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Homework answers / question archive / Create a five-to-seven page essay summarizing various ways in which we employ microbes to our advantage

Create a five-to-seven page essay summarizing various ways in which we employ microbes to our advantage

Computer Science

  1. Create a five-to-seven page essay summarizing various ways in which we employ microbes to our advantage. Think about their use in the food industry, waste management, health care, and conversion of waste product into fuel. Which of these applied Microbiology fields is of interest to you and has the potential for further development in your opinion?
  2. Support all of your assertions with scholarly resources.
  3. Essay: This project should be in proper APA format. There is a requirement of at least THREE scholarly resources (Wikipedia is not allowed) and those resources must be no older than FIVE years old.
    1. Five-to-Seven pages, not including title page, reference page, or appendix.
    2. Only a Word Doc submission is allowed.
      Criteria Ratings Pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Content
      40 ptsDevelops body of presentation in logical order; each definition and topic to be addressed is present; concise information; provides specific and insightful evidence or research and knowledge of topic 32 ptsDevelops body of presenstation in a logical order but some necessary definitions and topcis to be addressed are missing; concise information; provides adequate evidence of research and knowledge of the topic 24 ptsDevelops body of presentation in a logical order but many necessary definitions or topcis to be addressed are missing; presentation is not concise or moves off topic; possesses inadequate research and knowledge of the topic 15 ptsDevelops body of presentation in an illogical order; many necessary definitions or topics to be addressed are missing; presentation is not concise and is difficult to follow; possesses inadequate research and knowledge of the topic
      40 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation
      40 ptsEach topic to be addressed is adequately explained; 2 specific bacterial pathogens and their growth requirements are discussed 32 ptsSome topics to be addressed are not adequately explained; 2 specific bacterial pathogens are mentioned but a discussion of their growth requirements is not given 24 ptsMany topics to be addressed are not adequately explained; 2 specific bacterial pathogens and their growth requirements are not given 15 ptsVery few topics to be addressed are adequately explained; 2 specific bacterial pathogens and their growth requirements are not given
      40 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage, Style & Mechanics
      40 ptsChooses verbs that emphasize objective of presentation; numbers support content; essential facts only; directed to audience; captures the audience's attention; no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation or spellilng 32 ptsEffective tone to audience; effective word choice; sometimes has long sentences or provides too much detail; little or no editing required for grammar, punctionation and spelling. 24 ptsTopic occasionally goes beyond knowledge of audience; word choice supports a preconceived point of view; frequently has long sentences and/or provides too much detail; spelling, punctuation and grammar erros distract from readbilty (3 or more) 15 ptsTopic goes beyond knowledge of audience; word choice is inconsisent with tone presenter is trying to generate; overuse of long sentences and/or too many details as to be ineffective; errors in spelling, punctuation and/or grammar distract the reader (more than 5)
      40 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
      40 ptsStudent uses 3 or more reliable sources of information; references are correcty cited 32 ptsStudent uses 2 or more reliable sources of information but they are incorrectly cited 24 ptsStudent only uses 1 reliable source of information which is correctly cited 0 ptsStudent does not include any references
      40 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength of Presentation
      40 ptsStudent includes 5-7 pages in the presentation, not including title page, reference page, and/or appendix 32 ptsStudent includes 4-6 pages in the presentation, not including title page, reference page and/or appendix 24 ptsStudent includes 3-5 pages in the presentation, not including title page, reference page, and/or appendix 15 ptsStudent has less than 3 pages in the presentation, not including title page, reference page, and/or appendix
      40 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVeriCite score
      40 ptsStudent's VeriCite score is less than 5% 32 ptsStudent's VeriCite score is between 5-10% 24 ptsStudent's VeriCite score is between 11%-15% 15 ptsStudent's VeriCite score is more than 15%.

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