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Project #3 Ad Critique Ad Critique 1


Project #3 Ad Critique Ad Critique 1. After reading Scholes and Merlo, find two outside articles, use them to support any section of the paper. You may not use articles assigned in class. Find a commercial that supports your position (Stay in 3rd Person). This means that although you personally might not agree that advertising has any effect at all on society, you as a writer need to write as though your ad is basically a manual on what is normal and right in society. What is your ad teaching us about what we are to value, how we should behave, and who matters? What is the worldview? If seen in another country, what would they think about Americans? Your ad must be approved by me before submitting the paper. Ads may not be older than 5 years. Papers submitted without an approved commercial will not be accepted. I found this commercial, which was approved by My professor. You must use the following commercial (Nike Equality). Here is the Ad link. 2. The first step in your essay is to write an introduction to the paper. Then in the first body paragraph start describing your ad in as much detail as possible. Who are the characters? What kind of physical attributes do they possess? What group(s) do they represent? Are we supposed to be sympathetic to them? Should we admire them? Want to be who they are? Note: You’ll need far more detail than you think. You can’t say too much. Use your finest observational and creative writing skills here. Do not exceed 1/3 of the paper in length. 3. After writing a lengthy, thorough description, take into account the following questions. Some might not be relevant to your particular ad: ? Examine the world view promoted by this advertisement. Although in your heart you might believe that the ad is “just funny,” or “just an ad,” as a writer take on the assumption that this ad is disseminating a philosophical and political way of life. What is it? What does it show as core, uniquely American Values if viewed in another country? Does it represent our society truthfully? What are the implications if society buys into it? What will our culture look like if we espouse what we are seeing? How does it reflect family, marriage, relationships, friendship, discipline, education, work ethic, industry, patriotism, nationalism, geo-politics…? Total page length for this paper is 3-3 ½ pages plus a Works Cited page that includes your outside sources and the ad. Stay 3rd person throughout. Use correct MLA format double spaced, (pg. 37 in the reader) (Note: this paper will be electronically checked for plagiarism, be careful, and cite correctly). The reading material for this project was. On Reading a Video Text This essay was originally published in Protocols of Reading, Yale University Press, 1989. By Robert Scholes The moments of surrender proposed to us by video texts come in many forms, but all involve a complex dynamic of power and pleasure. We are, for instance, offered a kind of power through the enhancement of our vision. Close-ups position us where we could never stand. Slow motion allows us an extraordinary penetration into the mechanics of movement, and, combined with music; lends a balletic grace to ordinary forms of locomotion. Filters and other devices cause us to see the world through jaundiced or rose-colored optics, coloring events with emotion more effectively than verbal pathetic fallacy and less obtrusively. These derangements of normal visual processing can be seen as either constraints or extensions of visual power - that is, as power over the viewer or as extensions of the viewer's own optical power, or both. Either way they offer us what is perhaps the greatest single virtue of art change from the normal, a defense against the ever-present threat of boredom. Video texts, like all except the most utilitarian forms of textuality, are constructed upon a base of boredom, from which they promise us relief. Visual fascination — and I have mentioned only a few of its obvious forms - is just one of the matrices of power and pleasure that are organized by video texts. Others include narrativity and what I should like to call, at least tentatively, cultural reinforcement. By narrativity, of course, I mean the pleasures and powers associated with the reception of stories presented in video texts. By cultural reinforcement, I mean the process through which video texts confirm viewers in their ideological positions and reassure them as to their membership in a collective cultural body. This function, which operates in the ethical-political realm, is an extremely important element of video textuality and, indeed, an extremely important dimension of all the mass media. This is a function performed throughout much of human history by literature and the other arts, but now, as the arts have become more estranged from their own culture and even opposed to it, the mass media have come to perform this role. What the epic poem did for ancient cultures, the romance for feudalism, and the novel for bourgeois society, the media — and especially television — now do for the commodified, bureaucratized world that is our present environment. It is time, now, to look at these processes as they operate in some specific texts. Let us begin with a well-known Budweiser commercial, which tells — most frequently in a format of twenty-eight seconds, though a longer version also exists — the life story of a black man pursuing a career as a baseball umpire. In this brief period of time, we are given enough information to construct an entire life story provided we have the cultural knowledge upon which -this construction depends. The story we construct is that of a young man from the provinces, who gets his "big break," his chance to make it in the big city, to rise to the top of his profession. We see him working hard in the small time, small-town atmosphere of the minor leagues, where the pace of events is slower and more relaxed than it is "at the top." He gets his chance for success - the voice-over narrator says, "In the minors you got to make all the calls, and then one day you get the call" – after which we see him face his first real test. He must call an important and "close" play correctly and then withstand the pressure of dispute, neither giving ground by changing his mind (which would be fatal) nor reacting too vigorously to the challenge of his call by an offended manager. His passing of this test and being accepted is presented through a later scene in a bar, in which the manager who had staged the protest "toasts" the umpire with a bottle of Budweiser beer, with a chorus in the background singing, "You keep America working. This Bud's for you." From this scene we conclude that the ump has now "made it" and will live happily ever after. From a few scenes, then, aided by the voice-over narration and a music track, we construct an entire life. How do we do this? We draw upon a storehouse of cultural information that extends from fairy tales and other basic narrative structures to knowledge about the game and business of baseball. In processing a narrative text we actually construct the story, bringing a vast repertory of cultural 31 knowledge to bear upon the text that we are contemplating. Our pleasure in the narrative is to some extent a constructive pleasure, based upon the sense of accomplishment we achieve by successfully completing this task. By "getting" the story, we prove our competence and demonstrate our membership in a cultural community. And what is the story that we "get?" It is the myth of America itself, of the racial melting pot, of upward mobility, of justice done without fear or favor. The corporate structure of baseball, with minor leagues offering a path for the talented to the celebrity and financial rewards of the majors, embodies values that we all possess, we Americans, as one of the deepest parts of our cultural heritage or ideology. It is, of course, on the playing field that talent triumphs most easily over racial or social barriers. Every year in baseball new faces arrive. Young men, having proved themselves in the minors, get their chance to perform at the highest level. Yale graduates and high-school dropouts who speak little or no English are judged equally by how well they hit, run, throw, and react to game situations. If baseball is still the national pastime, it is because in it our cherished myths materialize - or appear to materialize. The commercial we are considering is especially interesting because it shows us a black man competing not with his body but with his mind, his judgment and his emotions, in a cruelly testing public arena. Americans who attend to sports are aware that black athletes are just beginning to find acceptance at certain "leadership" positions, such as quarterback in professional football, and that there is still an active scandal over the slender representation of blacks at baseball's managerial and corporate levels. The case of the black umpire reminds viewers of these problems, even as it suggests that here, too, talent will finally prevail. The system works, America works. We can take pride in this. The narrative reduces its story to the absolutely bare essentials, making a career turn, or seem to turn, on a single decision. The ump must make a close call, which will be fiercely contested by a manager who is deliberately testing him. This is a story of initiation, in that respect, an ordeal that the ump must meet successfully. The text ensures that we know this is a test, by showing us the manager plotting in his dugout, and it gives us a manager with one of those baseball faces (Irish? German?) that have the history of the game written on them. This is not just partisan versus impartial judge, it is old man against youth, and white against black. We root for the umpire because we want the system to work — not just baseball but the whole thing: America. Jer plotting it successfullsting him. Thiske a close ca For the story to work, of course, the ump must make the right call, and we must know it to be right. Here, the close-up and slow motion come into play - just as they would in a real instant replay - to let us see both how close the call is and that the umpire has indeed made the right call. The runner is out. The manager's charge from the dugout is classic baseball protest, and the ump's self-control and slow walk away from the angry manager are gestures in a ritual we all know. That's right, we think, that's the way it's done. We know these moves the way the contemporaries of Aeschylus and Sophocles knew the myths upon which the Greek tragedies were based. Baseball is already a ritual, and a ritual we partake of mostly through the medium of television. The commercial has only to organize these images in a certain way to create a powerful narrative. At the bar after the game, we are off stage, outside that ritual of baseball, but we are still in the world of myth. The manager salutes the ump with his tilted bottle of beer; the old man acknowledges that youth has passed its test. The sword on the shoulder of knighthood, the laying on of hands, the tilted Bud — all these are ritual gestures in the same narrative structure of initiation. To the extent that we have wanted this to happen we are gratified by this closing scene of the narrative text, and many things, as I have suggested, conspire to make us want this ending. We are dealing with an archetypal narrative that has been adjusted for maximum effect within a particular political and social context, and all this has been deployed with a technical skill in casting, directing, acting, photographing, and editing that is of a high order. It is very hard to resist the pleasure of this text, and we cannot accept the pleasure without, for the bewildering minute at least, also accepting the ideology that is so richly and closely entangled with the story that we construct from the video text. To accept the pleasure of this text is to believe that America works; and this is a comforting belief, itself a pleasure of an even higher order – for as long as we can maintain it. Does the text also sell Budweiser? This is something only market research (if you believe it) can tell. But it surely sells the American way first and then seeks to sell its brand of beer 32 p. 33 by establishing a metonymic connection between the product and the nation: a national beer for the national pastime. An audience that can understand this commercial, successfully constructing the ump's story from the scenes represented in the text and the comments of the narrative voice, is an audience that understands narrative structure and has a significant amount of cultural knowledge as well, including both data (how baseball leagues are organized, for instance, and how the game is played) and myth (what constitutes success, for example, and what initiation is). At a time when critics such as William Bennett and E. D. Hirsch are bewailing our ignorance of culture, it is important to realize that many Americans are not without culture; they simply have a different culture from that of Bennett and Hirsch. What they really lack, for the most part, is any way of analyzing and criticizing the power of a text like the Budweiser commercial — not its power to sell beer, which is easily resisted, especially once you have tasted better beer — but its power to sell America. For the sort of analysis that I am suggesting, it is necessary to recover (as Eliot says) from the surrender to this text, and it is also necessary to have the tools of ideological criticism. Recovery, in fact, may depend upon critical analysis, which is why the analysis of video texts needs to be taught in all our schools. Project #2C Think About Your Future Think about Your Future (25 pts.). Complete a brief paper (1 ½ -2 pages, MLA double spaced) discussing what you might need to do (aside from completing your undergraduate degree) to move from where you are now to where you eventually want to be. What volunteer work, internships, campus activities, etc. could you undertake to make yourself more attractive to a future employer of your choice? What exams or certificates do you need? Will you need to go to graduate school? If so, where? 1st person allowed. MLA format double spaced, (pg. 37 in the reader) for Component C. The final component of Project 2 is a short, 1&1/2 to 2-page discussion (MLA format, double spaced) about what you have to do between now and graduation to get the job you want. Yes, you can use 1st person! Does your chosen profession require you to be in a club or work an internship? Do you need a Master's or a certificate? Do you need to take the MCAT, LSAT, or GRE? Who do you need to speak to that will give you a great letter of recommendation? We all know that when you graduate, no one is going to walk right up to you and offer you a job! What can you do to make yourself stand out from all the others graduating with you? Name Professor Name Course August 4, 2021 Thinking about the Future Pursuing mechanical engineering at San Diego State University has been a gateway to opportunities; it has instilled the thought of becoming attractive to the future employer. Consequently, I have resorted to the act of exploring, planning, preparing, and practicing in my field of specialization. I have been able to explore career options through career and academic research; planning has made it possible to establish the path towards my career objective. Similarly, I have been preparing myself to face the future employer by practicing the interview skills; I have reviewed the frequently asked interview questions in advance. Therefore, this paper presents a discussion on what I might need to do to move from where I am to where I aspire to be careerwise. Since it is strenuous for students to create connections between their coursework and future goals, I might dedicate my free time towards creating and building on a handshake account. Handshake provides leverage as a window to the professional world full of internship, employment, and career opportunities. Despite being uncertain about my career path, handshake might offer essentials features in discovering all kinds of opportunities regarding my area of specialization (Cabell 160). Additionally, I can prepare for my future by joining an engineering organization in the institution since it resonates with my career goals. Through participating in the organization, I can acknowledge that classes barely offer the opportunities to build leadership skills and network like an organization can. Consequently, I presume that participating in an organization is vital in making one's application stand out amongst the rest hence becoming attractive to the future employer. The goal of becoming an expert in mechanical engineering has instilled the thought of finding internship and shadowing opportunities. It has come to my realization that internships can be a window to landing a post-college entry-level job. Consequently, I am looking forwards to invest much of my time in seeking internship opportunities; this can be achieved by consistent research and building a professional network with specialists in mechanical engineering. Additionally, I might have to explore shadowing opportunities in the field of engineering; by associating myself with a firm dealing with mechanical engineering, I can familiarize myself with the workplace, thus encompassing the professional life I am seeking (Cabell 160). Furthermore, considering a graduate school might be the best approach in moving from where I am now to where I eventually want to be. Since pursuing a master’s degree can accrue high wages and enhance competitiveness in the job market, I might need to build a conversation with a career advisor. These advising services can guide me onset in the extensive preparedness for pursuing the divergent path of graduate school (Sen and Aslan). Ultimately, applying for certifications in the field of mechanical engineering might be a greater booster in becoming attractive to the future employer. There are a variety of certifications for mechanical engineers, such as Certified Manufacturing Engineer and Professional Certificate of Competency in Mechanical Engineering. The certification will be essential in building my competence and having a competitive advantage with regard to more job opportunities, job security, and higher job opportunities. It can be concluded that aside from completing the undergraduate degree, there is a need for engaging in various activities and events relating to one's field of specialization. Thinking and planning about the future is a breakthrough in career development; it builds one's competence and provides a competitive advantage over the rest. Work cited Cabell, Autumn L. "Career Search Self?Efficacy and STEM Major Persistence." The Career Development Quarterly 69.2 (2021): 158-164. ?en, D., and A. E. Aslan. "The analysis of creative thinking abilities, personality traits, and values in terms of career development content of university students who have different vocational choices. IV." International Eurasian Educational Research Congress. 2017. Project #2A Company Evaluation Report Company Evaluation Report. This report could be viewed as preliminary research for a future job search for someone in your major. This is in MLA format double spaced, (pg. 37 in the reader) with the addition of step subheadings, not question and answer (no bullet points). Stay 3rd person throughout. Start with a small introduction to the content of the report, then set up the steps as sub-headings, keep each company separate within the steps (Step 1, Step 2, etc.). - 1 paragraph. STEP 1. With your career path in mind, locate three companies that you might realistically envision yourself working for (FBI, NSA, NCIS) or (San Diego Unified District, Sweetwater District, Poway District). They must be the same type of business. See what you can learn about the company by seeing how it represents itself on the Internet. For example, a graphics design firm will likely have an entirely different look and feel to its website than a law firm would. What kind of information is included on the website? Provide a brief summary of what kind of corporate image each company seems to be portraying through their website. Stay 3rd person throughout the entire report, use a MLA heading. (Note: If you plan on starting your own business, you might want to use this assignment to check out your competition! Contact me first). This is 3 separate paragraphs, one for each company. STEP 2. Narrow your search to two out of the three companies based upon your preliminary evaluation. Why did you eliminate one of the three? (1 paragraph) Then in 1 paragraph for each company remaining, attempt to find out about: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The current financial viability of the company; The position of the company in the greater marketplace; The potential for the company’s growth, given its position in the marketplace; The corporate culture (formal, informal, casual Friday?); The non-profit organizations supported by the company; The professional groups or organizations that company employees belong to; The benefits package (401K, health insurance, profit sharing) for employees. STEP 3. Now, narrow your search down to one of the two companies (why did you eliminate one of the two?) 1 paragraph and answer the following questions in 1 paragraph for the remaining company. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is the president’s or CEO’s name? How many people does the company employ? How much do people in this field get paid? How many employment openings are expected in the next year? Five years? What special skills, knowledge, and experience are you expected to have? What might you expect as far as promotion and career enhancement in this company? (Women—pay particular attention here!) 7. What are other important factors you deem necessary to your search (Is the company planning on moving its location? What about commute time, traffic, etc.)? STEP 4. Write a 1 paragraph evaluation to end your report. Put all of the above information into a short report (4-5 pages, MLA double spaced). Remember, this is an analysis that ends with an evaluation. Stay 3rd person throughout. (Total paragraphs for assignment =10) Name Professor Name Course July 28, 2021 Company Evaluation Report Company evaluation refers to the analysis and review of a company to determine how it runs its operations. Company evaluation can be done using various ways, providing distinct and exclusive knowledge on company success (Chou 372). Moreover, company evaluation goes beyond analyzing the financial situation where aspects such as revenue earnings, the value of assets, and cash-flow analysis are emphasized. Studies reveal that it is possible to evaluate a company to determine if it promotes the careers of its employees. Furthermore, evaluating a company is necessary to determine if it can expand and is dedicated to serving its clients (Chou 372). This essay will provide a company evaluation for the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI), National Security Agency (NSA), and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) based on my mechanical engineering field. Step 1 The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) is a federal investigative and intelligence agency that unravels and brings different crimes to light. The federal agency has a versatile representation on the internet depicted by its well-designed website ( The agency shows that its infrastructure is in good condition and can respond to emergency services. In this case, infrastructure refers to the machines and air-conditioning systems in the FBI building (Federal Bureau Investigation). The agency believes machines, such as electric generators and other backup electric devices, are critical for the agency to have a 24/7 surveillance system without power interruption. The information included in the FBI’s website is about how the public can reach the various specific FBI offices in the US. The agency presents itself to the public as a freely accessed federal agency as it provides various contacts the public can use to reach out to specific offices (Federal Bureau Investigation). Alternatively, it presents itself to the public as an agency whose services run 24/7 without mechanical breakdowns; credit to the work done by mechanical engineers. The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency and operates under the US’s defense department. The NSA operates under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence. The NSA displays a national image on its website which shows that it holds the whole country’s intelligence. This agency displays a series of interconnected mechanical connections on its website which show its capability to handle and conduct national intelligence (National Security Agency). The images shown on its website reveal that the agency is mechanically empowered to perfect its national intelligence duties. The movement within the agency is swift because the elevators and escalators are in good condition and these enable intelligence officers to move from one office to another swiftly. The agency provides a national corporate image on its website, where it reveals that it can run intelligence services across the country because of limited mechanical problems experienced within its premises (National Security Agency). Alternatively, the agency shows an image or a picture labeled “AI” which shows that its services are modern and efficient. Mechanical engineers support this technology because they ensure there are limited or no mechanical breakdowns. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) is composed of special agents that lead criminal investigations in a case where an individual’s punishment for an offense is a confinement of more than one year in prison. This investigative agency conducts routine investigations on rape, sexual assault, sexual assault, and burglary, among other crimes (NCIS). These services show that this criminal service agency has its services on the field in more instances than the NSA and the FBI. Mechanical engineers are highly valued in this department because they ensure vehicles are in good working condition to conduct national field operations. The NCIS presents itself on the internet as a ground or field investigative agency. Its website, www.ncis,, shows its agents in various field operations investigating crimes (NCIS). It demonstrates how the mechanical engineering department does a good job of ensuring that the field agents have free and easy movement. The agency presents a positive corporate image to the public by showing it is on the field to collect enough evidence for specific crimes. Step 2 A further evaluation of the three security agencies reveals that the FBI seems to be a unique agency and that is the reason it has to be eliminated. The FBI is a good and one of the successful federal agencies as far as criminal investigations are concerned. However, based on the mechanical engineering field, it has little to do with it. For instance, the FBI relies on internet experts to ensure the services within the agency are smooth (Federal Bureau Investigation). Despite the mechanical engineering docket being critical, it cannot be compared to the remaining two federal security and investigative agencies. NSA’s financial viability is attached to the federal government because it finances its operations and the budget. NSA’s survival depends on the federal government’s dedication to ensure the public’s security is maintained. NSA has a national position in maintaining security (National Security Agency). It has different departments all over the country to guarantee public security. NSA has a huge potential to grow and tighten security in different country sections if the US Department of defense properly manages it. The NSA adopts a formal corporate culture because it is managed through different hierarchies. Since NSA is a federal agency, it is not managed by a non-profit organization. Furthermore, the NSA employs technically intelligent individuals to work in different departments (National Security Agency). For instance, when one is under the mechanical engineering department, he should be technically competent. The security agency provides health insurance to the agents to ensure they are protected if injured on duty. The NCIS financial viability depends on the federal government’s budget allocation. If the government allocates a low budget amount, the security agency can be limited to frequent field investigations and vice versa. Just like the NSA, the NCIS has a national outlook as it investigates crimes throughout the country. NCIS’s potential growth is when it improves its investigation services by involving more sophisticated techniques. This growth depends on the federal government’s support. Alternatively, like the NSA, the NCIS relies on a formal corporate culture because it is managed through hierarchical departments. Furthermore, the NCIS is not supported by a non-profit organization because it is a federal agency. NCIS employs forensic and investigative specialists to assist in the investigation process (NCIS). It also employs mechanical engineers to ensure vehicles and investigation tools do not suffer from mechanical damage. NCIS agents also benefit from health insurance coverage. Step 3 After a further evaluation, the NSA is eliminated because it has an inferior reliance on mechanical engineering than the NCIS. The NSA conducts field operations, but the balance between office and field operations is 50-50. Mechanical engineers are less required than in NCIS because the NSA requires the competency of security agents. NCIS is headed by a federal director appointed by the US Department of Defense. The director is Omar R. Lopez, appointed on 4th June 2019 (NCIS). The NCIS has about 2000 personnel, where around 1000 serve as special agents. There are over 100 mechanical engineers in this agency. The federal government pays people in the mechanical engineering field through the Department of Defense and is paid around $140,761 per year (NCIS). Based on the federal statistics, employment opportunities are announced by the state, but projections reveal there are about 200 employment openings within the next five years. All personnel working in this agency should be intelligent and show high competency levels in their fields. It is expected that women have to further their involvement in mechanical engineering in this department because men are the current dominants in this field within the agency. The other factor necessary for research is determining if mechanical engineers go through intelligence training where they are expected to possess similar skills to those of investigative agents. Alternatively, the other factor for the research is determining if mechanical engineers accompany investigative officials to the field when investigating a crime. Step 4 Based on the above evaluation, the FBI, NSA, and the NCIS require accuracy, competency, and fluency to run investigative and intelligence operations. The bigger picture shows that these federal agencies require investigative and security agents at the expense of other professionals. However, it is not the case because the three agencies require professionals like mechanical engineers to ensure infrastructure and machinery within the agencies are good to drive stable investigations, intelligence, and security services. Alternatively, the efficient operation of these federal agencies depends on the federal government’s commitment to improving its services. Works Cited Chou, Tsung-Yu, and Gin-Shuh Liang. “Application of a fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making model for shipping company performance evaluation.” Maritime Policy & Management 28.4 (2001): 375-392. “Federal Bureau Investigation.” Fbi, 2021, Accessed 25th July 2021. National Security Agency. Nsa.Gov, 2021, Accessed 25th July 2021. NCIS. Ncis.Navy. Mil, 2021, Accessed 25th July 2021. 1 Project #2B Resume and Cover Letter Component B: Resume/Cover Letter. Turn your attention to the present time and place. Even if you are currently working, find a different, specific (better?) position for which you are qualified. Prepare a resume and cover letter targeting the specific job you have chosen. Cover letter= 1st person allowed, Cover letter format, (pg. 41 in the reader). Resume= 3rd person only, no sentences (example= My duties consisted of lots of things like cleaning tables and restocking. Instead write= Cleaned tables and restocked shelves, resume format (pgs. 44 - 45, in the reader). A few things to add to the cover letter: ? Make sure you have additional contact information with the address at the top. List a phone number and email address there or in the last paragraph. Many of you will want to match the heading from your resume to the heading on the letter. This is not required but does look nice! ? Do not just repeat the same information contained in your resume. This is your chance to discuss why you are a great candidate! ? Email addresses are not underlined or in blue. A few things to check in the resume: ? All past jobs are in past tense (managed, worked, assisted, etc.). Current jobs are in present tense (manage, work, assist, etc.) ? Do not list high school or high school activities. 2 Cover Letter Name Address Phone Email August 2nd, 2021 Elizabeth Torry Human Resources Director Walmart Inc 5500 Grossmont Center Dr La Mesa, CA 91942 Dear Ms. Torry: I am writing to apply for the Personal Shopping Manager position that Walmart advertised on the Walmart Careers website. I have been working at the same organization as the Personal Shopping Department, and my professional experience compels me to seek the promotion as a manager for this department. I have the conviction that I have the necessary skis to take on the additional responsibilities. The advertisement states that the job needs an honest and hardworking person and a good time manager. I’m well known for my hard work. I’m equipped with the education and experience to work for the store effectively. I started working as an assistant manager at a 7-Eleven store in 2017. My duties were to supervise workers, helping out clients, and carrying out orders issued by the manager. After that, I was promoted to be a store manager at the 7-Eleven in 2018. I managed employees, minimized cost, budgeting, and forecasting, and maintaining the sales environment. I learned the essence of effective communication, handling clients properly, and promoting customer satisfaction. As for my current personal shopper position, I proved to be hardworking, enthusiastic, and an efficient leader. My prowess has become valuable to several customers who I assisted in building and maintaining cordial relations with the personal shopping faculty. I must admit that I played a critical role in instilling trust in the consumers, making them confident of the company's services. Being a digital personal shopper has been vital in helping me develop social skills such as empathy, relationship management with clients, active listening, conflict resolution, and respect. Working and studying simultaneously for the last four years has assisted me in becoming a result-oriented individual. And I always strive to ensure that the goals and objectives are 3 achieved professionally. Walmart will benefit from my skills in maintaining loyal customers and attracting new ones. Besides, I will uphold high ethical standards going by the nature of personal shopping and provide leadership in all circumstances. Moreover, I will ensure that all subordinates and third parties develop and keep a positive attitude and devotion to meeting consumer needs. I believe that the organization will be a great success for the foreseeable future, and my expertise and dedication will facilitate unrivaled progress and development. My service in the department has familiarized me with the organization and the potential challenges that may arise. I have the conviction that I will be an essential member of Walmart's team. It will be a privilege for me to serve in the company’s fraternity. I have submitted copies of my certificates and other documents alongside the resume. My contact is (000) 020-0000; you can reach me to discuss when the interview can be held to go through my qualifications. I am looking forward to a positive response from you. Sincerely, Signature Name 4 Resume I created my resume following my template, instructions, and format provided by my professor. Project #1B Hampl Letter Write a 2-3-page letter to Patricia Hampl, business letter format (pg. 39 in the reader), single spaced, responding to her article about writing a memoir. How does your experience writing your own memoir validate/question/challenge her claims in "Memory and Imagination"? As you write this letter, you will discuss your own experience as an author of a memoir and cite short quotes from your memoir as evidence for your claims. When you write the letter, consider carefully what Hampl says and discuss the difference between the Narrative Self versus the Reflective Self in relation to your own project. Include 2 quotes from the Hampl reading and 2 quotes from your memoir. First person is allowed. No Works Cited page. Criteria for Evaluation: ? Does your letter demonstrate that you have understood (not necessarily agreed with) Hampl’s ideas? ? Have you utilized your memoir in a way so that appropriate details are presented for this new writing situation? ? Is the language of your letter clear (i.e. easily accessible to the readers), concrete, and appropriate to your purpose (i.e., responding to the author’s claims about memoir)? ? Did you avoid clichés and stilted sentence structures and phrasing? ? Are your grammar problems few enough and insignificant enough that they don’t get in the way of understanding? For instance, is your letter presented in complete sentences? Are subject-verb, pronoun, and verb tense agreement errors rare? Are spelling errors infrequent? ? Do not mention that you are a student and that this is homework. You are a peer that has also written a memoir. Name Address Phone July 20, 2021 Patricia Hampl MN. Office - Department of English University of Minnesota 207 Lind Hall Minneapolis, MN 55455 Dear Madam, I am writing this letter to respond to your article about writing a memoir. My experience of writing my memoir was quite good. In many instances, I found myself writing the truth as far as I could remember. However, memoirs may be a hybrid of both real events but coined with some aspects of imagination and fiction. In my memoir, I tried very much to show the situation and not just tell the situation to the reader. The use of vivid descriptions to describe events and people is something that Patricia Hampl and I engaged in when writing our memoirs. On many occasions, I tried as much to describe the events as they happened. For instance, in my memoir, I write, "There was old engine oil spilled on my cream-colored trousers…." Hampl also vividly describes the events in her memoir in the circumstances such as, “…she was a small plump woman…”. In writing a memoir, one does not necessarily transcribe the information they have. Human memory does not remember everything as it happened. A writer will often find themself adding information not as it happened but would be relatable to what they have written. I would often find myself writing what I imagine conquers what I think my memory would tell me. Just like Patricia Hample explains in her work, I, too, found myself relying on imagination rather than memory in filling in gaps in my memoir. When Hampl describes the sister who taught her how to play the piano, we get a vivid description as if she remembered how Sister looked. “Her oily face gleamed as if it had just been rolled out of a can…." Later, Hampl admits that she does not have a clear image of the girl she is talking about in her memoir. I, too, my memory cannot tell me everything as it exactly happened. I would hence find myself writing what I imagine happened. For instance, in my memoir “The day to forget," I talked about waking up, taking a shower and putting on my best outfit. That was not what happened, but I just did it to make the story look more attractive. The story would not have been more appealing. Perhaps most readers like enthralling stories. Fiction in literature is the form of prose that employs the use of imaginary characters and events. In short, fiction is anything untrue or invented. Fiction is an art that is hard to separate from memoir writing. It reaches a point while writing a memoir one forgets what happened in between particular events. One would not have to end their story or inform the reader that they forgot or cannot tell the part of the story. It would require a memoir writer to be creative and fill the empty part of the story with some unreal instances. They would imagine and fix an instance. In this situation, one forms an instance by integrating their life experiences from what happened to them, their friends, relatives, what they watched or what they had from someone. Fiction also prolongs one’s piece of writing as too short memoirs may not be the way to go. One could find themselves with boring memoirs, and maybe this would not bode with one's target audience. In my memoir "The Day To Forget," I added several fictional instances to prolong the story and capture the emotions of my target audience. As long as I had captured the reader's emotions, I would be sure they would be more interested in reading my memoir more. One such instance is when I talked about going to my girlfriend’s place. I describe the situation as hearing several ambulance siren sounds. A stranger approaches me and begs me to go to an accident scene and take the victims to the hospital. I, however, refuse. The incident never happened. To provide a feeling of unity and purpose in life, an author often finds themselves forming an identity by integrating their life experiences into an evolving life story. Such is the case in memoir writing employing narrative self. However, an individual may write a memoir in a reflective-self approach where they gain the ability to see and evaluate their behavior, emotions, and cognitions. In a reflective self, the author of a memoir often writes about the events taking place as if they were there witnessing the event at that particular time. In my memoir, I try very much to describe the events and processes that occurred so that the reader may get the full picture of my intended message. Creating an identity in a memoir depends on the narrator and the characteristics of the events being described. In her memoir, Patricia Hampl creates the identity of an innocent little girl who is only seven years old and looks up to her father as a role model. "When I was seven, my father…." Hampl begins her memoir. In the instance of adopting a narrative-self approach, the author uses language which accurately describes their personality. When Hampl says regarding Sister Olive, "I trusted her instantly and smiled, glad to have my hand placed in the hand of a woman who made sense…." This choice of words gives the author some insight into the type of personality exhibited by the author. She is a trustful person who feels safe being in the care of a person she feels is responsible. Writing a memoir is like narrating an event. The narration should be vivid to create an image of the real situation to the reader. Your way of writing a memoir is great and I did exactly the same with my memoir. I am sure that my memoir meets all the standards. I am glad I read your article. Now I am confident with everything I put in my memoir. Sincerely, Signature Name Surname 1 Project #1A Memoir Purpose of the Assignment: To give you the experience of how writers must shift the "same" material to shape it to fit a new rhetorical situation. Write a 3 - 3 ½ page memoir (MLA double spaced, (pg. 37 in the reader). Do not write anything that you do not want known. First person is allowed. Do not check with others (siblings, friends, etc.) They may remember things differently and then you are writing their story. Also, there may be a reason you don’t remember things the same way. After you have completed the readings about writing a memoir, you are to write a memoir of your own. Pick one moment in your life. Do not pick a long period of time (All of high school, 1 year, 9 months, etc.). Keep it short - one day, an afternoon, 1 hour. The longer the period of time, the less room for details. Do not get carried away with details (the azure sky lit up the fluffy white clouds making them look like the marshmallows I loved as a child). On the other hand, a lack of descriptive detail will keep the reader from engaging (I walked into the room and sat on a chair). Criteria for Evaluation: ? Does your memoir narrate an event that had strong personal meaning for you? ? Is it coherent and cohesive? ? Is your memoir interesting, with vivid descriptive passages and sharp details? Do not read Hampl before submitting Component A first. Name Professor Name Course 07/14/2021 The Day to Forget On a chilly Monday morning, the tenth day of February 2020, I woke up forty-five minutes late to catch the 7:00 am train to a town that usually takes me to my workplace. That was the first of many misfortunes I was to experience on that uneventful day. I woke up and went straight to the shower, and I told my younger brother to prepare some quick breakfast. I needed some substantial breakfast as I was going to have a pretty busy day ahead. While he was preparing the food, I was finishing up the preparation. That included brushing teeth and dressing up. I looked for my best outfit as I was headed to a crucial meeting in the early hours of the morning. In the evening, thirty minutes past twelve, I scheduled to visit my girlfriend’s parents to deliberate on a few things, among them dowry as we were planning on a wedding. I thus took some fruit juice and the previous night's tortilla and quickly reached to my mini cooper, long unused and due for service as I had no other choice as I had already missed the only daily train to work. I ignited the engine as it is the norm, some ten minutes before I could drive to work, given that I rarely used the car. Though I was late, I had to confirm a few essential things, among them, if the brakes are fully functional. I found they were in the proper condition and immediately drove off. I had not reached far when I noticed I had not carried my smartphone with me. It only meant I get back home quickly as I could not carry out the day's schedule effectively without proper communication. One thing was a mess; I discovered that I had oiled my outfit with the fruit juice I had taken earlier on with tortilla as breakfast in the morning. There was old engine oil spilled on my cream-colored trousers, and this was probably the repercussions of doing things hurriedly. I thus had to change the clothes I did, and it made me feel bad as I knew earlier that I was going to rock the day, now I wore what I did not like. I quickly returned to my old car and figured out how I would now reach my job place, I was already behind schedule, and a particularly rough road short cat came to my mind, and I mulled over the idea of taking the short cat route or the commonly used long route. Because I was already late, I quickly chose the "short route" and drove off. Just about twenty minutes driving just nearby a specific Scripps Mercy hospital, an ambulance drove quickly past me. I told myself may the lord help whomever the ambulance is rushing to pick or be taken to hospital. I drove quickly to at least catch up with time. I heard the ambulance siren sound from a distance, and this sound began to make me feel uncomfortable. It was now eight in the morning, the time the crucial meeting was to start. While I was driving, a stranger stopped me while on the way and pleaded with me to go some three kilometers off my route to help carry accident casualties to the hospital, which I hesitated given the circumstances. Increasingly I heard ambulances, and I just drove to where the stranger had told me. What I saw was horrific; a passenger van had been involved in a grisly accident trying to avoid a train at a road-railway crossway. Those who witnessed the scene narrated that the passenger van driver approached the crossway speedily and could not control the van once the train approached fast, thus losing control. Only three people survived, all with severe injuries. (I later established it was the train I was to board earlier on). I, however, left and hurried to at least catch up with the last parts of the meeting to at least make an appearance. It is said better late than never. I reached the boardroom meeting to find a member closing with a word of prayer. I apologized for getting late though I had informed them I would be late; the manager pardoned me with a warning letter that I appreciated. I was now just an hour, and I was supposed to be at my to-be in-laws. I decided to do some urgent office work for some 30 minutes. I grabbed some quick lunch and rushed to the meeting with my to-be in-laws. I did the intended work and rushed to my old car, intending to have some fifteen-minute lunch. I thus grabbed my car keys, went to the car, and tried to set off, only for me to discover it had a deflated tire. At this point, I borrowed my friend's car as mine would now take time to fix the spare tire. The meeting at my girlfriend's place was to be held now in five minutes as we had scheduled, and it was to deliberate on the wedding, we had to discuss the dowry, wedding date and get a few counsels. As I was just about one ten minutes to the place, I received a call and I had to get to the side of the road to receive the call. I was reaching for my phone to answer the call but it got cut off. Then a message followed shortly “Laurah involved in an accident and severely injured, admitted at Scripps Mercy hospital” the message was from Mary Laurah, my girlfriend's mother. I felt shortness of breath and worn up. Everything was astray. Laura's cousin was on the same route I was. I told him to drive me to the said hospital as my mental condition was fit for me to drive, which he did, and we were at the said hospital in a short while. Upon reaching the hospital reception, I borrowed a bottle of cold water as I felt it would reduce the feeling I had. I had forgotten mine in my car that I had since left at the workplace's parking lot. We then headed straight to the casualty ward, where we were now the family and a few friends of hers, all I wanted was to see my life partner. A nurse informed us she was seriously injured and needed to be operated on; thus, we could not see her. We were informed to wait for a few hours and report the severity of her injuries. Hours went by, and we were called into a room. The nurse informed us that one of Laurah’s legs was seriously cut, and she will be amputated; this was the last news I would have loved to listen to on that day. I was devastated.

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