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Homework answers / question archive / TO - DO Report You will be graded primarily based on your report

TO - DO Report You will be graded primarily based on your report

Computer Science

TO - DO Report You will be graded primarily based on your report. A demonstration of understanding of the concepts involved in the project are required show the output produced by your code. Include visualizations of the output of each stage in your pipeline (as shown in the system diagram on page 2), and a description of what you did for each step. Assume that we’re familiar with the project, so you don’t need to spend time repeating what’s already in the course notes. Instead, focus on any interesting problems you encountered and/or solutions you implemented. Be sure to include the output panoramas for all five image sets (from the training and test sets). Because you have limited time in which to access the “test set” images, we won’t expect in-depth analysis of your results for them. As usual, your report must be full English sentences, not commented code. There is a word limit of 1500 words and no minimum length requirement.

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