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Compare the means of 2 different groups: use two different continuous variable items


Compare the means of 2 different groups: use two different continuous variable items. -1a. Display two t-test statistics (ex. Fig. 9.5, Marston) and interpret result Sleep time on weekdays vs Gender Group Statistics Gender of respondent Sleep time on weekdays N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Female 15 7.63 1.395 .360 Male 13 7.23 2.242 .622 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F Sleep time on Equal weekdays 3.839 t-test for Equality of Means Sig. .061 t df Std. 95% Confidence Sig. Mean Error Interval of the (2-taile Differen Differen Difference d) ce ce Lower Upper .579 26 .568 .403 .695 -1.027 1.832 .560 19.5 .582 .403 .719 -1.099 1.904 variances assumed Equal variances assumed Interpretation: not 19 T-test Age of respondent vs use of sleeping pills Group Statistics Use of sleeping pills Age of respondent N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Yes 11 39.82 15.892 4.792 No 17 37.18 12.635 3.065 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means Sig. (2-taile F Age of Equal .804 Sig. .378 t df Mean Std. 95% Confidence Error Interval of the Differen Differen d) ce ce Difference Lower Upper .488 26 .629 2.642 5.409 -8.476 13.760 .464 17.9 .648 2.642 5.688 -9.309 14.593 responden variances t assumed Equal variances assumed Interpretation: not 74 2 Create 2 Contingency (2x2)Tables: compare 2 variables for each table -2a. Display your contingency tables (ex. Fig.8.3, Marston) and interpret results Contingency (2x2)Tables Frequency of difficulty falling asleep * Smoking frequency per day Frequency of difficulty falling asleep * Smoking frequency per day of respondent Crosstabulation Smoking frequency per day of respondent More than Frequency of difficulty 1-15 days Count falling asleep % within Frequency of 1-10 times a 10 times a I don't day day know Total 7 2 10 19 36.8% 10.5% 52.6% 100.0% 63.6% 66.7% 62.5% 63.3% 4 1 2 7 57.1% 14.3% 28.6% 100.0% 36.4% 33.3% 12.5% 23.3% 0 0 4 4 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0% 13.3% 11 3 16 30 36.7% 10.0% 53.3% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% difficulty falling asleep % within Smoking frequency per day of respondent 16-31 Count days % within Frequency of difficulty falling asleep % within Smoking frequency per day of respondent Never Count % within Frequency of difficulty falling asleep % within Smoking frequency per day of respondent Total Count % within Frequency of difficulty falling asleep % within Smoking frequency per day of respondent Interpretation: Use of sleeping pills vs Smoking frequency per day of respondent Use of sleeping pills * Smoking frequency per day of respondent Crosstabulation Smoking frequency per day of respondent More than Use of sleeping Yes Count pills % within Use of 1-10 times 10 times a I don't a day day know Total 6 2 4 12 50.0% 16.7% 33.3% 100.0 sleeping pills % % within Smoking 54.5% 66.7% 25.0% 40.0% 4 1 12 17 23.5% 5.9% 70.6% 100.0 frequency per day of respondent No Count % within Use of sleeping pills % % within Smoking 36.4% 33.3% 75.0% 56.7% 1 0 0 1 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0 frequency per day of respondent Prefer answer not to Count % within Use of sleeping pills % % within Smoking 9.1% 0.0% 0.0% 3.3% 11 3 16 30 36.7% 10.0% 53.3% 100.0 frequency per day of respondent Total Count % within Use of sleeping pills % within Smoking frequency per day of respondent Interpretation: % 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0 % 3 Test your research question using Chi-square (or Fisher’s Exact) statistics -3a. Display test statistic calculation results (ex. Figs.8.5, 8.7) and interpret the result of the statistics Frequency of difficulty falling asleep * Smoking frequency per day Interpretation: Use of sleeping pills vs Smoking frequency per day of respondent Interpretation: 3b. Give an overall interpretation of all the Chi-square statistics that allow you to answer your project research question. Is Sleep Disorders Related to Smoking? Hypothesis: People with sleep disorders are more likely to be smokers than people without sleep disorders. Dependent variable: smoking Independent variable: sleep disorders Variables to study 1. Age 2. Race 3. Gender 4. Smoking habit 5. Difficulty falling asleep 6. Sleep duration 7. Sleep schedule 8. Sleeping pills use 9. Nightmares 10. Sleeping disorders References Brooks, J., Zhang, C., Seltzer, N. & Brook, D. (2015). Insomnia in adults: The impact of earlier cigarette smoking from adolescence to adulthood. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 9(1), 40-45. Bellatorre, A., Choi, K., Lewin, D., Haynie, D. & Morton, B. (2017). Relationships between smoking and sleep problems in black and white adolescents. Sleep, 40(1). Conway, S, Roizenblatt, S., Palomino, L & Siqueira, L. (2008). Effect of smoking habits on sleep. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 41(8). Liao, Y., Xie, L., Chen, X. & Kelly, B. (2019). Sleep quality in cigarette smokers and nonsmokers: Findings from the general population in central China. BMC Public Health 19, 808. Miguel, C. & Manuel E. (2018). Cigarette smoking and sleep disturbance. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment, 17(1), 40-48. Questions with Responses Created from Variables 1. What is your age? Age in years _______ 2. What is your race? White Black Asian 3. What is your gender? Male Female Prefer not to answer 4. How often do you smoke in a day? 1-10 times a day More than 10 times a day I don’t smoke 5. How often did you have trouble falling asleep in the past month? 1-15 days 16-31 days Never 6. How many hours of sleep do your get on weekdays (working days)? Sleep duration in hours _________ 7. How frequently do you sleep more on weekends (non-working days)? Often Sometimes Never 8. Do you take sleeping pills to fall asleep? Yes No Prefer not to answer 9. How frequently do you have nightmares? Often Sometimes Never 10. How many people have sleep disorders in your family? Sleep disorders in your family________ CODED QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What is your age? Name = Age Age in years _______ (continuous) 2. What is your race? Name = Race White = 1 Black = 3 Hispanic = 2 Asian = 4 (Categorical) 3. What is your gender? Name = Gender Male = 1 Female = 2 Prefer not to answer = 3 (Categorical) 4. How often do you smoke in a day? Name = SmkgHbt 1-10 times a day = 1 (Categorical) More than 10 times a day = 2 I don’t smoke = 3 5. How often did you have trouble falling asleep in the past month? Name = DiffcultyFA 1-15 times = 1 (Categorical) 16-31 times = 2 Never = 3 6. How many hours of sleep do your get on weekdays (working days)? Name = SleepDur. Sleep duration in hours _________ (Continuous) 7. How frequently do you sleep more on weekends (non-working days)? Name = sleepSch. Often = 1 (Categorical) Sometimes = 2 Never = 3 8. How frequently do you take sleeping pills to fall asleep? Name = SleepPills Often = 1 (Categorical) Sometimes = 2 Never = 3 9. How frequently do you have nightmares? Name = Nightmares. Often = 1 (Categorical) Sometimes = 2 Never = 3 10. How many people have sleep disorders in your family? Name = Inhrt. Sleep disorders in your family________ (continuous) Monkey Survey link: Project (a): 5 pts Formulate an explanatory research question for the health behavior of smoking Project (b): 5pts -Based on a literature review of at least five articles, list 9 independent variables that will be measured for your hypothesis and list the dependent variable. - Create an APA-style reference list of your 5 peer-reviewed journal articles Project (c): 3.75 pts -Develop a question for each variable (ie. 10-item questionnaire) -Create 7 questions with three categorical response items - Create 3 questions with a continuous response item - The dependent variable question must have a dichotomous response - Code your questionnaire with response items - Design an electronic survey with SurveyMonkey Project (d): 5pts -Cititraining Course Certificate Grade – 18.75/20 Pengfei, Your survey is approved, provided that you include consent/introduction on SurveyMonkey survey. However, realize that I have made comments that will make your survey better and will help you to conduct required analyses later. If updates are not made, it may affect future parts of the project. If you should choose to update, there is a place to submit in Moodle, session 7. Best, Dr. Samuel

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