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Homework answers / question archive / Details The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice applying what you are learning about mental health diagnoses, the diagnostic process, and infusing counseling principles into diagnosis

Details The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice applying what you are learning about mental health diagnoses, the diagnostic process, and infusing counseling principles into diagnosis



The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice applying what you are learning about mental health diagnoses, the diagnostic process, and infusing counseling principles into diagnosis. Accordingly, you will analyze 2 cases and engage in the diagnostic process for each. Arriving at the correct diagnosis is not necessarily the key in this assignment; rather, the process of thinking through each case is what this assignment is about. To that end, be thorough in your analysis of each case. Case study #1 is due 2/27, 11:59pm EST.


Case Study #1: Listen to episode #36, “Being Brave with Jennifer Marshall,” on The Dark Place podcast:           ( .


Analyze each case in an 8-page (minimum) paper. You do not need a cover page or references, and strict adherence to APA style is not necessary. You can also use rst person language as needed. Your paper should have sections that address the following topics (minimum 1 double-spaced page per section):

Relevant symptoms: What psychological, emotional, social, or biological/physiological symptoms do you observe while listening to the case? In this section, don’t just list symptoms; you need to cluster symptoms according to DSM-5 disorder criteria (think criterion A for various disorders). Also make sure to be speci c; for example, “anxiety” and “feeling anxious” are not symptoms, but feeling on edge, worrying, shaking, etc. might be. Finally, discuss any relevant cultural considerations/issues that could be impacting the case.

Substance/medical etiology: Discuss any relevant substances, medications, or medical conditions that could explain the symptoms from the previous section. If possible, rule out any substance/medicationrelated or medical diagnoses and clearly explain why you would rule them out. If these diagnoses cannot be ruled out, justify why this is the case.

Stressors/Clinical History: Identify any potential stressors that occurred in relation to symptomology; if there are any, do they explain the symptoms and why/why not? Discuss the timeline of symptoms to the extent possible, including when the symptoms began, how long they last, and the frequency at which they come and go. Note that timelines may vary for different sets of symptoms. If there are gaps in the clinical history, note them as well.

Diagnostic impression: Offer a DSM-5 diagnosis (you can offer more than 1), including DSM-5 code numbers, relevant subtypes and/or speci ers. Also include the ICD code numbers and the impact of utilizing the DSM version compared to the ICD version on billing and epidemiological disease monitoring. Clearly justify your diagnoses by linking the symptoms to the DSM-5 criteria and to the clinical history. Make sure to address clinically signi cant distress and/or functional impairment caused by symptoms for each diagnosis offered.

Rule Outs and Differential Diagnosis: What are potential competing mental health diagnoses for this client that you can de nitely rule out based on what you observed? What are potential mental health diagnoses for this client that you cannot yet rule out, but would need to rule out if you continued working with this client? Make sure to justify both in the context of the symptoms you listed and what remains missing from the clinical picture.

Case conceptualization: How is it that this person came to have these particular problems? What prevention efforts might have mitigated these problems? Where are these problems stemming from (e.g., intrapsychic issues, early relationships, learned behaviors, faulty cognitions)? What cultural factors are relevant to this person’s problems? What ethical and legal considerations speci c to clinical mental health counseling might be at play here? What are this person’s strengths? You are encouraged to utilize counseling theory to inform this section.

Treatment recommendations: What type of intervention/treatment would you implement with the client? What crisis intervention models would have been helpful and when? If you were working with this client, what would be your treatment goals be? Which counseling theories would you draw upon to help this client? Why? Would the person bene t from psychotropic medications? Why or why not? Personal reactions: What are your personal reactions to this case? What was it like for you to try to diagnose this case? What was easy for you and what was more of a struggle with this case study?

Moving forward, what can you do to get stronger with diagnosis?

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