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1. Organizational Diversity


My organization is a consultancy firm specializing in green tech, with our headquarters in the heart of Riyadh and branches all over the kingdom. Our primary service is providing consultation services to a wide range of clients around the world, varying from private businesses to huge government organizations. Additionally, we assist them in maintaining a viable business model with the least amount of waste whilst also reducing their adverse impacts on the environment and raising awareness of environmental issues. For each division of our company, there are 4 directors who each supervise 8 staff members, with the exception of our head office in Riyadh, where we have a CEO and upper administration comprised of directors, human resources management, and an accounting office that assists other branch offices in making major decisions.

Our most valuable assets are our experts in the field of green tech; we have convinced highly skilled workers from different nationalities & cultures to leave their previous employers because they recognize the prospects of our field in the years ahead, in addition to our widely respected team of experts in the field. The transition in the Saudi government's VISION 2030 plan, which designates Riyadh as the primary business center, has influenced our decision to locate our head office there. Along with being King Abdallah's financial center, it is also the location of the head office of the majority of the world's leading corporations. Other divisions have been established in Jeddah and Dammam as a result of the presence of major government initiatives in those urban centers, which necessitated the hiring of committed professionals with extensive project expertise.


The advantages of workplace diversity are enormous. It promotes efficiency, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and eliminates bias in the workplace. It also benefits the company image, among other things. Employee morale and productivity both benefit from a diverse workplace. They offer their own unique perspective to the table. These kinds of tools enable organizations to look at a problem or activity from a number of perspectives. It gives them a better understanding of a diverse range of customers.

This results in increased effectiveness and growth, which boosts employee productivity. It is also possible to be more creative and inventive when an organization has a diverse workforce. In addition to stability, diversity training is a powerful tool in the fight against discrimination. It's also a great chance for a business to grow. It is impossible to overestimate the value of workplace diversity in developing a favorable business image. Therefore, the company and its employees gain from increased competitiveness and equal opportunities.

In an attempt to better integrate people from different backgrounds into an organization's structure, diversity management includes specific initiatives and tactics. Firms are employing diversity management approaches as a consequence of the increasing diversity of the workforce around the globe.

Managing diversity in today's workplaces is critical. A better-functioning teamwork, happier employees, and increased profitability are all possible outcomes of workplace diversity. Businesses may obtain the benefits of a more diversified workforce in a variety of ways. Shifting demographics, internationalization, and digitization have all contributed to the rise of workplace diversity, which may help businesses better understand their customers varying needs.

Despite the many advantages, promoting diversity poses a number of difficulties. Companies may be cautious to embrace a global workplace for a variety of reasons; Every worldwide business suffers communication obstacles in phrasing and accent, even among speakers of the same tongue, like English, could cause misunderstandings between native English speakers and non-native English speakers. People from these regions may only be able to decipher a language's meaning if they are fluent in that tongue. Additionally, even if the person is not aware of it, some phrases could potentially be misunderstood as an insult.

Employees may be using preconceptions as a justification for not engaging with their colleagues, instead of trying to engage and understand each other. Criticism against certain cultures, beliefs, and ethnicities are far worse. This could lead to seclusion and disconnected teams, which could swiftly develop into disturbances in the staff knowledge transfer procedure.

If there is a diversity program in place, each staff member is able to get exposure to the world of the other members of the team. As a result, they may grow in their knowledge of one another over time, which can result in improved interaction for the team as a whole. Team effectiveness increases as a result of improved communication among members.









2. Organization Structure


An organizational structure provides a reporting hierarchy for each job within an organization, and allows the organization to meet its goals. For a consulting firm such as ours, the structure is often developed to allow each business unit the ability to function without affecting other areas of the organization.

We have chosen the organizations structure to be a simple and flat organizational structure. A flat organization structure has few levels of management between the workforce and the highest-level manager. The absence of middle managers places more authority such as decision making functions at the worker level.

In a flat organizational structure the workers will report directly to higher-level managers. This means that the role of middle-managers is shared between the workers and the higher-level managers. It can also be more efficient for the organization to not have various levels of bureaucracy.

The main functional areas of our business are :

· Leadership – The big picture of the company is established, vision is established, structure is set, people are placed,etc

· Marketing – Where clients are brought in, served and welcomed into the community

· Finance – Money matters such budgets and cash flows are tracked.

· Legal – where agreements and contracts are reviewed.


Let’s look into each position more briefly,

1. CEO- The CEO is the architect of the business that created high level value repeatedly. This role has two parts. There is the main visionary of the business and the main operator of the business.

The visionary side of the CEO is looking into the duture for new growth opportunities to expand the company’s main message.

The Operational side of the CEO is thinking short term and looking for efficiencies in day-to-day operations.




2. Marketing- Marketing department is a vital asset for any company as they are the reason, we have clients and if we don’t have clients we don’t have a business. Clients create the revenue that affords for every functional area in the business.

Our marketing department mainly comprises of a client generation leader and a client success leader.

Client generation role is to attract prospective clients and client success role is to make sure the clients are on-boarded, served, and concluded in the right way

3. Finance- The finance department tracks all the money flowing the firm. It deals with budgets and cash flows, etc.

4. Legal- The Legal department makes sures the agreements are beneficial for both sides, legal team makes sure we are protected from potential lawsuits.


There are many possible structures that can be implemented in our company if the need arises in the future, such as the matrix structure which is a combination of functional and divisional structure. The benefit of this structure is that it allows decentralized decision making, greater autonomy and more inter-departmental interactions which ultimately leads to greater productivity and innovation. However, it has its downsides such as the costs and leads to conflicts among various departments.

A hybrid structure is also suitable for our company which is quite similar to the matrix structure. In this structure the activities are divided into departments which are either functional or divisional.

Choosing a structure is a crucial step in running a business efficiently so we have chosen a flat organizational structure for our company for the following reasons:

1. Flat Structure lowers operational costs

In a flat structure, decision making occurs at the staff level; it doesn’t proceed from executives down to the rank-and-file. Employees in a flat organizational structure are given significant authority with little to no supervision. This means you don’t have the expense of hiring mid-level and low-level managers. You can use that money for other important aspects of your business such as marketing and advertising. Flat structures typically eliminate all managers except executive-level managers, so you can run a leaner operation and get more out of your staff, which increases productivity relative to the number of people you employ.


2. Flat structure improves communication

One of the disadvantages of a tall organizational structure is the slow rate of communication due to the number of management layers between executives and staff employees. In a flat structure, executives and staff members communicate directly with one another without having to go through intermediaries. This not only speeds up communication, but it also makes the communication clear and understandable because clarity suffers when more people are involved in the communication process.


3. Flat structure reduces micromanaging

When a company has multiple managers, there is a tendency for those managers to micromanage every detail of the daily tasks that staff members must complete. Micromanaging can hinder creativity because employees feel as if they can’t make any moves without being criticized. Micromanaging also stifles efficiency. The lack of trust that managers show for their subordinates often slows the work process when they must approve everything before employees can keep working on a project.


4. Flat structure improves employee motivation and satisfaction

Employees in a flat-structured organization have the authority to implement their ideas and their way of doing things as long as they produce the desired results. This empowerment not only increases productivity, but it also boosts staff motivation. When workers feel as if they are trusted, they are motivated to do their best and to use all their skills and talent in service to their company. Motivated employees are happier employees, which improves job satisfaction, and most importantly, elevates staff member buy-in.


3. Organizational Culture

A simple definition of organizational culture is, it’s a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations.

The organizational culture definition relates to the structure of an organization such as a company or non-profit and the values, sociology, and psychology of that organization. Some examples of organizational culture include philosophy, values, expectations, and experiences.

Culture is a very important aspect of our green tech-based consulting firm, and we try to improve subtly every so often so we can remain one of the more prominent consulting firms in this field.

Our company is a very Adaptable one, due to our small number of specialized employees, each worker must be at least competent in 2 to 4 aspects of the job, and to be innovative enough to solve problems and take risks to achieve the goals of the organization.

In terms of attention to details our company is a lot like most other companies where the attention to detail varies inversely with authority, where the higher the position the more the manager demands reports to be as concise as possible.

As we are a firm looking to increase the awareness to the environment through the use of green technology, we are moderately results orientated due to the importance of the results we look for, we focus on the method the results were achieved through but do not have a set process or procedure. All organizations in our field create important effects on this world we live in, thus our actions affect all people, inside or outside the organization.

Our employees most often work in pairs to achieve maximum competence and efficiency, this makes us very team oriented, we focus on creating teams of 2 compatible people with complementary work ethics and values, creating great team cohesion and better performance.

We are extremely invested in keeping our workers highly motivated, as it’s a booming market we need to satisfy our highly skilled workforce, to keep them within our firm. All of the workforce in our firm must have high standards in work ethics, values, Integrity, and performance to keep being one of the best firms in Green Technology.


Our main priority as a consultancy firm in the green technology, or going green movement is awareness of the environment and the effects organizations’ actions have on it, we try to minimize the harm done to it while maximizing its growth unimpeded. Its also important to achieve this in the most ethical and righteous way. To do this we as an organization make all employees attend a training workshop in the ethics and of the matter, we also frequently review our organizational ethics guidelines with the help of an ethics officer, to update and improve them to then be distributed to employees. The CEO is a great role model for the employees as he constantly displays ethical behavior, encourages it, and rewards and punishes employees according to their ethical behavior.


As our organization has a flat structure, we have generally low formalization, with low formalization comes little rules and regulations. Our Dominant culture counters this disadvantage, as it’s internalized in all our employees, from the lowest level to the CEO. It is extremely in favor of employees being on time, ethics guidelines must be followed, no employee should take an important decision without referring to higher management, team morale must be maintained, Integrity must stay intact, among other rituals.

Due to the small number of employees in this booming industry if a candidate is not compatible with our culture, then we may never be able to make use of him, thus making it harder to recruit employees to our organization. As a dominant culture may be a barrier to diversity and change, we find it hard to balance both, having a diverse workforce and a dominant culture, however with socialization and our efforts to keep morale high and include employees in all aspects of the work, we believe to have achieved harmony between the 2 opposite factors.


4. Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning is important to every organization in order to develop strategy to match the skills and size of the work force. Choosing the right people at the right time with the right capabilities is very important for an organization especially for a consultancy business since these people will be representing our organization to various organizations (Robert L. Mathis, 2010). It is important to forecast HR. supply and demand in order to always have adequate and skilled employees. Human resource planning allows companies to be able to develop the skills that are valuable for an organization and filter out the best employees in the labor market and since Riyadh is the heart of Saudi Arabia when it comes to businesses it is important to have staff that has the necessary skill sets that meets the requirements of the business. Better industrial relations are very important to consultancy firms and firms that have to deal with other firms need to have communication, motivation and should be emotionally intelligent. Human Resource management makes it easier to identify people who share the same values and visions which make the firm as a whole to have a common objective. This way the employees and the business would be working towards one common goal which will help the business grow (Goddard, 2020).

Human Resource Plan

Human Resource Management for the green technology business is crucial for the success of the business. The aim of this firm is to reduce the harmful effects of the environment and aid companies while raising awareness about minimizing waste and maintaining a sustainable business.

Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of team members of the green technology project will have a major part in the firms overall success. Team members must be able to understand the aim of the project and be able relate to the cause the firm is supporting and working on, the cause is “raising awareness about the environment and minimizing the harm that is done to the environment because of waste products which are released from private and government sector business.

Director (Positions: 4): The directors are required to supervise the employees and make sure employees are knowledgeable about the project and are working efficiently. The directors would be informed about all the decisions that are being made and would be consulted before any decision making. The directors would be directly answerable to the CEO.

Consultant employees (Positions: 4): The employees should have the same vision as the company and should be able to understand the aims and objectives of the firm. Being emotionally intelligent and having social skills are a critical requirement.

Accounting officer (Positions: 2): Will manage all the accounts of all the departments.

HR. Manager (Position: 1): Will work closely with all the employees and train them while making sure the staff understands the aims and objectives of the firm well.

All members must work closely with each other in order to ensure the economic growth of the firm and supervise and consult each other according to their positions.

HRM Plan

1. Fulfill human resource needs.

2. Recruiting the right people at the right time.

3. Deep and adequate training.

4. Determine pay scale and rates.

5. Appraise performance.

Human Resource Information System

· Workforce Planning subsystem

· Performance Appraisal

· Potential Appraisal

· Training

· Career Planning

· Organizational Development

· Rewards

· Counseling

· Quality Circle

· Role Analysis

· Recruiting subsystem

· Workforce management subsystem

· Compensation subsystem

· Benefits Subsystems

· Environmental reporting subsystem

· Employee Benefits



Benefit management



Applicant tracking



Employee Benefits






Time and attendance



Performance management

Environmental reporting subsystem



Data processing subsystem



Compensating system



HRIS Database

Human research subsystem



Benefits system



Workforce management system

HR Intelligence system

Recruiting system




Workforce planning system



HRIS software offers a centralize storehouse of the employee master data which is needed to complete core human resource processes (Marson, 2020) .The employees will have set database which will represent their duties and the will have attendance systems which will mark their attendance and work time. The database will store all the employee information including names, date of birth, address, work permit and all the other information about employee and his background. HRIS software will also develop reports and provide analytics. Workflows would be generated, theses workflows can be mobile and employees can check the changes made to this workflow easily. The information stored in HRIS is secure and private and only employees related to that information can reach it. Human Resource Information System enables the management to serve HR needs by providing inclusive set of HRM functionalities.



HRIS adoption


Human dimension

· Innovativeness of senior executives

· IT capabilities of staff

Environmental Dimension

· Competitive pressure

· Technology vendor Support

· Government regulations and support

Organizational Dimension

· Relative advantage

· Top management support

· Centralization

· Formalization

· Perceived cost


Technological dimension

· IT Infrastructure

· Compatibility

· Complexity

HRIS Adoption

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