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Assignment Part B: Case Study Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date Assignment Part B: Case Study 40 40


Assignment Part B: Case Study

Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date
Assignment Part B: Case Study 40 40.00% Due 4 October2022


2000 words (Show final word-count at the foot of your assignment.) Times New Roman
font size 12
You are required to provide a precis of the dispute you described in your Abstract A-
(deidentify parties if needed).
Link the academic literature to the dispute when answering the following questions.
1. What type of dispute is it? – Having applied Moore’s Conflict Circle to your
dispute in Abstract A. Now describe and apply an alternative model to analyse
the causes of the dispute.
2. Identify the parties. Describe how you would achieve this identification using the
process identified in your Textbook pp. 7-8.
3. Is there a legislated dispute scheme applicable to this dispute? Provide the name
of the legislation and the process it adopts. Notwithstanding this legislative
scheme, for the remainder of your assessment answers you are to address the dispute
as if that legislative scheme did not exist.
4. Select a process for managing the dispute that would be most suited to the
parties needs and support why you would choose this process. Clearly support
your answer by reference to your course materials.
5. As a dispute practitioner managing this dispute provide detail of the
communications and techniques you would apply and why. Give some actual
examples of this communication. ie. party said – I said.
6. No matter which process you use in your dispute describe what technique you
are most likely to use to gather information (namely style of interview see Module
4) and name the part of the process in which this would be utilised) If
interviewing is the sole dispute process you would use describe the style of interview
you would use and why this would be the best process to manage the dispute.
7. Address any special ethical and emotional or other special considerations that
could arise in this dispute. Explain how you would best address them?
8. Conclude by summarising the key reasons the process and model you have
chosen would be the one most suited to dealing with this dispute. Describe any
other process options you consider and how they could aid in management of the
dispute but why you have not chosen them as the first process to utilise.
Please listen to the Case Study B recording before attempting this assessment. Please
answer ALL questions.
1. Demonstrate an understanding [explain and apply] of a coherent body of knowledge
[relevant to dispute management], and underlying principles and concepts; the
broader contexts within which legal issues arise; and of the principles and values of
justice and of ethical practice in lawyers’ roles [in this area], (PO1/TLO1)


2. Demonstrate an understanding [explain and apply] of approaches to ethical decision
making, an ability to recognise and reflect upon (and a developing ability to respond
to) ethical issues likely to arise [in the context of dispute management], an ability to
recognise and reflect upon the professional responsibilities of lawyers in promoting
justice and in service to the community, and a developing ability to exercise
professional judgment (PO2/TLO2)
3. Identify and articulate issues [relevant to dispute management]; [comprehend legal
and other materials]; generate appropriate practical responses to issues [that may
arise in dispute management]; engage in critical analysis and make a reasoned and
appropriate choice amongst alternatives, and think creatively in approaching
[disputes] and generating appropriate responses [through the use of dispute
management methods] (PO3/TLO3)
4. Communicate in ways that are effective, appropriate and persuasive for legal and
non-legal audiences (PO5/TLO5).
Length: 2000 words (Show final word-count at the foot of your assignment.)
Style: You can complete this exercise using either essay writing style or case report style.
The assignment must be referenced using AGLC reference style. Please note on your
paper which program you are studying in.
For further support in assignment writing you can refer to
Law Essay Tutorial on the Law Student Hub – this incorporates both writing and
research aspects
Essay Writing Quick Tips
Essentials of essay writing on the Library website

Marking criteria (copy and paste this Marking Rubric at the end of your
assignment before submission)

Criteria Marks
Demonstrates a developed understanding of dispute management (DM)
(explain and identify) and the application of DM principles, processes,
and practices through appropriate application of the literature to the case
study. (CO 1, 2)
Shows relevant use of course information and materials including
referencing of the text and sources indicated in the text or any selected
readings to support observations and justify your answers as it applies to
the case study. (CO 1,3,4)
Demonstrate how the dispute can be adequately managed using the
chosen process and any ethical or other special considerations that may
arise and how they would be managed. (CO 1,2,3)


Communicate in the written form clearly and succinctly (CO 4) /5
Observe university policies on written assessment items and produces
original work. Uses appropriate referencing skills (AGLC). (CO 2, 4)
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