a change agent about this critical problem.

#3: We intend to draw on the Jesuit tradition of finding discussion partners to explore societal challenges and difficulties at Boston College. Who is your favorite person to talk to? What do you talk about with that person?

#4: According to Socrates, "the unexamined life is not worth living." Discuss a time when reflection, prayer, or introspection resulted in clarity or understanding of a personal situation.

#5: At University Convocation each year, the incoming class engages in a contemplative discourse centered on a common text. What book would you suggest for your class to read and discuss together, and why?

#6: [Only Human-Centered Engineering Applicants Accepted] A Jesuit education includes the purpose of preparing students to serve the Common Good.

At Boston College, Human-Centered Engineering merges technical knowledge, creativity, and a humanistic viewpoint to address societal challenges and possibilities.

What societal issues are important to you, and how will your HCE education help you solve them?”

Each essay challenge requires you to provide particular data as well as a unique, captivating story about who you are, how you got to be this way, and what you plan to accomplish with your studies at Boston College.

Regardless of the essay prompt, your Boston College essay must be no more than 400 words long, making it slightly less than a usual college application essay, which is 500-600 words long.

The good news is that you only need to respond to one of the above-mentioned prompts. But how can you pick the ideal essay topic for you? Continue reading as we go through all of the Boston College essays prompts one by one.

All Boston College Essay Prompts, Analyzed

If you're applying to Boston University, be sure to check out our comprehensive list of Boston University supplemental essay examples to help inspire your own unique and compelling responses.

To write an excellent Boston College essay, you must understand what each question requires and which one will work best for you based on your personality, experiences, and/or interests.

The Boston University Supplement essay is an opportunity to tell the Admissions Committee more. Talk about how your ideas have evolved, how you've addressed a significant challenge, and what you are passionate about.

We have included a detailed examination of all four Boston College essay prompts below.

Boston College Essay Prompt 1

“Students at Boston College are encouraged to think critically as they pursue meaningful and purposeful lives. What is a question that is important to you, and how do you hope Boston College can assist you in answering it?”

This first Boston College essay prompt appears to be a little perplexing at first: you are requested to present a question rather than an answer.

What Boston College wants you to do here is discuss academic subjects or social concerns that interest you and why Boston College is the place to investigate them.

This essay provides you with an excellent opportunity to delve into a certain idea or problem that you wish to learn more about in college.

The topic of your essay can be anything from an ancient philosophical theory to how mobile phones influence American culture.

In a nutshell, what intellectually excites, fascinates, or captivates you? And why is that?

Before you answer this question, think about what you're enthusiastic about. This could be an academic topic you want to study, a difficult challenge in your future job field, or a current social issue.

Should You Choose This Prompt?

Most applicants know what they want to study in college. So, if you're interested in a specific field, you can utilize this as a starting point. Narrow your topic so that you are discussing a single question.

For example, if you want to study psychology, you may base your essay on the subject, "How is our increased reliance on social media influencing our behaviors?"

You might also approach this prompt from a societal standpoint. Are there any modern societal issues that you would like to investigate further? Perhaps you're concerned about wealth disparities in the United States.

You could inquire how wealth disparity has changed over the last fifty years and what we could do to address it.

The sky is pretty much the limit with this topic. Here are some additional themes for which you could make questions:

Climate change or environmental issues

In a country/area, political/economic instability or other problems

Discrimination, stigma, and other concerns of inequality

Potential issues confronting technology, science, the arts, certain industries, and so on.

The important thing to remember here is that you do not need to answer your query! Instead, a large portion of your essay will be devoted to explaining why Boston College is the greatest place for you to find answers to your query.

This is your opportunity to demonstrate that you've done your homework: bring up relevant departments, faculty members, ongoing research projects, individual courses, and campus groups that will assist you with your aim. Demonstrate how Boston College will assist you in answering your question.

Tips for Answering This Prompt

Explain why you are so passionate about your question. Do you have firsthand knowledge of the problem you're addressing? How did it make you feel (or do you still feel)? This is the area to demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and interest in the Big Questions.

As much as possible, relate your query to Boston College. Boston College admissions officers want to know that your application is well-thought-out. You don't have an answer to your question, and you shouldn't have one, but you should have a good sense of why Boston College is the greatest place to find one.

Boston College Essay Prompt 2

Does boston university have supplemental essays are hard to write? We faced a national reckoning on racial injustice in America in 2020, which is still ongoing today.

Discuss how this has affected you, what you've learned, and how you've been inspired to be a change agent about this critical problem.”

This second Boston College essay challenge is highly precise and requires you to perform some deep introspection.

You have several possibilities, including discussing your personal experience with racial injustice or what you've witnessed in your community. Perhaps you or your loved ones have been personally touched.

Perhaps something happened in the community that compelled you to confront racial injustice on a far more personal level than you had anticipated.

Also, keep in mind that the question asks what you've learned and how you've been motivated to be a change agent—in other words, even if you haven't yet been able to act on your desire to confront racial injustice on a bigger scale, you should think about this topic.

Finally, Boston College wants you to think about yourself and how you relate to bigger conceptions of societal injustice. It's a tall order, and you must remain as personal, honest, and specific as possible.

Should You Choose This Prompt?

Unfortunately, there are numerous ways to write about racial injustice in America right now.

Here are a couple of such examples:

Your firsthand encounter with racial injustice

A family member's encounter with racial injustice

Describe specific instances of racial injustice in your town.

The earliest (or most vivid) instance of racial injustice you witnessed

Tips for Answering This Prompt

• Please be as descriptive as possible. Boston College wants to see you and how you deal with complex, systemic issues, not just your thoughts on racial injustice. Show your deepest self (or as much of it as you're comfortable sharing) with real examples.

• Connect your experience to your college experience. Boston College is concerned about racial justice. Their College Ministry page on racial justice provides access to numerous campus resources for combating racial injustice. Mention particular programs that you want to participate in while in college, and demonstrate why Boston College is the greatest place for you to learn about and fight racial injustice.

Boston College Essay Prompt 3

We intend to draw on the Jesuit tradition of finding discussion partners to explore societal challenges and difficulties at Boston College.

Who is your favorite person to talk to? What do you talk about with that person?

This question is another excellent opportunity to demonstrate to Boston College who you are and what you value.

They're also emphasizing that Boston College is a Jesuit institution that values academic progress, moral development, and commitment to positive social change.

In short, this isn't the place to discuss your father's Star Wars fan theories (no matter how cool they are).

Consider the person with whom you have meaningful chats. It might be your best friend, partner, or family member.

Perhaps you've formed a friendship with one of your teachers, and you get together to chat about changing the world one discussion at a time.

This prompt is divided into two parts: describe your discussion partner and what you discuss.

Make sure to present a clear image of your conversation partner—why they're your favorite person to chat to and what they bring to the table—but also make room for why you talk about it.

Finally, make a connection between your talks and your future academics at Boston College. Maybe you met a youth minister and still talk about social change regularly; connect this to comparable campus organizations and programs.

Should You Choose This Prompt?

This question is an excellent opportunity for you to demonstrate to Boston College who you are, what you value, and how you interact with others.

Consider writing about someone with whom you regularly debate similar values, such as:

• Morality/ethics

• Others' empathy/compassion

• Social problems

• Life's "major questions"

Tips for Answering This Prompt

• Choose a suitable chat companion. Pen pals might be equally as influential as those we chat with! However, you should be certain that the person you're writing about is someone with whom you have a deep and meaningful interaction.

• Explain in detail your conversation topics and their significance. This is your opportunity to show your enthusiasm for service, big ideas, and community! Make careful to explain why you discuss these topics with your partner and why they are important to you.

Boston College Essay Prompt 4

"The unexamined life is not worth living," Socrates said. Discuss a time when reflection, prayer, or introspection resulted in clarity or understanding of a personal situation.

Boston College is a well-regarded Jesuit college, so it's not surprising that the school is interested in the ideals of its applicants.

The goal of this prompt is to assist Boston College to understand how your values align with and promote the Jesuit principles of ethics and community service.

This essay prompt is divided into two major questions:

• What are the most critical problems to you?

• How do you address major issues in your inner world?

Should You Choose This Prompt?

If you enjoy introspection, this is a great prompt for you. Boston College, a prestigious Jesuit university, places a great focus on service, reflection, and morality. This is the ideal cue for demonstrating to them that you, too, do.

The following are some essay themes you could write about:

• Changing your views about a topic you care about

• Recognizing that your values have shifted

• Recognizing that your ideas no longer correspond to those of your family

• Your cognitive process following a significant event/life change

Tips for Answering This Prompt

• Concentrate on a single issue. For example, you could discuss your conflicted sentiments about eating meat and factory farming, as well as the decisions you make about what you are and are not prepared to eat and why.

• Make sure the issue is important and matches with the principles of Boston College. In other words, this isn't the place to wax poetic about how you worried about changing your Wordle initial word. Show Boston College your most introspective thoughts. They'd like to see them!

Boston College Essay Prompt 5

“Every year at University Convocation, the entering class participates in a contemplative discourse centered on a common text.

What book would you suggest for your class to read and discuss together, and why?”

This is a question you may have seen from other institutions as well—Boston College wants you to talk about a book that you enjoy.

But this isn't about your favorite novel. Instead, they want to know which book they believe is so significant that it be read and discussed by the whole first-year class at BC.

That means you should choose a book for reasons other than how much joy it gives you. It must also be intellectually compelling. That is, choose a book that will make you think and, ideally, alter you as a person.

Perhaps you read a novel in sophomore English that had such an impact on you that it restructured your DNA.

Or maybe you discovered a book you'd never heard of before thanks to a podcast (or BookTok!) and it opened your eyes to a new way of seeing the world.

You have a lot of possibilities here; just make sure you choose something that is important to you and matches the principles of Boston College.

Don't forget to look over their previous University Convocation books to have a decent concept of what they're looking for.

This prompt requires you to do two things:

• Select a book for convocation.

• Explain why you chose it.

Should You Choose This Prompt?

This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your superb book taste as well as your knowledge and grasp of Boston College's ideals.

Consider the following titles:

• You were introduced to a new culture, subculture, or nationality.

Made you reconsider how you see the world

• Told a compelling story, whether fiction or nonfiction

Tips for Answering This Prompt

• Select a relevant book. Remember, Boston College isn't interested in your favorite novel. They want you to discuss a book that has had such an impact on you that you want to share it with the entire new class.

• Explain why you chose it explicitly. Check that your text is consistent with the ideals of Boston College. Show that you understand what Boston College is looking for by proposing a book that is ideal for them!

Boston College Essay Prompt 6

“Is only for Human-Centered Engineering majors: A Jesuit education includes the purpose of preparing students to serve the Common Good.

At Boston College, Human-Centered Engineering merges technical knowledge, creativity, and a humanistic viewpoint to address societal challenges and possibilities.

What societal issues are important to you, and how will your HCE education help you solve them?”

To begin, you should only select this prompt if you are studying Human-Centered Engineering. If you are, continue reading! Otherwise, you're finished!

Human-Centered Engineering is a new curriculum at BC that blends engineering with liberal arts. This prompt asks you to demonstrate that you are an exceptional fit by:

• Choosing an acceptable problem size (or problems)

• Describe why they are significant to you.

• Stating how you intend to resolve them

• Demonstrating to Boston College the importance of the HCE program to your solution

Is there a problem? You can do it! This is your opportunity to demonstrate to Boston College that you can dream a little bigger and that your beliefs connect with theirs.

Because Boston College is a Jesuit institution that promotes community service, you should consider societal topics that are of particular interest to them.

For example, if you want to research racial inequality in housing developments or interstate highway construction, you should highlight Boston College's Racial Justice program can help you in your future work.

Keep in mind that this is a highly specialized engineering school that necessitates a connection to the liberal arts and service. In your response, demonstrate that you care about all three!

Should You Choose This Prompt?

If you're applying to the HCE program, you have no choice but to select this one! But it's a very cool question that allows you to tell Boston College why you're the perfect match for each other. Consider selecting a problem in which:

• Has a significant impact on your neighborhood or a group that you care about

• Has historically been underserved

• Is solvable and particular

Tips for Answering This Prompt

• Choose a specific issue that is important to you. The key here is to describe a situation that you might potentially help solve. This means you should be as specific as possible. For example, "global hunger," while a serious issue, is too broad a topic; instead, look at food deserts in your community.

• Explain why the HCE software is the only one that can assist you with dressing This is your chance to demonstrate that you've done your research and understand the HCE programe inside and out. That is, you should particularly highlight teachers, projects, and courses you believe will assist you in reaching your goal.

Boston College Essay Examples

Let's look at two actual Boston College essay examples produced by admitted students.

Because the Boston College essay prompts change regularly, these essays may not immediately correspond to one of the four prompts indicated above.

However, you will gain an understanding of what constitutes a good Boston College essay and what admissions officers are looking for.

Boston College Essay Example 1

This first Boston College essay, which focuses on the applicant's unique ethnic background, might easily have been written for the second challenge listed above (the diversity essay prompt).

This sample essay has more than 550 words, although the current Boston College essay standards limit essays to 400 words.

The essay is as follows:

"Happy birthday!" "Feliz cumpleanos!" "Kol sana wa enta tayeb!" After my family sings me happy birthday in English, Spanish, and Arabic, I blow out the candles on my cake amidst thunderous cheers that reverberate throughout the five boroughs of New York City. My birthday celebrations, likened by my friends to United Nations assemblies, feature my one, cohesive, yet ever so dissimilar, family, stepping out of their respective Ecuadorian and Egyptian roles to further thrust upon me their expectations. Some would fold under this pressure, but I embrace this trust. While they have not always been able to put me in optimal positions, it has all congregated into a dring r in my crfracturednd diverse mind.

My never-ending quest to achieve success for my family began at a young age, through my trips to Ecuador and Egypt. I not only grew fond of their eloquent languages but their modest values. On my first trip to Ecuador as a toddler, my Uncle Guillermo was found dead in an alley one morning, with no cause, no explanation. Instead of shielding me from the forlorn passing of one of my heroes, my relatives used this as an opportunity to develop my value for awareness. They told me that Guillermo's death was linked to his severe alcoholism. He had been afflicted for decades, all while selling away the family's possessions to fuel his addiction. He, like many from the impoverished, drug-ridden country, knew no better. Some would view a traumatizing event like this as an excuse to end up along a similar path, but it immediately ingrained in me the farsighted principles that I maintain to this day. There are no excuses for me to approach education halfheartedly, for I have witnessed the malevolent effects of ignorance.

When my grandma, Anisa Saad, told me that she views my future with the same reverence that she views the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, I finally realized how delicate my actions are. I knew that making something out of myself meant just as much to my family as it did to me. The Egyptian Revolution was the first time since 1981 that Egyptians had a voice. As they overthrew President Hosni Mubarak, they created an irrevocable identity. They proved that regardless of what comprises your past or your background, your impact on the world is only what you make of it. My grandma told me that all she could think about as she cast her vote in the first-ever democratic election was that she was changing the world. She said that if a 78-year-old widow living with three of her children and a bad back could change the world, a prioritized pupil with a keen understanding of different societies has boundless potential.

In New York City, the quintessential hub of culture, I found it easier to expand on my expectations and values. I am most people's culturally passionate friend rather than the kid whose ethnicity is indeterminable. I am a New Yorker's idea of a New Yorker; an assiduous product of the "melting pot." No idea is too far-fetched to believe, and no goal is too unattainable. With my grandma's words in mind, I face any problem that the Concrete Jungle throws at me. I seek to make sure the Salazars of Ecuador and the Badrans of Egypt finally have significant names in the world. I want to blow out my birthday candles with a family proud that I made it, not hoping that I do.


What makes this Boston College essay work is as follows:

• It has a strong hook. The applicant's multinational and multilingual family captures our attention right away. It piques your interest in learning more about why this applicant wished a happy birthday in three languages and how their life experiences impact their ideals.

• It is really specific and thorough. People's real names are given to us, from Uncle Guillermo to Anisa Saad. These detailed details immerse readers in the story while drawing attention to the applicant's life experiences and ideals.

Boston College Essay Example 2

This next actual Boston College essay example focuses on community service, a significant Jesuit principle that Boston College would be delighted to read about in your essay!

This essay, at just under 400 words, should give you a sense of how long your Boston College essay can be.

"Can you teach me how to tie my shoes?" I looked down. There was Miguel. He pointed at his untied shoelaces. "Come sit down over here," I said as I pulled over a chair. "Just remember this: Loop, Swoop, and Pull." I tied his shoelace. "Now you try on the other." He bent down. "Loop ... Swoop, and ... Pull." He completed a perfect bow.

Later on that day, Thomas came over to me. "Can you help me tie my sneakers?" Miguel was next to me. I was helping him learn the letters of the alphabet. "I think Miguel can help you." I looked down at him and he nodded. He brought Thomas to the side. "Just remember, Loop, Swoop, and Pull."

In between studying for the SATs and preparing for my varsity basketball season, I volunteered in a local preschool for Head Start and Special Needs Children in the summer before my junior year. I worked with students who were attending their first year of school during that year. I was invited back to volunteer again the next summer. I was with the second-year students and Miguel and Thomas were again in my class.

"Do you want to see me write my name?" Miguel asked on the first day of my second summer at the school. He used a purple marker and a blank piece of white paper and wrote "Miguel." Thomas approached me. "Look, I can tie my shoes now." He bent down. "Loop, Swoop, and Pull," he whispered as he completed a perfect bow. "It's great to see you guys again. I'll be here the whole summer."

The goal of the program is to prepare the students for success in kindergarten. The best thing about going to the school for two years was to see the progress Miguel, Thomas, and the other kids made. I saw the children walk on the stage at the graduation ceremony at the end of the summer term. I know they will be able to excel in kindergarten.

I began to visualize Thomas and Miguel being at the top of their class in kindergarten next year. I am proud of the work the school does for the children and the progress the children make in the school. I look forward to returning to volunteer next summer.


What makes this Boston College essay work is as follows:

• It tells a detailed and engaging story. Many students have volunteered at schools or assisted younger children, but this Boston College essay allows readers to truly appreciate the applicant's experience. We learn about two youngsters, Thomas and Miguel, and how the experience of assisting them altered the applicant dramatically.

• It's quite focused. Nothing in this essay feels unnecessary or out of place. It employs a well-organized and simple framework. We also learn from little facts that the candidate successfully manages other obligations, such as varsity basketball. So this individual is not only caring but also a superb multitasker!

• It focuses on a core Jesuit value: Service to others. If you intend to answer Prompt 4, this is an excellent article to consult for ideas. It's all about serving the greater good, and it emphasizes the applicant's willingness to continue serving the community.

4 Tips for Writing a Great Boston College Essay

Before we conclude, here are four basic pointers to help you create an excellent Boston College essay.

#1: Be Specific and Clear

Your Boston College essay should be concise and filled with specific, tangible details that convey a compelling story about you and your values.

Your essay will have a greater personal impact if you include crucial facts such as people's names, your reactions/emotions to events or actions, and so on.

Furthermore, ensure that your story is concentrated and does not deviate into less important, less fascinating, or less significant areas.

For example, if you're writing about how you enjoy volunteering at retirement homes, it's pointless to elaborate on other values you have or service projects you're interested in because it will detract from the main objective of your essay.

#2: Speak Honestly About Embracing Jesuit Values

Be genuine, like you would in any college essay. Exaggerations and lies are rather easy to spot by admissions committees, so don't bother attempting to make a particular situation in your life appear more significant than it was.

Be honest with yourself: what matters most to you? What information do you believe Boston College should have about you? What, in your opinion, defines who you are and what you want to do?

Remember that Boston College is a Jesuit institution that places high importance on certain characteristics like morality, honesty, and community service.

If you have strong enthusiasm for any Jesuit ideals and regularly practice them in your life, make sure you're talking about them to highlight how Boston College is an excellent fit for you.

#3: Don't Repeat What You Wrote for the Common App Essay

All applicants to Boston College must submit a separate personal statement in response to one of the Common App prompts.

Because many of the Common App requirements are similar to the Boston College essay prompts listed above, you must avoid repeating any major themes or topics in your two essays.

Each essay is intended to portray a distinct side of you, and if you merely repeat yourself, you will not be showing new and unique elements of your personality—which will not impress the Boston College admissions committee!

#4: Edit and Proofread Multiple Times

You should spend some time editing and proofreading your Boston College essay.

The ideal method is to compose a rough draft and then set it aside for a few days. Take out your essay after some time has gone by so you can review it with fresh eyes.

Make a note of everything extraneous, uncomfortable, or grammatically incorrect.

After you've done this a few times, have someone else read your essay, such as a teacher, parent, or elder sibling.

Request comments on how you can enhance the flow, organization, and overall story.

Now you should have a fantastic Boston College essay ready to submit!

Boston University Supplemental Essays 2023 are additional essays that applicants to Boston University must submit to supplement their application. These essays provide the admissions committee with more information about the applicant's background, interests, and goals, and can help to differentiate the applicant from other applicants with similar academic backgrounds.



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