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Homework answers / question archive / CSCU9P6 Software Engineering II Group project Spring 2022 Computing Science and Mathematics For the purpose of this project each of you is required to operate as a member of a team
CSCU9P6 Software Engineering II Group project Spring 2022 Computing Science and Mathematics
For the purpose of this project each of you is required to operate as a member of a team. The task of the team is to implement a working system in Java satisfying the object oriented design described later in this document from page 4.
Lists of team members and monitoring officers, this description and all project materials are on Canvas on the Unit 7 page in “Learning and Teaching” or on your “Groups” page
The organization of the work is largely up to each team. However, for each team we will appoint a project monitoring officer, who will also play the role of the “client” at a progress review meeting. The monitoring officer will be available for consultation for the duration of the project. It may sometimes be necessary for the monitoring officer to seek advice from other module staff before answering your queries.
Your team is required to hold a progress review meeting with your monitoring officer during either week 8 or week 9 (i.e., between 14-25 March). At this meeting, the monitoring officer will play the role of the client, and you will report on the progress of the project so far and your plans for future development. All members of the project team are expected to attend and participate actively in this meeting.
Sommerville’s and Pressman’s texts on software engineering provide guidance on organizing teamwork. We recommend that each team appoints one of its members as project manager, but this is up to you, and that you plan your work schedule using a Gantt chart. We also recommend that, wherever possible, you think about and define very clearly the interfaces of each Java class (the public operations offered) and work as individuals on separate classes (or groups of classes).
We recommend that each group creates a Team for the group project on MS Teams. You can use your Team as a place to hold your meetings and as a shared filestore for project documents. If you wish, you may make your monitoring officer a member of your Team but you are not required to do so.
It is strongly recommended that each group uses GitHub, Git or some other collaboration tool to coordinate your joint working. The Unit 5 practical worksheet is designed to get your group started working together using GitHub. Please complete this worksheet as a group before you begin working on the project.
Important note: If you are using GitHub or any similar tool, please make your repository accessible to your group members only, and ensure that it remains private after the project is over. If your repository is public, your work will be exposed to plagiarism (it would be visible to current and future students at Stirling and at partner institutions abroad where this module is also taught) and the integrity of the assignment will be compromised.
Whatever tool you use, it will be important to synchronize your work with the repository on a regular basis, and in particular at the start and end of each session of work.
What to submit
Each group will make a group software development submission.
Each individual student will submit an assessment of individual contributions.
Group software development submission
Each group will submit the following four (or three) components to Canvas:
1. The final Java files, submitted as a single Zip file.
2. (Optional) You are not required to make any substantial alterations to the design/architecture of the system. However, if you do, then you should submit a brief but clear description of the alterations and the rationale for them, with relevant parts of the new class diagram.
3. A report on the JUnit testing that you would carry out to demonstrate the correctness of an implementation of the GateInfoDatabase class. For simplicity assume that the classes that it depends on are themselves all correct and so may be used in the testing. The documentation must include the full code of the JUnit tests, and a description of the rationale for the test cases chosen (well written comments in the JUnit test code would be fine). Show also the results of applying the tests.
Hint: To get started with choosing your tests, study the UML design and identify the use cases that involve the class under test. Your tests should check that the class behaves correctly during all the use cases in which it is involved. You may also choose to include additional tests based on the specific details of your implementation (‘white-box’ tests).
You may wish to carry out unit testing of other classes too, but you should not hand in details of those tests.
4. A screencast video demonstration by the group of the working system. The video must demonstrate as fully as possible the working of each of the use cases given in the project specification. All group members must participate in preparing the video, and must identify themselves by name so that their participation can be confirmed.
Assessment of individual contributions
When assessing group projects, care is taken to ensure that the marks awarded fairly reflect individual contribution and effort. The marks awarded for this assignment will take into account the individual contributions and effort as well as the group results. The individual contributions will be used to give each student an adjusted mark based on the group software development submission mark.
In order to capture individual contributions, each group member must complete and submit the assessment of individual contributions form (available on Canvas). The adjusted mark of an individual student will be based on the forms submitted by their entire group and on the observations of the group monitoring officer.
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