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Homework answers / question archive / For this assignment, you will synthesize the independent evidence-based practice project proposal assignments from NUR-590 into a 4,500-5,000-word professional paper

For this assignment, you will synthesize the independent evidence-based practice project proposal assignments from NUR-590 into a 4,500-5,000-word professional paper


For this assignment, you will synthesize the independent evidence-based practice project proposal assignments from NUR-590 into a 4,500-5,000-word professional paper.


The final paper should:

  1. Incorporate all necessary revisions and corrections suggested by your instructors.
  2. Synthesize the different elements of the overall project into one paper. The synthesis should reflect the main concepts for each section, connect ideas or overreaching concepts, and be rewritten to include the critical aspects (do not copy and paste the assignments).
  3. Contain supporting research for the evidence-based practice project proposal.


The main body of your paper should include the following sections:

  1. Problem Statement - The project is based on the PICOT question: "In mothers of children with ASD aged 2-10 years (P), how does using mindful-based stress reduction (MBSR) to manage stress levels (I) compared to the use of nutrition or supplements (C) improve their mental stability (O)within six months (T)?" 
  2. Organizational Culture and Readiness
  3. Literature Review
  4. Change Model, or Framework
  5. Implementation Plan
  6. Evaluation Plan

***Each paper that you completed was a specific portion of this completed final paper. So look back at each part including the paper you submitted in week 1 that you completed in NUR550. You need to make any necessary revisions to all papers based on the portions that you include in the final paper. Please them in order based on the above instructions for the main body. Make sure you add the associated headings. The headings should be the same as noted above for the main body along with subheadings throughout based on each specific assignment. It should be clear so that I can see that you included the specific components that were required. I should not have to guess if you included a specific component.




The appendices at the end of your paper should include the following:

  1. All final changes or revisions for the drafts that will be included in the appendices of your paper.
***Make sure you include all the required appendices just like you did in the other papers. If they were required then, they are required now. If you missed some, now is your chance to add them. If you need to add more, go ahead and do that.


You are required to cite 10-12 peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide


*****So as you see, you cannot just copy and paste from your papers. You need to pull out the important components and then combine it into one final paper. It is stated to rewrite the components. So just take what you have – pull out the important pieces – copy and paste it into where it should go in your final paper – and then quickly take the part and rewrite it in a different way. You already have the meat of the paper – you just need to change it around a bit so it is not written the same exact way.

*****You only need one intro and one conclusion, but they should be thorough. You should include one reference list, and the appendices should come after the reference list.

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