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Homework answers / question archive / Aim: To what extent was the Meiji Restoration a time of progress and/or decline in Japan? Learning Objective/Learning Targets ‘1 Analyze primary and secondary sources close reading for purpose and point of view (perspective) in order to examine the extent to which the Meiji Restoration impacted Japan and determine if the negative impacts outweight the positve impacts ina letter to the emperor

Aim: To what extent was the Meiji Restoration a time of progress and/or decline in Japan? Learning Objective/Learning Targets ‘1 Analyze primary and secondary sources close reading for purpose and point of view (perspective) in order to examine the extent to which the Meiji Restoration impacted Japan and determine if the negative impacts outweight the positve impacts ina letter to the emperor


Aim: To what extent was the Meiji Restoration a time of progress and/or decline in Japan?
Learning Objective/Learning Targets
‘1 Analyze primary and secondary sources close reading for purpose and point of view (perspective) in order to examine the extent to which
the Meiji Restoration impacted Japan and determine if the negative impacts outweight the positve impacts ina letter to the emperor.
Do Now: Select one of the taste below and answer in the space required,
1. A. Define purpose or point of view 1. The point of
B. How does an author's purpose differ from their point of view (perspective)? view is a particular
attitude or way of
Purpose Point of View considering a
| ae _. q: Point of View matter.
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2. Discuss the following, what is the criteria for determining whether a historical time period is one of progress and
3. Analyze the meme and answer either
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daa elt: a 0B
a. apply the meme below to what we learned about Japan during the Miji Restoration

Introduction: Today's lesson will investigate the Meiji Restoration by analyzing the point of view of real people and other primary sources.

You will begin to craft a letter to Emperor Meiji arguing whether the Meiji Restoration had a positive or negative influence on Japan.
Target words
Point of view: is an opinion. Historians use point of view differently than English teachers who define point of view as first person,
second person, and third person. Difference between point of view and bias: Point of view and bias exist on a spectrum between opinion
and fact. An author may express an objective point of view on an issue in a balanced way OR may express an opinion that shows bias by
providing unreasoned or poorly supported beliefs and/or strong personal feelings.
Purpose: Purpose refers to the reason a record, document, or source was produced. When thinking about the purpose ask: Why does
this work/document exist? Why did the author create this work/document? What is the intent of this work/document?
Progress-forward or onward movement toward a destination.
Decline-become smaller, fewer, or less; decrease.
Practice from yesterday's text Fukuzawa Yukichi about the Japanese response to imperialism.
IT am willing to admit my pride in Japan's accomplishments [in rapid modernization]. The facts are these: It was not until the sixth year
of Kaei (1853) that a steamship was seen for the first time; it was only in the second year of Ansei (1855) that we began to study
navigation from the Dutch in Nagasaki; by 1860, the science was sufficiently understood to enable us to sail a ship across the Pacific.
This means that about seven years after the first sight of a steam ship, after only about five years of practice, the Japanese people
made a trans-Pacific crossing without help from foreign experts. I think we can without undue pride boast before the world of this
courage and skill. As I have shown, the Japanese officers were to receive no aid from Captain Brooke throughout the voyage. Even in
taking observations, our officers and the Americans made them independently of each other. Sometimes they compared their results,
but we were never in the least dependent on the Americans.
As I consider all the other peoples of the Orient as they exist today, I feel convinced that there is no other nation which has the
ability or the courage to navigate a steamship across the Pacific after a period of five years of experience in navigation and
engineering. Not only in the Orient would this feat stand as an act of unprecedented skill and daring. Even Peter the Great of Russia,
who went to Holland to study navigation, with all his attainments in the science could not have equaled this feat of the Japanese.
Without doubt, the famous Emperor of Russia was a man of exceptional genius, but his people did not respond to his leadership in the
practice of Science as did our Japanese in this great adventure.
— The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi, written in 1897 and translated by Eiichi Kiyooka in The Hokuseido Press, 1934
Task: Answer the following questions below..

ihe purpose ofthe document
3. Based on this excerpt to what extent was the period of the Meiji Restoration a period of progress or decline?

Read and Discuss the texts.. T
After 10 minutes of reading and answering questions you will discuss the answers

Source Testimony from a Worker ina Meiji Photographic Print of a Busy

Factory Silk Factory in Japan
by the Japanese Government by Unknown

Source type

(primary or


What is the point

of view of the


What is the

purpose of the


Based on this

excerpt to what

extent was the

period of the


Restoration a

period of

progress or

Summary Discussion : Discuss the aim with your table.. Record notes below..

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